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<br /> not extend or po�tpo:�u tlie due date oi the montl�ly instnllments referred to i�i paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot or
<br /> � ehange the ��mount of such installment�.
<br /> CT� 10. Borrower Not Aeleased. L+'xtension of tl�e time for � �ay�ruent, oc modificstion ot amortization of the sums
<br /> . CC aecvred by this :Viortgage granted by I;ender to gnv �uccessor in interest. of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br /> e.,*' in any .inanner, -the liabilit}• otthe- original Iim•ro�t�ei• and 13orroticci's successors in interest: I,ender stiali not be
<br /> ' ; O required' to commence proceedings againct such successor o�r refuse to extend tiine for payment or othercvise modify ;
<br /> ^ � sinortization of the sums secured uy tLic .11ortgage 1�,y reaso�i of an�• denian<� rnade by fhe originttl Borrorver and
<br /> i ^ Borrower's successors in interest . ` ' � `
<br /> ; �.,,,, 1L IForbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> „ hereunder, or othenvise afforded by applicable la�v , sl�all not be a �aaiver of or preclude the exercise of any right � ' c
<br /> ` ; or remedy hereunder: The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> '.� shall not be a "w:iiver of Lender's 'right to accelerate tlie tnaturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. ;,
<br /> ` 12. ' Remedies Cumulative. '` All remedies jirovided in tl�is 14ortgage are ctistinet and cnmulative to any other
<br /> "� right or remedy under tliis .11ortgage or aHoi•ded h,y Inn� or equitv, and may be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> ' ently or successidely. ` `
<br /> ; 13. Successors and 'Assigns Bound: Jaint and Several Liability; Captions. Tlae covenants and agreements
<br /> ° herein oontained shall bind, and the rights hereunder �Gall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of T,ender
<br /> � and Borrower, subjeet' to the provisions of 7�nragrapli 17 l�ereof. All coaenants iind agreements of Borrower sliall
<br /> , � be joint and several. The captions ancl l�eqtlings of the psragrapiis of this 1'iortgage are for convenience only and
<br /> + are not to be usedto interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br /> � � 14. Notice. Any noticc to Borrower ��ro��ided for in this \lorigagc sliall be gi��en Uy mt�iling such notice by
<br /> , ceriified �iiail uddTessed to Borrower :it t lic Yropert�• Address stated belo�+• , except for any notice required under
<br /> 3 paragr�sph 18 hereof to t�e given tu Borro���er in the manner lireacribed by apl�licable law. r4ny notice provided
<br /> for in' this �3ortgage �ha11 he deerr�ect to have been given to IIorro«�cr when given in tl�e manner designatee3 herein.
<br /> ' 15. Unifonn Mortgage; Goveming I.aw: Severability. Tliis fm�m ot uiortgage combines uniform covenants
<br /> r � for national use and non-uniform covenants �vitli limited vuriations b}� jurisdiction to constitute te uniform secu-
<br /> � rity instruinent covering reul property. This \Iort.gage shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in whicli
<br /> � the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this �'Iortgage or the IvTote conflicts with
<br /> � applicable law, such conflict shall not affecc otlier ��rovisions of tl�is 1lortgage or the Note ;vhich can be given
<br /> t � effect without t.he conflicting provision , aiid to ihis end the provisions of the \Iortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> '� � to be seversble.
<br /> ' �� 16. Borrower's Copy_ Borrower shall be furnisl�ed a conformed copy of this D4ortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> '' tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> : s i7. Transfer of the Pzoperty; Assuxaption. If a11 or any part of t,he Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> � or transferred by Borrower �vilhout Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> � brance subordinate to this \Zortgage , ( b1 the creation of a purchase money secvrity interest for household appli-
<br /> �nces, {c) a trnnsfer by devise, descent or by operation of la«� iq�on the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the, grant of
<br /> � ' any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing nn option to purch�se, Lender may . at Lender's option ,
<br /> � declare all tlie surus secured Gy this Mortgage to be innuediatel,y due und payr�ble. Lender sl�ail huve waived suoh
<br /> T option f,o �.ccelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and the person to whom tlie Yroperty is to be sold or
<br /> � transferred reacliagreement in �vriting tliat t}�e credit. of such person is sat.isi�� etory to Lender and that the interest
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this \Zortga�e shall be at sucl� raie as I,ender �liall rec;uesi. If Lender hss waived
<br /> ` ! the option to accelerate provided in this para�raph 17 snd if Borrower's �uccessor in interesC lzas executed a �vrit-
