� i
<br /> �; , �
<br /> € :� :�
<br /> �.,;- _ �.-°�°
<br /> �� - �
<br /> not extend or postpone t.he due dafe of' tl�e n�onthl�- instnlhi�ents refcrred to in parngrapiis 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> chango the amount of sucli installmenta
<br /> '1D. $orrower 1�ot Released. Lxtension of the time for ��aymenf, or modific3tion of amortization of the sums
<br /> secured by this 1�Iortgage granted by I.endei• to an,y �uccessor iu interest of Borrower shall noti operate to release,
<br /> in any mantier, the liability- of tl�@ original Bormwer nnd Borro���cr:: successors in interest_ Lender shall not be
<br /> required to commence proceeaings against sucii sUccessor or reiuse to exfei�d time for payment or otlierwise modify� ; �
<br /> stnoitization of the sunis secured by tiais \iortga�c by a•eason of ntiy dem� n<i made by the original Borrower and
<br /> � ' Borrozver's successors iti interesb. ,
<br /> i 21. Forb+earance by Lender Not a `Waiver. Any forbearauce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy r<
<br /> C l�ereunder, or othenvise afforded by ap��licable la�v; shall not be a �s�ai:�er of oi• precIude the exercise bf any right
<br /> � ¢� or remedy hereunder. The l:irocurenient of insuTnnce oi• the 1>ayment 'of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> G';: ' shall'not be �. waiver of Lender's riglrt to accelerate the maturity oT tlie indebtedness secure�l Ly this �Zort�age.
<br /> E , � �r' 12. Remediea Cumulative. ' Ali 1•emedies pro\�ided in tliis ASortgage are distuict and curnulative to any other
<br /> � �„� right or remec3y,under this \Iox-t.�age oi• .nffoi�deii I>�• la�+� or irquit,y�, and may t�c exercised concurrently, inde�end- r
<br /> + �,;� ently or successively. "
<br /> ! � I3. Suceessors and Assigas Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The co�•eniints and' agreements x
<br /> � herein contained skiall Gind , and the rights hereundet• shall inure to, the respectivc suecessors snd assigns of Lender ; .
<br /> and Borrower, suUject to t;he provisions of j�aragraph 17 hereof. All covenants und sgreements of Bon•ower shall
<br /> f be joint and severssL The captions and he;adings of ll�e �taragraphs of tl�is \Tortgage are for convenience only and
<br /> 5 ' are not to be used to interpret or define the I�rovieion. liereof. + `
<br /> I4. Notice. Any notice to Borro�vei• pi•ovidcd for in tlii� \f�rt�age sliall i�e �iven by ivailin�; �uc[� notice by
<br /> certified txiail addressed to Borro�ti�er at the Yropei•ty Addres� >t.xted bclotie , e�cept for any notice required under
<br /> pur�gr�ph 18 hereof to bc given 'to Borro�xer in the inanner 1 >rrsci•ibed by �.��plicul�le la�ti�. Any notice provided
<br /> � � forin this� ��tortgage shall be deeu�ied to l�avc � becn given to Borrow�er �+-hen given in tl�e manner deai�nated herein. F'�
<br /> ; 15; - Uxuform Mortgage; Goveming Law; Severability. This forai oP �uortgage combines ur�iform covenants
<br /> y` for national use and non-uniform covenants �vitl� limited ��ariaCions by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- i '
<br /> rityinstrument covering real propert.y. This \Sortgage shall l�e governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> � the Property is located. In the event that any provision m• clause of ttiis ,lZortgage or the 1Vote con8icts with
<br /> applicsble ]a�v , such conflict shall not flffect otl�er provisions of this \Iortgage or tl�e Note which can be given
<br /> effect without the conRicting provision ; and to t.his end the provisions oS t {�e tiortgage and t3ie Note are declared f '
<br /> �� tobeseverable.
<br /> : 16. Bonower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisl�ed a conformed copy of this n2ortgage at the time of execu- °
<br /> ; Gion or after recordation hereof. i
<br /> 17_ Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> r or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior writien consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this A4ortg�ge, ( b ) the creation of .� purcha,e �noney security interest for household appli-
<br /> r ancee, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la�e upon the death of a joint tenant or (d } tl�e, grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purcl�3sc, Lender tnay , at Lender's option,
<br /> � �3eclare all the sums secured by this Vlortgage io bc iinir�ediatel�� duc and payable. Lender st�atl hnve �vaived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tlie sale or transfer, Lender snd the >>erson to �vhom the Property is to Ue sold or
<br /> ;; transferred reach agreement in �vriting that the credit, oi sucl� person is satisfactory to I.ender and that the interest
<br /> j paya6le on the surns secured by this Viorigage shall be :at such ratc as Lender sl�all request. If Lender has wsived
<br /> ithe option to a.ecelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if I3orirower's successoi• in interest l�as executed a ivrit-
<br /> ; ten sssumption agreeinent uccepted in writing by Lender, Lender shall rele�se Borro�ver from all obligations under
<br /> � this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> � If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shnll �uail Borrower notice of accelerntion in accordance
<br /> ' ? witli paragraph 14 hereof. Sucli notice sliall providi. a period of not less tl�� n 30 duys from the dat.e tt�e notice is
<br /> , ' mi�iled within which Borrower muy pay the suins declared due. If I3orro�rer £ails to pay sucl� sums prior to the
<br /> ` expiration of such period, Lender may , �t�ithout further notice or dernand on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> � ' irox-'(?xiFoxM GOVENA:�T&. BQ1'1'O\�'CI' ii77C� I.eiidei• f'urtlzer coveiiant and agi•ee. as follo��•s :
<br /> � 18. Acceleratioar Remedies Eacept as pro�•ided in p.aragra��h 17 I�ereof, u��on 13orro«�er's trreach of any
<br /> � k covenant or agreement of Bon•owcr in this �Iortg:ige, ineJuding tl�c covenants to �ii�y u�hen due any suins secured
<br /> � by t.his \Zortgage, Lencler prior to accelerat,ion slial ! niriil notire. to l3orro���er as ��rbvidcct in paragrapli 14 hereof .
