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"--'-^z"-.h+.. . � . � . .. .. . . � � . . . . � . � :�F� � . <br />*:��' � � . ' . . . . . � .. � .. �.p� . . <br /> i �� <br /> � <br /> ���- �-- ---� <br /> . ,.� MOATGAGE-3avinqe.,qmd�Loaa�.Foim—{Dlr�ct�CreditPlaa)-���255•2-fSpedal) . . ,. . . ��� ., <br /> . ,�.�w.�..,.�....�..,.,. . .. . .. . .t <br /> , F <br /> �7 D 0 4 8 6 6 , MORTGAGE <br /> ` �� ��xo � � : � <br /> ..� '� �.TH[S��INAENTUAE.made thle� .�241'h am, oi A UO U S 1'� 19L��by aad bdt�veeu � - <br /> DANA L: TRAUD'� 'At�D CNERYL A. TRAUDT, husband and wife, each in his and her owrr riqht � ' ' ' <br /> 3 and as spouse of the `other t <br /> � of��� , :�.. '� Couaty,Nebraika,as�mortgaqoz�,aad Home Fadezal�Savfage�.aad T.oan Aasoeiation.of Graad�Ialaad. . , �. <br /> HaI1,` <br /> aCeorpozp4oa orgaaized and ezistinq,under.the law��oE Nebrmka:with�iis prindpal oHiee and.plaee�ot.bueineea at Grcmd'Inl�d,�Nabra�ka, <br /> a�.�1APrttjOqaO: . � . � .. �. .. � <br /> �� V✓dSNES5E7H: That aald mortqagor 5�!or and in�.conaideration��o!�the sum of . . . . ... <br /> � � <br /> THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------ ---- no»Q,, �532,500.Q0' �, <br /> � �.' the'raeeI t o! whieh is��hereb �admowlad ed, da� b t �� ..�. . . .�. ��. .. �.�� .... ...�. . ,:� �. <br /> p y g y hese presents mortgage aad warranl unto�said mortgagee, its`eucceaeon and <br /> ' � ��m�[gna, fo=ever,�all the�2ollowiag� deecrl6ed.reah eetate, sifuated in�the couaty of� Ha 1 f � <br /> ���.� and State�of�Neb:wka.��to-wit: .��� . .,._, . . . ... �. , :��� . � . �� : � . . �' � .�" . .'�. <br /> ; i ' LOT SIX -f6Y, IN BLOCK TWO (2?, IN "COUNTRY CLUB SUBDfUIStON," BEING A <br /> PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (EzNW4) OF SECTION TWENTY- <br /> � EICzd-tT (28), lN TOWNSHtP ELEVEN (II ) NORTH, RANGE NI'NE (9J WEST OF THE <br /> � 6TH �P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASICA. <br /> � <br /> ,.,; <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> i , <br /> 3 � � � � . � � . . � � . <br /> ri, . .�� . .' ' . ,. <br /> g � Tpqelher with all hectiag, lighhng, and plumbing equipmeat �and fixtures,iacludinq�tokesa and burpaza,ecreena, awninge,�atorm wtndpws <br /> 3 ��. � and doora,and window nhadas or blinda, ueed oa or in wnaectioa with eaid property,whether the aame.are now locvted on said property <br /> or horeafter placad.thereon. � � � <br /> ! . { . .. . . . � . � . � . . �:� <br /> S SO HAVE�AND TO.HOLD 2F�SAME, together with all�and aingular the teaements,hereditamante and appurtenancee�thexeunto be7onq- i <br /> �, � ing,or�in anywiee appertatntng,forever,and.warrant the title to the same. Said moztgagor .� � hereby covenant_5. with said mortgaqee <br /> that�"�+e_.�L ��'e ,ai the delivery Lezeof,the]awful owner._5 ot the preauaea above conveyed and deseribed,and are <br /> z � .. �.� . � . . . �. . . . <br /> � � �. � �aeized�d a good and iodefoaaible eswte of inheritance therein. lzee and dear of ail eaeumbrancee, and..that:t_Le�!_�will wazrant�d <br /> � : > y . "�de2ond�the title'tLereto torever againat�the claims and demaada o[ all parsona whomacevec � � � .. � ��� <br /> � � � �PAOVIDED�ALWAYS, aad�thta inatrument ia executed and.dalivered to secure the payment of�the num o� �� � <br /> �{ TH I RTY-TWO 7HO11S_ AND E 7 V H INI�R f) AND NO/I(]0------.--------------- nollara (S-���Snn_nn ), ' <br /> �S, �. with�Snierest�thereon, together with euch charges and advancea aa may��be�due��d payal�le �o aaid�mortgagee�under.the�..terms end <br /> eoadlt[ona of the prami�aory. note of even. date herewith aad necured hereby,ezecuiad�by satd moriqagaz � to aaid mortgagee,�.payable <br /> ��. $ ai mcprcased in�said aote,and to secure the per[ormance ot alT tha terma and coaditioaa.wntaiaed thesetn. The terms of�said note. ara <br /> , � hereby incorpo:ated�herein��by thia :etereaca. � . . '� �. �' :�. ' �.. <br /> ��� It�is the inteatioa�and�aqreement of the parties hereto that this moztgage ahaA alno eacure aay }uture� advaacea� made���to. eatd <br /> � . :� . . � .. � � . � .. .