<br /> a ' ten assumption agreement t�ecepted in wrating by Lender, Lender shall release $ orrower from �Il obligations under
<br /> a this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> ; If Lender exercises sucl� option to accelerate, Lender shall :uail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> , �vith paragraph 14 hereof . Sucli noticc sliall �>rovide a period of not less tl�an 30 �lays from tl�c date the notice is
<br /> : 3 inailed within whicli Borrower inay pay ttie suins declared duc . If I3orro�ver fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> ' x expiration of such period , Lender mx,y , �vitliout fwrthc:r notice or deix�and on B�orrower, invol:e any remedies per-
<br /> : � mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> � iQCiA'—UNINORM CovFxnxTs. $orz•o�ver and Lender furt.her covenant aud a�;ree as fol] o�vs :
<br /> �. �f � � �
<br /> � 18. Ascelezation; Remedies. Except as prot•ided in � iara�rx� �li 17 hereot, upon Borro«•er's breach of any
<br /> � `s aovenantor agreement of Borrorver in tliis �Sort�;tige , including tlm covenants �o ��ay ���I�en �9uc any sumc ,ecured
<br /> by this lfortgage; Lender priur to xcceler��tion shssll uu�il nocicc ta 13�rr��ver as pro��idrd i�i F�aragraph 14 hereof „
<br /> ` Y � � � � � epecifying: ( 1) - tl�ie breach ; 12) tl�e actiori requirtd fu cure such breach ; : ( 3) ai clatir, not less than � td�irty days �
<br /> � from the date the noticc is m�tiled to 13orro���cr, Irv �chich �ucli bre:uh iuust bc cured ; uncl (4 ) ih:�t failure to cure
<br /> r such k�reae2i on or before the datc specified in tlie noticc ruay result in acceleration of the sums secured by this
<br /> � !�lortgage snd sale of the Pro��erty. If the breacli is not cumd on or before t1�e date specified in tl�c notice , Lender
<br /> � • at Lender's option may declare all of tt�e sums srcured by chi: �lortguge to be immediatcly due and pssyable
<br /> t without further demancl and may foreclose tl�i� �iortgage by .iu�iicial piroceeding. I,ender sliall !�e ci�titled to collect
<br /> � in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosure , inclu�iing, but not limited fo, costs of docmnent.ary evidence,
<br /> � nbstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. Bonower's Right to Reinstate. Not�vithstsnding Lender's acceleration o£ the sums secured Uy this
<br /> �, i Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to hace any proceeding� begun by Lencier to entorce this �ortgage dis-
<br /> � opntinued at any time prior to entiry of a judg�nent enfoxcing tl�is \fortgage if ; ( a1 Borro�4•er paya Lender ail
<br /> aums which would be then due under this \fortgage, thc ?��ote and notes securing r uture Adv�x�ces; if any, l�ad no
<br /> acceleratian occurred ; ( b 'i Borrower curee all breuciies of un�� oti3er oovenant. or a�;reement5 of Burrower �on-
<br /> tained in this �4ortgage ; ( c) IIorro�ver p���s a!1 res�onst�le r����•n=cs incurr�d l,v Le„tlor in i�nforein� fhe co��enant�
<br /> � end ageeementE of Borrower contained in this 14ortgage and iu enforcing T.ender's remedies mis provided in para-
<br /> ' ; graph 18 hereof, including, buthot limited to, reasonafile attorney 's Sees ; aud td ) I3orrower takes such action as
<br /> ` � Lender may reaeonably require to assure tht�t the lien of thi� \'iortgage, Len<�er'� intereat in the Property and
<br /> ' Borrower's obligation to pay tlie sums secured by thi� \4ortgagc �hxil continue unimpaired. UFion ,uch payment �
<br /> ' 1 and cure by Borrqwer, thzs Mortgage and the obligations secured I�ereb}• shail remain in full force and effect as if -r,�, ' e , L,4 `
<br /> no acceleration had occurred. ,::
<br /> , : 20. Asaigament ot Rents; Appointa�eat of Receiver. ' Lender in Possess'xon. As additional seeurity Uere- �r +� "�� '�
<br /> �^r
<br /> ' ' under, Bonrower tiereby assigpa to Lendertlie ren2s"of the T'ropert} , ��ro��ideci t1�at Borro�ver ahall ; prior to acceler- , ��,�
<br /> � ation under paragraph 18 hereof 'or aUandonment of tl�e Property , have the riglit to collect and zetain such rents ��
<br /> ' ' ae t#�ey become due and psyabie. . '�' �
<br /> -, . „ ,
<br /> Up,o,n aaozieratiou ur��Ier pt�ragra}�L 1S iaarCui ur aLn��Qunia�,�art uf �Le I'r��er(y , Lec�der, :i� r,ersau , b�° ageni
<br /> or by j�:.iicially appointe: receiver ahu11 be ent;Ltc.� to ent. r u�:,n, ta2::: Fi�;�e��,ion o. ana �i.:� nago thc P;oi.�r.r�r . .,,�, '
<br /> and to collect the rents of the Property, includin� ttaose �ast due. _�ll rents collected b�� Lender or the receiver � '
<br /> shall be appiied first to payment of the costs of management of tl�e Property and collect.iun of rents ; including, hut
<br /> " not ]imitRA to� reePivPr's feP�:; pmmi�rm� .an r�o�'avPr'. bonc?� and rnfl,conxhle� aftcarnNy'G fe��� . ar+�9 thPn to the cmn.
<br /> eeeured by this Morf,gage. Lender and the receiver slisil bc liahle to secount onl�> for those rents .�ctually received .
<br /> �
<br /> � � i
<br /> �
<br />;� �
<br />