<br /> k specifying: ( 1 ) the ' �reacl� ; (2) the action requirect to cure such brcacl� ; ( 3 ) a duie , not. less tl�an thirty dstys
<br /> � from ttie date tl�c notice is maile<l to 13orro�ter, b�• �cl �ic6 �uch bre;icli inust be ew•ed ; and (4 ) tl�nt failure fo cure.
<br /> � such, breach an or before the date specified in the noticc �nx,y result in accelei�ation of the su�us secured by this
<br /> � blortgage iind sale of the Property. Tf the breach is not cured an or before the slat.e sperified in the notice, Lencier
<br /> at Lender's option � i»ay declare all of the nuui� secui•e�d by tliis \1ort�agc to be iinu�ediatcl,y due �tnd payable
<br /> withoutfurther demand and may foreclose tl�is \4ortguge by juc9icial proceeding. Len<�er shxll be entiileil to coitect
<br /> ' in such proceeding all expenses of foreciosm•c, inclu�ling, hut not ] imitec9 to , cost� of dorumentary evidence,
<br /> abstrncts and title reporCs.
<br /> } 19_ Bonowei s Right to Reinatate. .1ott�•ithstanding Lender'e ��eceleration of the auins secured b,y tl�is
<br /> ' k Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to hace any proceeding, begun by Lencier to enfarce this :�fortg�ge die-
<br /> ! continued at any time prior to entry of n judgment enforcing this '_4lortgflge if : (r� ) Borro«�er pa,ys I.endes all
<br /> sums whichwould be then due under this �iort�;age, thc Note nnd notes securing Future Adr�ance� ; if any , had no
<br /> z' acceleration occurred ; (b ) Borro�ver ' curec nll brcuches of any ot6ei• cocenunts ur a�;rcenients of Borrower cun-
<br /> E tained in this :VlOrtga�e ; ( cl Borrower pnyc all ren�onahli� exra�n.�s inrurm�i hv L�nrje�r in �•nfnrrin�; the covcnant�
<br /> i and agreements of Borrower contained in this � lortgtiy;e :ind in t:nforcing Lrn�ier's irmedie, �., provided in parn-
<br /> graph-E8 hereof, including, but not limited to, reasonsble atloi•ney's fee; : aiid 1ct ) Borrower fakes such uction as
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to assure that the licn of tliis \fortgage . Lender's interest in the Property and
<br /> - i BorTower's obligstion to pay the sums secured by t:l�i� .l�Iortga�e �hall continue unimpaired . Z1pon such pa��ment
<br /> and cure by Borrowex, this D4ortgage and t3ie obligations secareci l�ereb�• shall remain in ful! force and effect as ii _ �" ' =`�; '
<br /> : no acceleration 2�ad occarred. � a ` �. ,�.
<br /> 20: Aesigsitne� of Rants; Appoiatment af Receiver: Leader in Posaession. �s addit4onal security here- �� ' �
<br /> under, Borrower hereby assSgns to Leuder tl�e rents of tlie Property, pro��ided tliat Borro�cer sliall , prior to acceler- ,',���,
<br /> �� ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of tlie Property, havc the rigl�t to collect and retain such rents is�;,,",
<br /> , ;' ' as they beco.me.due and p$yable. ';;. „
<br />� � . uSTOi� RCCP�Pf3.+2022 . 11P.C:22"y)S.I'3y�^i3�J�: 1.� }:C:L'Cf.. (l: �I .1`.:2AC�.0I' ,i;CLI� Gi :.tiC Z�iG�.]Cl':'y, i.ii'i4e1', iti �i�l'aC�il� ��' itg�Ilt .
<br /> or hy jaadiriRily apP�int;e� receiver ehe?1 hc entitled tn enter v;�en , t 1 ^ pose: sio:: of ::nd r.;anagc thc� Propert�-
<br /> ' and to colleot the rents of the Property, including those past due. All rents collectecl Frv Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be; appiisd 'first Lo psymentpf the costs of ananagement of tiie Pro{�erty and collection of rents, including, but
<br /> not limited to, rece#ver's fees, premiums on receiver's bond� and reasonable att.ornev 's feea, and then to the curn�
<br /> � secured by this Mortgage: Lender and the receiver shall be linhle to account oniti� for those rents actunlly received .
<br /> ' r -- _ _._ ., i �
<br />