� <br /> ���mortqagor�_>�-by eaid�mortgagee, and anp aad all indebtedaem ia addiKon to the�amount abovt sta2ed�which�eaid morlgaqon.�or���y <br /> ���'oi them,�.may owe to ntiid mortqaqee,however evideaced, aote,�book acrnunt or otherwise. T6is mortqage shall ramaia in full <br /> ��£aree aad efSect between.the�pasiiea hezata and iheir heire,�perwnal zepreaeatatives. eueeeseore and uasigas,�.uatii�all�amount� �ec��red <br /> �.� haieuuder.�iadudiaq futuze advances,me pmd in Sull with interest..� � � � � � � � � � � � � . <br /> .�The m�tgaqor..S-�;�hereby�,aeaigaS.�'to.�eaid.mortgagee all renee aad.income azising at�:any�.and aU�Umes trom �eatd proparty.aad �� . <br /> � hereby authorise safd mortgagee or its��ayent,at ite-oprion, upon dafaulq�to talce claarge of said property and collect ait renU���and�fncome���� �� <br /> : therelrom�¢nd apply��tha�eame to�'fhe pnymenY of interest..,�pifacipal,inetuanc.e.�premfum�, tmcea, aeaesamants, repa3rs or improvementa.aeeea- <br /> '� wry�to keep���aaid p�operty ln teanntabla�coatlirion, oz to oiher�chargee'or paymente pzovided foz here9n or 9n the note hareby aeeured. Shls.� <br /> . sant.�aasignmeat shall coatinue Ia toree.uatil the unpaid balance o4 aaid aote is fufly pa[d. The taYiag of poseegafon.hexreunder ahall ia ao� <br /> � �.mannar prevent or retatd eaid martgagee in tba collectlon d�eaid sums by foreclonure or otherwiee. � � � � . ����' '�� <br /> � � The la�� the mort a ee to auert cmy ot Sti rtqh4�hereundez ai anq timw shdf ao#be aonstrudd ae a waiver of ita�right lo assert ' ' �� <br /> � j3 We,wme a�K,, j `"`�9"`7t�lY�upan aad enlorce striet mmpl3anee wtlh ndl tha-tezms and praviaions a! eaid uote and o! this <br /> } mortqaqe. � �,�. <br /> �$3 � �� nrr�vc�� . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> ; .�i!aaid� '`�� �,��„to^be pald to aaid morigaQes,tLe eatlre amouat due ft hereunder,and undez the�terms and proviatoas .'�. <br /> � ' at eqtd nnte,hiusbp aecuzod,lnciudix�g lnluce udvaneea,and any eztaaxipas or renewals.�t2iexeof.In acwrdaace with�the.terms�and pzoviaions . �� <br /> � thar�pt.�d l[��.wid mortyoqass.._��.�hal1 eomply w3t6 all the providona of�aid note.aad ot th7s mortqage, thea the�w preeenta ehall be votd; t <br /> e <br /> ; othepwlse M ron�a fa tuli lores�Qac{elfocL cnd�dd�.mortqaq�s.ahap be..eaH�lad to.ihe posaeauon of aU.of eaid.prpperty..�d may...ak its <br /> oplfoa.declaze Um wLol�o! wid aob and all iadebtedneu zeprewnted therebp to be�immed3ately due amd payable,and�may foxeclose th9s �� m ��` ^.' <br /> �" mortqaqs or lqka, mp�ot6er leqal�acHoa to::protect itr riqht. aad irom the dan oE.auch�..delwlt all ftem� o! indeh�adaes�:aecured hezeby � �,::--�� �'"4 <br /> shalT�draw tntereat c��per aaaum. Appratsement waived. � � �W r �„ <br /> S 1'his mozigags bs bindiag apoa cmd ahail oatsxe to tLs banstlt o! the hsiz�, azocuton,adminlsiratois, �ucce�sors��d aaefqni ot .. � �+ <br /> il+e rw,pa�ctix�DarRia Lerelo. , - �. :: . .. . . ... <br /> `; ' ' . . . -.. . .. . .. � � �'��g t <br /> ; IN 'W1TNfS3 WFI�AEO�, wid, idortgaqor.S�n��-' b�u4unta �ot 1'h2 i r ; ? <br /> wrft - . .. . --band—�tha;dap aad yrar f�ret above <br /> � S (�l'� `' �/ /� <br /> 3 <br /> _ � ,?�..:._����.,..�� f.� .�C�'�--•`�i,��.i.��,�.�__ _�..._-___ � � , <br /> DANA .L. tiTf�}1UDT ^CHERYL A. TRAUDT <br /> �: � � �� � � � �� <br />� � � <br />