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<br /> Darrel H, Alberts and Doris M. �lbexts, as joint tenants with right of sur-
<br /> vivorship, herein called the grantor whether one or more, in consideration of love
<br /> � and affection received from grantee, does quitclaim, grant, bar�ain, sell, convey
<br /> ; and confirm �to Darrel H. Alberts and Doris M. f�lberts, as tenants in coFmnon, herein
<br /> called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> The Northwest Quarter of Section 22 in Township 9, North of Range
<br /> 12, West of the 6th P.M. in Ha11 County, Nebrasl:a.
<br /> Tlie West Ha7.f of the Southeast Quarter of Sectian 14 in Township 9,
<br /> NortIi of Range 12, l�lest of the 6th P.M. in Hall CoLmty, Nebxaska.
<br /> All of that part of Lot 2 in Section 23, Township 9, Range`12, containing
<br /> 32.2 acres, a little more or less according to the government survey and
<br /> more �articularly described as fcllows: Commencing at a poi.nt on the
<br /> North section line o£ said Section 23, 1619.6 feet West of the North-
<br /> east corner of said Section 23, thence in a Soutliexly direction 1132.4
<br /> feet, parallel with the East line of said Section 23 to a point where
<br /> said line intersects the Iv'orth bank of the Platte River; thence in a
<br /> Southwesterly direction 1285.57 feet to a point where the North bank
<br /> of said Platte River intersects the 1Vest line of the 1VE'4 of said Section
<br /> 23; thence �n a Narthe rly direction parailel with the East section line
<br /> of said Section 23, a distance of 1579 feet to the North section line of
<br /> said Section 23; thence in an Easterly direction at riglzt angles a
<br /> distance of 1007.4 feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPT FOR 'Ii-IE
<br /> FOLL(XNING: A tract of land located in the TNest 34 acres o�—ot 2,
<br /> ` Section 23, Township 9 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, described as folZows:
<br /> �
<br /> Referring to the North Quarter corner of said Section 23, said corner
<br /> being the Northwest corner of Lot 2 in said Section 23; thence
<br /> Southerly on the West line of said Lot 2 a distance of 915.3 feet to the
<br /> point of begi.nning; thence continuing Southerly on said West line a dis-
<br /> tance of 401.2 feet; thence Northeasterly 116 degrees 12 minutes left
<br /> a distance of 356.5 feet to point of curvature; thence continuing
<br /> Northeasterly on a 17,398.73 foot raciius curve to the left (Initial tangent
<br /> of which coincides with the last described course) a distance of 772.8
<br /> feet to a point on the Easterly property line; thence Northerly on a line
<br /> which forms an angle of 61 degrees 18 minutes left £rom the final tangent
<br /> of the last described curve and on said property line a distance of 411.7
<br /> feet; tlzence Soutliwesterly on a 17,038.73 foot radius curve to the right
<br /> " (Initial tangent of uhich forms an angle of 119 degrees 22 minutes le£t from
<br /> said property line) a distance of 954.5 feet to point of tangency; thence
<br /> `, continuing Southwesterly, tangent, a distance of 179.5 £eet to the point
<br /> of beginning, containing 9.40 acres, more or less, being the acreage
<br /> hereby 5ecured. '
<br /> The above described tract shall be part of a control2ed access £acility as
<br /> defined in Section 39-1302 (6) R.R.S. 1943 and the remainder of said {Vest
<br /> 34 acres of Lot 2 in which by reason of the taking herein described now
<br /> abutts on a highway where none existed theretofore is subject to the
<br /> provisions of Section 39-1329 R.R.S. 1943, except over an access road along
<br /> the 5outheriy highway right-of-way line to be built at the completion of
<br /> this project.
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements,
<br /> hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging imto the grantee and to grantee's
<br /> heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> Dated August �$", 1977. ,�? �%' .�—
<br /> .�Lf:�k,.c.�-�.c_.� !�c-l'f�:c/�[�>
<br /> —�� H. A1 ert�s — `
<br /> q-� J �� 'r5 w�`.'�
<br /> .0/�:_ ,--ti .rJ "�/� G�c:�`-c_:a--�-,- ,�y`
<br /> - � � Doris P.Z. Alberts . �� �s �
<br /> ' � Before me, a notary pub3ic qualified for said cotmty, personally came Darrel H. Alberts `�
<br /> . and Doris hi. Albei-ts, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, lmoi,m to me to be the �'T
<br />� identicai persons �,rho signed the faregoing instrument and aclmo�,�ledged the �xecution thereof �
<br /> to be their voluntary act and deed. ,.-� �
<br /> 1�Titness my hand anci notarial seal on Augusta�, 1977. / ��'
<br /> �a!A!!��M+i►.tw.rw. �Ay1 ^i n �/ �/ /�
<br /> � OE�i1A f.ilU� ��.-/,.
<br /> INr Canm.ExO.1�ne 22.1979� Av p��
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