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<br />� ' � �`
<br />�e �. . �,��'" {.
<br />� . � . � . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . � � � � ;`a:.:�� � � . � � i
<br />�: � � �� _ . . . . . . . . . . _�..,� � � �,
<br /> not extend m� postpone tl�e due date of ttie iuontlil}• inst:illmente referi•ed to in paragraphs l and 2 hereof oi•
<br /> chunge tlie au�om�t of sueh installn�ents.
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Releasad. Extension of the time Sor pa,yment ar �nodificat.ion af amortization of tUe sums
<br /> secured by this lYlortgage granted Ly l.endei• to any successor in interest of Borro�ver shall not operate to release,
<br /> in any snnnner, the liability o€ the originul 73orrower ancl 13orro��•ci's successors in interest. I.ender shati not be
<br /> required to comnience ��roceedings against sucli successor or refuse to extencl time for payment or other�vise modify
<br /> � :�mortizaiion of the sums secured by t6i� \ Iortgsge by reason o% any demand ivade by the original liorrower and
<br /> Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> i lf:' 11 . Forbearance by Lender Not a Waivea Any forbearance by Lender in exeroising any right or remedy
<br /> *—` hereunder; or otherwise afforded by applicable la,n•, shall not be a tisai�er oC or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> C� or remedy hereundei•. The procurement of insurance or the payment of tuzes or other liens or char�es by Lender ' '
<br /> C'' shall not be u w�iver of Lender's right to accelerate the ' mat.urity of the iudeUtedness secured by this Moctgage.
<br /> G: 12. Remedies Cumulative. Al! 1•emedies l�rovideil in tliis 1lortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> �.:' right or remedy under t.his �iorigage or afforded li}• la�v or equity, and mt�y be ekercised concuTrently , independ=
<br /> ently or successively:
<br /> � 13. Successors and Rssigas Bound; loint mid Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreement5
<br /> � herein contained shall Uind, and the righis liereunder shalt iiiure to, thc respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> andBorrower, subjectto the provisions of parngraph 17 ItereoC �11 covenncrts :�nd agree:nents of Borro�;•er sliall
<br /> be joint and se��erul. 'I'he captione and hendings of the psragra�ilis of tl�is .11ortgage are for convenience onty and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or define tlie provisions LereoC.
<br /> 14. Notice. Any notice to Borrotiver pro�•ided for in thi� \tortgage shttll be given by mailing such notice by
<br /> certified ii�ail addressed to I3orro�ver at thc Properfy ?,ddress stated he�o«•, excePt for any notice reqnired under
<br /> paragraph 18 hereof to uc given to I3orro�cer in the �nanner pre�m•ibed by applic�ble law. Any notice provided
<br /> for in this \fortgagc shssll be cleemed to ha�•c been given t.o I3orrower ��-Lcn gicen in the manner designated herein.
<br /> i 15. Unitorm Mortgage; Goveming Law; Severability. Tl�i� form of morig� ge combines uniform covenants
<br /> for nationul use and non-unifonn covenants �vitli litnited variations by jurisdietioi� to constitute a tmiform secu-
<br /> rity instrauient covering real property, This \iortgage shsll be governed by the la��� of thc jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located . In the event that any provision or ctause of t]iis Mortgage or the Ir'ote conflicts with
<br /> applicable law, such conflict shr�ll not affect. other provisions of this \lortgage or the Note which can be given
<br /> effect without tlie conflicti�ig provision , and to thi, end the pi•ovisions of the �tortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> + to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished n conformed copy of this Dlortgage at the titne of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Transferof the Property: Assumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> '`, or trsnsfeTred by $orrowe!• witliout Lender's prior writ 'ten consent , excluding (a ) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this 3lortgage, ( b ) the creation of s �>urchase money security interest for housel�old appli-
<br /> ances, (c ) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la��• upon t}�e deatl� of a joint tenant or ( d) the_ grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br /> ; declare ail the suins secured by this Mortgage to be im�nediately due � nil payable. Lender shall liave waived euch �
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale or ta�ansfer, Lender and tl�c person to whom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reach agreement iu writi�� that tl�e credit of sucl� person is satisfsctory to Lender and that the interest
<br /> � ; payable on tl�e sums secured by this 1lortgage shall be at such ratc as Lender sl�all requesi. If Lender has waived
