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<br />. � . . . , . . . , . . �r� T . . . : . .. . . . . lwwro;.,, . � ;
<br /> . ¢
<br /> ' not extend or postpone the due date of the n�onthlZ' inskallments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot or !'
<br /> change the amount of such installments. ' `
<br /> G� _ l0. Borrower NotReleased. �xCension of t.l�e time for paynient or modifica�tion of amortization of the sums
<br /> O aecured by Ghis Mortgage granted i�y Lender to flny successor in interest of Borrower shall not ;operate to retease; ! ,
<br /> , d7 in sny manner; the liability of the ariginal Borrower and Borron�cr's successors in interest: Lender shall not be "
<br /> ` '� reqdirecl- to commence proceedings against suclt successor or reiuse io extend t•ime for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> � amortization of the sums secured by tl�is \iortgage hy reason ot any demand made by the nriginai Rorrower and � - (
<br /> � �3 $orrower's successors in intereat.
<br /> � 1L Forbearance byLender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance Uy Lender in exercising uny right or remedy
<br /> ' � , hereunder, or otherwise afforded by apPlicable law , shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any ri�ht
<br /> , � 1� ox remedy liereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> : shall not be a waiver of Lender's righ£ #o accelerate tl�e maturity of tlie indebtedness secured by this Mort�gage.
<br /> ' ; 12. : Remedies Cumulative. f311 remedies provided in this \?ortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> ; right or reinedy undei• ttYis 3�Ioztgage or afforded by 1:i��� oi• equity , nnd rnay be exercised concurrently; independ-
<br /> ; ently orsuccessively:
<br /> � ' 13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint cmd Several Liability; Captions. The covennnts and agreements
<br /> " ' herein contained shall bind, and the rights l�ereunder slial ! inure to , the respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> ' and Borro�ver, subject to the provisions of paragr.�pl� 17 hereof. All covenants and agrecanents of Borrower -sl�al]
<br /> � Ue jointand several. The captions and l�eadings af the paragraphs ot this \Iortga,ge are for convenience only and � .;
<br /> ; are not to be used to interpret or define tl�e provision� hereot. '
<br /> � 14. Notice. Any notice to 13orrower pro�•ided for in tliia \ lortga�c �lu�ll 6e gi�'en by mailing such notice by
<br /> Y certi6ea mail nddressed to Boiroiver ut, thc Yroperty Addrese stated bclo«� , exce;�t for uny notice required under
<br /> � paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borro�+�er in the roanne�• prescribed bv applic�ble l:aw. Any notice ,{arovided '
<br /> for in this _llort,gage �hall k>e. cleemed to liave bcen given to 13orro�ver when givcn in the rnanner c9esignzited herein.
<br /> � 15. Uniform Morlgage; Governing Law: Severability. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants ,
<br /> for nationai use and non-unifoim covenants �vit.l� limited ��ariations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- !- '
<br /> ; rity instrument covering resl property. This \Sortgage sh�Lll be governed b,y the law of the jurisdiction in avlzich
<br /> the Property is located . In tl�e event thut nny provision oi• clause o[ tliis l4ort.gage or the Note conflicte with
<br /> ; npplicable law, such conf3ict sliall not uffect otl�er pro��isions of this \Iortgage or t}ie Note �Shich can be given
<br /> � s effect without t?ie confiicting provision , and to this end t.he j7rovisions of the �1ort�age 3nd the Note are declared ;
<br /> ; to be severable. ''
<br /> ? 16: Boxrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnishecl ;� conformed copy of this n'Iortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> ` cion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> ; 17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If 311 or an,y ��art of the Propert,y or an interest therein is sold �
<br /> � or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent ; excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> fibiance suUordinate to this 1lortgage, ( b ) the crention of a purch:�se money security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c} a transfer by devise, descent or by opernt.ion of la��� ui�on the death of a joint tenant or ( d) th@ grant of :
<br /> � any: leaselioid interest of tl�ree years or less not containing �,n option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender`� option,
<br /> ?j deelare all the sums secured by tl�is Mortgage to be innnediately due and payable. I.erader shall have ,�vaived sueh `'
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the eale or transfer, Lender sud tl�e person to whom the Property i� tq:'De soTd or '
<br /> x transferred reach agmemeni in �vriting tl�nt ti�e credit of such �ierson is satisf�ctory to Lender nnti that :the ititcrest :
<br /> tpayable on the sums secured by this :�Iortga�e siiall l�e at sucl� r2te as T,ender shall request. If I.essc4er- has wAi�.ed ;
<br /> i the option to accelerate 1>rovided in this paragral.�h 17 and if I3orrower's successor in interest lin,a. �xecuted a �t+rit-
<br /> � ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by I.ender, L,encter shall release Borrower from all e�hligafaons under ' `
<br /> ; t.his Mortgage and the I�Tote.
