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;� <br />�_ � ��� � <br /> � l <br /> ..._,; <br /> � .. . . _ � <br /> � �%-oo �93 � <br /> _2 _ <br /> '7 . ; Determina�cion of �our. daries : <br /> � The I�essor shall have the rig:it , on a basis , to <br /> det�rmine the boundaries ' between tne Lessee and his neighbars <br /> , if the Lessee' and his neig.�bors can�zot agree to such boundary <br /> i: ine . Tho la;c� iront boundary of " �he leased premises shall be <br /> � zo t3ze water 3: ine as the same may exist yrom time to � ime with <br /> changes in the water level o� the la7ce . Tne bpundary line o= <br /> � � the' l�ased pr�mis �s abutting :.n� Lessor " s com�on roads shall <br /> ; be as " reasonably determined by the Lessor . <br /> ; 8 . Peaeeful-' �ossession : <br /> i As 1on as Lessee coniorms wi�h the requirem�nts binaing upon <br /> q <br /> t him in this 1 eas � agr �ement , the Lassee shall enjoy peace�ul <br /> possession of the leased premises . <br /> ;� 9 . T.ibrovc-ments . <br /> i The Lessee shall 7cee� the leas�d pren:is � s in a neat and clean <br /> � condition at all times anc: shall ',teeu all improvements an the <br /> '`:, leased premises in a good condition o � repair . <br /> ; _ <br /> � 10 . Abandonment : <br /> � The Lessee agrees not to abandon �he leased premises _ � <br /> 11 . Access for ins� allina utilitv lines : ; <br /> The Lessor reserves tne r � ght to co.��` upor� the leased premises <br /> ' � ' round or a'bove ground utiZity lines <br /> ' for installa � a.on of underg <br /> ' and the making aF necessary repairs cr improv �ments �o or <br /> j abut � ing the leased premis � s . The L. ssar agrees to r� store <br /> the premises to subs� an� ial �y L- he samc condi4ion as they wzre <br /> betore any such iastallation and at the Lessor ' s expense . <br /> � 12 . �ules a� d Rectulazions - � <br /> - t The Lessee agrees �o eonply with 'c:-ie rulc- s ar.d regulations <br /> as prepared and iurnished by �he Lessor to the Lesse� , from <br /> � time �o time _ Such rules and regula� ions snall con�ain re- � <br /> ; stric� ions and limitations , � or ine :tutual beneiit of a11 � <br /> lessees a� Kuester La.ce , to the use by th� several <br /> lessees at Kuester Lake o� the la]ce ;.tself , eommon roacls , <br /> , " � and the leased premises . It is und�rstood t'hat �ne basic use <br /> 4 ot th� leased premises shall b� ior residential purposes , 1�ut <br /> � � the Lessor may permit , from tim� to time , cornm�rcial activities <br /> ' on tne Zeased prem.ises . Any suc7�. rules , rec7ulations and �.�ernzits <br /> � . ' are subject to change by the L � ssor , er.cepting Lhat the �asic <br /> j pur�os � 'of the leased premis � s as residential shall not b� <br /> � ' abridged . Any chanq� s in the ruies and requlatior. s rnust be <br /> approved by a majority of the leaseholders presen� and votir.g p <br /> at a meeting called for such pur� se of which written notzc � <br /> ; <br /> has been given to aTl leas2:�olders . ( ona vote p�r lease) <br /> u <br /> 13 . Tcr-ni'iat ' on of 2e � se bv default o_f Lessce - <br /> 4 Ii �the Lessee fails , af� er :zinei�y ( 90 ) c�ays . prior written notice <br /> : trom tne Lessor , to remedy any dei �ult in his or her compiiance <br /> ' with any o� the obliga� ions binaing upon ':�ira or her under t'his <br /> " i Lease Agreement , or under th� Rules and Regulat :. ons iurnish�d <br /> - him or her by tlze L� ssor , the L � ssor r.:ay, a� i� s option , termina� e <br /> this lease arid reta7ce possession of the leased pre:nises but <br /> af��r the �a ? low:ing procedur � has becr. co:r�plied wit:� : , <br /> . . ( a, ) A special ;.�eet :. n5 of � 11 stocicholders of L � ssor s �.ali <br /> � be callecl by the Bozrd o� Directors o � Lessor , and <br /> ' written no�ice of such meeting ar.d its purpose be givei. to <br /> a11 such s�ockholciers . Suc'h meat �:.q shall b� called � o � <br /> the pus'pose ot detiermining by .;.ajority vo� e o� tne stoc:c <br /> o= L�ssor . �rescr.t ar.d voting , as i: o wne4her or not �,� ,. ,��,r -�, <br /> termination of Lessee ' s lease should be made because ox � . �� <br /> a default 3ay t::e Less �� . At leas � 10 days written notice � ` � � <br /> - .� . ' shall 'pe qiyen o� any suc'iz meeting and the Lessee shall �,�,�,; <br /> be given �ull oppor'cunity to show w:zy his or her 1eas � _.'�; 'Y <br />�, " ; should not pe term.ind� e.3 . , . . , <br /> .�iMt ' _ , <br /> � <br /> � �� <br />� � <br />
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