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<br /> .
<br />�, { -
<br /> � ;
<br /> �- � �
<br /> � .,:� i.
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<br /> ; not eactend or i�ost.pone` tl�e due datc of tlie inonthlS� in,talliilents referred to in pai:�graphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> chan�e tfie amount of such installments.
<br /> � 1�3. Borcower Not Released. ,�xtension of the t itne foa• p:�,ymenti or inodification of amortiz€�.tion of the surss
<br /> � seeured by ttiis 14ortgage granted by I.ender to any successoi• in interest of Borrower shall not .operate to release;
<br /> �y in any munner, tlie ]iability of the original I3orron•er and Borroticer's successors in interest; I.ender sha.11 not be
<br /> � required £o cornmence proceedings ngainst"sucl� suecessor oi• refuse to extend time for payxnent or otherwise modify
<br /> � amortization of the sums secured by tliis llortga�e �>}� reasmi of an}• demand niade by #he original Borrower and �
<br /> � Borrower's successors in interest. -
<br /> � 11 . Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. ; Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any ri�ht orxemedy
<br /> ]�►� l�ereunder; or otherwise afforded by npplical�le law, sl�all not be a wai �er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> h� or remecly hereunder. The procuremecit of insurance or the ��ayment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender `
<br /> shall not` be a waiver of Lender's `Tight to ncceleraf,e tlie matiurity� of the indebtedness secured by this vIortgage.
<br /> 12. ReaaediasCumulative. '�Il remedies provided in tl�is \lortgage aze distinet and cumulative to any other " �
<br /> right or remedy under this' \Iortgage or afforcled by i;s�v or equity, ' and map be exercised concurrently; independ;
<br /> entiy or 'successively.
<br /> 13. Suecessors cmd Assigns Bound; Joiat and Several Liability; Captions. The covenzints and agreements
<br /> herein contained shall 'liincl ; and tlie iights li�reunder shall inurii to , tl�c respectivc suecessors and aseigns of Lender ' �
<br /> and Borrower, suk�ject to the provisions bf ;���.rugriijih 17 liei•eof: All cavenants and agreeinents of Borrower ehal(
<br /> be joint and several. The captions and licadings of t.l�e paragraplzs of this �Iortgage are for convenience only and
<br /> are no6 to be used to interpret or define tlie provisionc liereof.
<br /> 14. Notice. Any notice: to Borroirer provided foi �ii tliis \lortgsgc ,l�all I>e �iven t�y mailing such notice by
<br /> cex�t,ified mail addressed to Borro�ver .it tlic ' Yrqperty �1�ldics� stated bclo�r , except for any notice. required under
<br /> ` paragraph 18 hereof to Ue given to Boi•rower in the manner prescribed bp applicable law. �ny- notice provided
<br /> � for in this ,�Tortgage stiall tic zieemed to hace bcen given to Borro�ver w-lien �;iven in tlie inanner c3esignated herein.
<br /> 15. UniformMortgage; Govemi�cig Law; Severability. Th�s forsn of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br /> fox naf,ional use and non-uniforrii covenants �vitli liiniteii �•ariations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> � rity instrwuent covering real property. This �Iortgage sh�ll be governed by the la�v of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> " the Property is locatec3. In the evenE that any provision or clause of tUis Mortgage or tlie IQote conflicts wit6
<br /> applicable law , such conflict shall not �ffect other provisions of tliis \lortgage or the Note which can be given
<br /> � effect avithout tl�e conflicting provision , and to this end the provisions of the _llortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> � to be severable. '
<br /> ,J 16. Boaowei s Copy. Borrorver shall �e furnisl�ed a conSormed copy of this :�4ortgage at the time of exeeu-
<br /> .� tion or after 'recordation hereof. `
<br /> � 17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or any part oi the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of as lien or encum- �
<br /> , � brance subordinate to this 14ortgnge, { b) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appli-
<br /> , ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by o�erution oi la�r upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the grant oF ;
<br /> r . any leasehold interest of tliree yeArs or less not containing an optio�i to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option, F
<br /> { ' declare all ttie sums secured by t.his Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender sliall heve waived such i-.
<br /> ' option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale or transfer; Lender and tl�e person to whom the Yropert_y is to be sold or ,
<br /> � transferred reach agreement in �yriting tl�at the credit of such person is satisfactor5r to Lender und that Che interest
<br /> � payable on the sums secured by this A�Iortgage shall be at suci� rate us I.ender sl»Il request. If Lender has waived '
<br /> � the option to +�ccelerate provided in tl�is paragraph 17 and if I3orrower's �uccessor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> � � ten assumption agreement accepted in �vriting by I.ender, Lender shatl release Borrower from sll obligations under
<br /> this Mortgage e�nd the Note. i
<br /> ;� If Lender exercises sucli option to accelernte, Lender shall mail Rorrower notice of acceleration in accordance ;`
<br /> �c�itl� paragraph 14 hereof. Sucl� notice shalt providc a period of noi less tLsn 30 days froin the date the notice ie
<br /> , ,� inailed' wlthin wfiich Borrower n�ay pay the sums declared duc. If Borro�aer fails to p:zy such sums prior to the
<br /> r, expiration of such peTiod, Lender ina}- , «�itholit furt.l�er notice or demand on B'orrower, invol;e auy remedies per-
<br /> �, 3 mitted by paragTaph 18 hereof.