<br /> < If Leiider exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shsll �nsil Borrower notice of acceleration in x�ccordance
<br /> tvitli faaragrr��h 14 hereof. Such notice sl�all pro�•idc a perioci of not less tlirsn 3Q dayc from the date t6e notice. is
<br /> 8 mailed +vithin �y-hich I3orro��ver mssy Jiay tl�e sun�s declared due. Ii Borrowei• faits to pa�• siich surns prior to the
<br /> � expiration of such period, I.ender rnay, «•ithout furtlic:r i�otice or detuand on F3brrower, invoke .�nv reinedies per-
<br /> f mitted by paragraph I8 l�ereof:
<br /> � ;$
<br /> ,;
<br /> � �'oh-TJxi�oxal Co��r: �rn:.rs. I3o �•i•on�e �• ancl Len�lei• f'urtlter cove�iant ��id ag•i•ec ati foilan• :; :
<br /> 18. Accelezation: Remedies. Except :i� provid��d in l�:iri�gr:i� ili 17 hereot, upon Borro���er's Ureacl� o� any�
<br /> J covenant c�r ugreement of Borro�ver in tl �is \fortgaKe , inclu�lin�; the covt:nants Co pay ��-hen duc an5^ tiwns seeured
<br /> ' by this \iortgage, I.ender �� x•ior to acccic:ration sliall ivail notice tp }3orro«�er us lu•o�'ided in pnTa�;raplr 14 l�ereof -
<br /> �' � � � specifyingc � ( 11 thc` tireach ; (2 ) t,he � nction � require��i to ctu�c such brettcl � ; 131 x datc, � not: lecs than � f�hirty days �
<br /> 4� � � � � � froxl��� t�he di�te tl�c notici� iF inailed t� 13orro�+�cr. 1 ,�• o� l�ich �uc•1 � hrc��cli must bc ourod ; and (41 tl�at ft�ilt�rc to cur,N
<br /> : such breacl� on or beforc the ciate specified in tl �e notice may� result in neceleration of the st3�u� secured 6y t:his
<br /> , �; � � � '��Iortguge .�nd sale of the Property . If the breucL is not cnreQ on or i3efore tlic date specifiecl in t:he notiee, Lender
<br /> `� at I.ender's option �uay declare al ! of tl�e suu�s secured by thi:> \lurtgagc t.o be irnmediatel�� due and pt�yable
<br /> � tivit��out further demund anrl ir�ay foreclos�� thi3 �1ort,gage b�� ,iudicial� procceding. I�ander chall bc� ontitled t.o collect
<br /> x � � � �
<br /> j, in 9uah procec�ding all expenses of forcclo�ure , mcluiling . I��ut nnt liin� ted to, costs of �.ocmueiit.arv evielence,
<br /> , abstraets and title reports.
<br /> 19. Boaower's Right to Reinstate. 1�'ot�vitl��tanding Lendcr'n acceleraiion of tlic sums eecured by this
<br /> �' iYiartgage, Borrower shr�ll have tl�e riglit tu l�xve any proceeding� hcgan hy Lenc3er to cnfarce ihis �Iort�agd dis-
<br /> � co�tinued at an}� time prior to entrv of n jur�ginent enforcing thi. \ Iortg:�ge if : 131 Borro�ver pavs I-en�ler t�ll
<br /> , - � sums �vhie}i would be thten due under thi� \Iort �agc'• t Lc Note nnii nc�tea .ecurin�; Futurc Ad�'a��ee�. , if an� , hud no = ' ;
<br /> ,. . . . ::CCCICPIIt:CII OCC1::'CCje i }>� � BU.TCO�LCI' i•i1pf� ;1� �� }`rC;ll )1C` O{ :? !?C (�f �1P1' r0�'r11 ;lDi . Op ftnTPp111Pr1tF Pf }30CPOW(`T (`.OIY . . . .
<br /> ' tained in this '�Zortgage ; (c) Borrower ��nys all rea�onahic e�x��rr�<e� in�urre�i hv Lender in cnforcing the covenants
<br /> � and agreements of Borrower contained in thi� \Iort�.rgc and in cnfoicm � Lencier'� mmedics as ��rq��ided in para-
<br /> , graph 18 hereof, including, but not lirniteil to, re•a�on:�bie atxorne}- '� fee ; itn�l (�� 1 Rorro«•er take. euch action as
<br /> ; : Lende�c may reaeonably require to nsGure that thc lien of tl�ih ltortgnge ; Lrniie�'� interest in the Propert,y znd � "
<br /> , Borrvwer's obligation to' pa.y t:he sams secured by thr- >'Iurt.gage �liall rnntinur imimp.3ired. L?pon such payment '
<br /> ' and cure by Borrower, this 14ortgage and the obligauonc �ecured l�ereby sl�all rerxiai❑ in iull force and efi�ect as if � M �+� �,
<br /> ; �,.,� ,
<br /> no acoeleration had occurrecl.
<br /> 2Q. Assignment of Reats; Appoiatment of Receivet; Lender in Possession. .a. ac�ditionai security here- �; ��'�;
<br /> �;; unsier, Borrower hereby assigns to Lendertihe rent, bf tl�e Propert }- . I>ro�'i�le�l xhat Rori•o��•cr shnll , prior to acceler- ,��"�'
<br /> : , stion unc}er jasragraph 1$ hereof or abandonmen# of tl�e Pro��erty, iiaz•e the ,ri�;lir to collect and retain such rents �': '�'
<br /> as ti�ev I�ecuine due nini �iwyaLle. , '. , y � y ,
<br />� � �' � �
<br /> ,, . ; U�ivrx awi:�nrai.ioi; under ��arabraf,L 1$ hcrco, a:• :..iwndoncncnt of thc Yropert�� , I.cndcr , ir. � :erson , �n� asent � � '
<br /> ; or by judiciall,y' appointieci receiver �hall he entitled to enter u}��n: t2ke possession of :lnd iii�nage the Property �%� Y ` "
<br /> � and tq 'collect the rents bf the Property, �ncluding;those past due: All rents col3ected h�� Leniier or the recciver
<br /> � < ahflll he t+�Pliwi fir�t t.�+ payrnrnt. �; the �stc of ��iana$ement. of thc Property and rollertion of rent� , includinC, but
<br /> ; notdimited to; receiver's feec, �7ren:iums oti recei��er'� I�ond� and reasona2:]a ettorney's fees. and then to ,the sun�s
<br /> cecured b,y t23is A4ortgagc. Lender and the receiver 'chail k�e liahlc io account only for those rcnts ;Lctunlh� received.
<br />� � �j �
<br /> _� _ �
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<br />