<br /> the option to acceleraite provided in this paragrapl� 17 and if $orrowei's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> ten assuniption t�greement uccepted in writing by Lender; Lender sh�ll rcle�se Borro�ti�er from a,ll obligations under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises such uption to accelerate, Lender shall .nail Borrower notice of accelerntion in accordance
<br /> �vith paragraph 14 hereof . Such noticc sl�all provide a period of not le�� thiin 3U days from thc date the notiee is
<br /> inailed within which I3orro�aer inay pay tlie suuis declared due_ If Borro���er fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> ; expiration of such period , I.ender may , n,ithout fwKl�ei• noticc or dem� nd on Bm•rower, invoke uny reniedies per-
<br /> ,
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> \'ox-lixiFosaz Cov�xarTs. Borro�ver atid Lendei• f'ui•tl�er covenant and arree a5 follo�v'� : ;
<br /> 18. Aceeleration; Remedies. Fxcer�i as pi•o�-ided in � �ai.zgra� � li 17 hereoi , upon Borrower's brencli of any
<br /> cuvenunt or a�reement of Rorro«�er in this 11m•f�a�e , ineluding tlic co��enante ta ��ay «•6en duc �ny sums secured
<br /> by t.liis \ Sortgage, Lendei• prior to :icceler��tio�i :l �uil m:�il notice to I3os•ro�vc•r as ��i•o�•ided iii pnragrupi� 14 hereof
<br /> ;
<br /> specifying : ( 7 ) the breacl� ; (2 ) the action requireci to cure sucl� br•each ; 13 ) a datc , not ]ess thnn tliirty days
<br /> frorr� the date thc notice is mailed to I3orro���er, Ir1� �chich �ucli hrc�,tcli tnust bc cured ; and (4 ) thac Pnilurc to cure
<br /> suet� breach on or befom the date specitieci ir� tlie noticc may result in accclerution of the swn� secured by this � � � �
<br /> 'vlortgx�;e and sale of tkie Property. If tl� e breatcli iy not cured on or before ihe dxY.c sNeeified in tlie notice, Lender � � �
<br /> at I,ender's option tnay declure �II af tha: sums secured l,y tliis \lortgage to he immediately due and payable
<br /> � without further dema»d and may foreclose this :�Zortgag� by ,tudici�l proceeding. Lender shtill I'�e entitled to collect � � � � �
<br /> in auch piroceeding all expenses of foreclosurc , inclueling, but not limited to, cost� of docwnentary e�•idence ,
<br /> aUstracts and Citle reports .
<br /> 19. Boaoweis Right to Aeinstata. 1'ot«' ithstanding I.ender'c :iccelcration ot the sume secured by this
<br /> Mortgage , Borrower shall have tlte right to ha��e any� procecdings begun hy Lender tu enforcc this �fortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a jucigment. enfoTcing this '�fortg:ige if : tal Borrower pays Lender all
<br /> sums which would be then due under thi, Jfortgagr, the �ote nnd notes securin�; Future Aclvxnces , if any , hnd no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; ( b1 Borrower r,ure. ;tll breache. of am• o[ her ro�•entints m• a�reecuents nf $orrower con-
<br /> tsined in this :14ortg�ge ; ! c ) T3errower pa}•s a!1 reaeanal,lc cx��c . . . rrcd ! ��� Lc^dc^ in rnforri::t; i!ie ca�•e.^.ants
<br /> and agreements of Borrower cont.ained in ihis � iortg,ige .+ nci iu cn (qrcing Lender's re�nedies a, provided in para-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited fo, reasonable attorney 's iees ; and tc91 BorroK�er takes such action as
<br /> Lender may reasonaUly require to assure lliat the lien of this \Iortgagc, Lender '� intcrest in the Property and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to F�ay the sums secured hy thi� liortga�c: �I�atl continuc� unimpaire�l. L?pon such Payment,
<br /> and cnre by Borrower, this Mort,�age and thc obligat�ons ::ecured l�ereb�� �hnll remain in full foir.e and effect xs if ' ^*:�F.� � ,'z,,
<br /> no aceeleration had occurred. r ' 'k; „,
<br /> 20. Aasigament of Renis; Appointmant af Receiver; Lender in Possession_ As additional security here- -;� � �
<br /> � under, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property , provided thnt Borron�er shall , Prior to acceler- +� ,: .
<br /> ation under paragraph 18 hereof oc aUandonment of tLe Property, h���e the. rigl�t to collect and retain such rents ` �' `-'
<br /> as they become due and payable. �'
<br /> u}+ot� acceIerat,iun undex• �>arn�ra�lx iS I�ereui ur cxi>at��l�niuG�il oi tlir Yi�uE�eacy , Leiiuer, iii � iCrsori , uv ageui,
<br /> - .
<br />� � � or by ; ud:cially ap},c,ini,eu racaiver aliall }... eiiLit.lea� �u �� .ter u},�ii , tai:e � � ,ua,e..iuu uf aucl u,ui�age tLt, I'i�o��ert.y � � '
<br /> and to coilect t.he rents of the Propert,y , includin€ tho;e pastdue. :� 11 rents collected by T:ender or t.he receiver s ` �
<br /> shail be applied first to payment of the costs of inanagement of the Property and collection of rents , including, but.
<br /> � T11t� �ITTIRfPY� �O� TPPPIVPT'c fPPR� ]l7'Pill11lT11e 071 TCCPI�*Pr�c �)hill� c ftTl(j i'ffic07121}1�P Rft01'f1PV�e {PFc . flll(� f�'1PT7 t.0 f}1P c11i11S
<br /> secured by this Vfortgage. Lender and the receiver shall be liable to account onh� for t6osc. rents actunlly received .
<br />� � _ � � �
<br />