<br /> , 1 ' '
<br /> � �Tox-iJxiNor� at CovF;xwr�rs. }3orrower xnd Lencler furtl�er covenant tind agree a5 follo�v5 :
<br /> � 18. Aceeleration; Re:nedies. Escei�t us pro�-idrd in p<�r�,gra� �i � 17 liereof, u��oi� T3orro�+�er � breaola of ant�
<br /> � covenant or ngreement of Borro�ver m tliis �1a•t�;a�;e, including ihe covenants to l �aY ���hen duc an�- su3n, secared
<br /> k�y this :�lortgage, Lentier prior to accele�:�tion..sl�all ruail noticc to 13m•ro�ver a� ��ro��ided in paragrlpl � 14 I�ereof �
<br /> � specifging : ( 1 ),��� the breac,h ; (2) t-l�e � acfion require�d to curc auch breacli ; 13 ) a datc, not � less tlian � thirty days �
<br /> :� from the date the noticc is mt�ilecl to 33orro���er, I>�� �rhicli ;ucL brcas�li must bc cured ; ancl 141 thut failure. to cure
<br /> � such breaeh on or before tlie date specified in the notice muy resuit in acccler:ition ot thc sums secured by this
<br /> � ;�4ortgage and sale of the Property. If tl�e Urencli is not cured ot: or before tUe date specified in the notice, Lender
<br /> q. at Lendei•'s option may c9eclare ��Il of the sums secured by tliis �Iortgage to be irrnuedistely due and paya�le
<br /> � w•9thout further demanci and inay foreclose tliis \fartglge 1>y judiciul proceeding. Lender sl�all be entitled to collecb
<br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosurc , inclu�ling, but: not liinited to, costa of docuinentary evidence,
<br /> � abstracts and title reports.
<br /> , � 19. Bonoweis Right to Eieinstate. Aot�ti•itli�tanding I.ender's acceleration o{ the au�ri� sceured by this
<br /> � Mortgage, $orrower shall have the right to ha�•e uny �aroceedings he�un 4y Lender to enforce this :�iortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any' tin�e �rior to entry of a judgment. enfoTcing thi�, \Tortgage if : ( iil Borroµer pays Lender all
<br /> E � � sums whiah �would be�then dne uncier this� Jlortgii�;c ; thc Aote anci notes� securing I'uture Ad�•anees, if sny, � had no � � �
<br /> � accelertition occurred ; ( b) Borrower curee sll bmiac•hes oi :�n}• other ro��enants or a�re�ements of Borrower con-
<br /> tained in this i4lortgage ; �c ) $�rrower pays ail reas<�nz�Lir �:wpiu �ea ir�urr�d b�• Lrt�der in ci.ferring thc co��cn�=ita
<br /> � and agreements of Borrower contained in thi� \Iortgagc and in enforcm;; 7'.endcr'� remedies as j�r���ided in par:�- .
<br /> � 'graph 18' hereof, includin�, but not 7imited to , reasonuble attoiney'� fee,• ; and id '1 13orro�scr takes such nction as �
<br /> ; Lender may reasonsbly require lo assure that the lien -of td�is \lortgage, Lender's in[erest in thc Property cxnd
<br /> • <, Borrower's obligation to pay Lhe sums secured by th�� \Tortgagc ;l�all continue unin�paired . LTPon sueh payment +
<br /> ` � and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations .ecured herebv •halt remain in fnll force and eflect as if
<br /> �' ; no acceleiation had occurred. ` ' ;;,� � , . w,„�'
<br /> R 20. Assignment of Renffi: Appoiatrneat of Raceiver; Lender in Posseasion. as additional security here- S,
<br /> ' . � u�der, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Propei•t��. proride�l fitat Borrow•er sliall , �irior to acceler- ' `�,;�� � .
<br /> ation u�der paragraph 18 hereoi or eb¢ndonmeut of the Proi�erty, h�ive the right to collect and retain such rents ` '?' ��
<br /> � as they become due and paVBble_ ',�'"
<br />�;,`,,; Upon acceleration under psragraph 18 fiereof or ab�,ndomnenx oi the Yropec•t�� . Lender, iu � ier,on , bv x��ii� ,< < . , -
<br /> ' ; pr by judicially appointed reeeiver shall i>e enutded to entcr upon ; iske possrssiwi uf :�ud �i,ai,nge �l�< Property
<br /> ' and to collect the rent�s of the Property , including those past due. �L71 rents-callected-3>y Lencler or the receiver �^. .�
<br /> ' �� s2xa11 be applied first to payment of the costs of taianagement of the Propei�ty an�i coltection of rents, including, but �
<br /> � � � � �not IimiLed Lu, rrc�ivei's f�er, i�s•euiivan. pt� i�ccciti�cr's bon:is and re;snnqhlc atto:-ncy�'Q fecs; aizd ttien t �+ thP �, ��r� � �
<br /> seeured, by this Mort�age: Lender and the receiti'er sljali be liafile io'xccount only for fho5e rent � �ctunlI�� received .
<br /> � I �� < _ e
<br />�, �
<br />