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<br /> 52—REAL ESTATF..MORTGAGB-(With Z'�Clause) '1'ho Huttm�n fleaeral 9nyply Aonse, Llaaola, xet�t. �?
<br /> +-- �s
<br /> '�. " ��� ��, ' . ;� ' ' :. ... ,� �� � � �. � �t
<br /> ! � ,�� KNpW ALL d?SN BY ?'HESE PRES�h'TS: That Darletta M. Broadway Phillips �� -
<br /> � �� @ � �
<br /> ; P �� p,� Hall " County, axd State of NebX'as7ca , in consideration of the sum of �� � ,- �
<br /> M '
<br /> ---_— DOLLARS
<br /> � �� Eiye" Thousand and N4f 100------------- ------�$5,000.00) �; E '
<br /> � ; " ' ', ' s � �� � ���'��� ,,��
<br /> � , � in hand,�aid, do herQby S�LL and GONYEY unto Five Poii'�ts Bank :�� i �
<br /> k'� vf �,11 County,State nf Nebraska the foliouring described �iremises sitsrated �p �
<br /> ' yy� s�' H011 County, a»d'Siate of Neb='aska , to-zuit: i ' � �
<br /> � �k
<br /> t. '-�� r` {# �
<br /> Lot Eleven (11 ) in Hlock 'I4aelve (12) in Boggs and Hill's ��
<br /> -.�. �, Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall `County, Nebraska
<br /> ' t � � . .:
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<br /> ��� The ixlention be£ng to convey hereby an absolxte title in fee simple,including all the rights of homestead and dower. }�.
<br /> � TO HAVE AIVD TO HOLD the premzses above descvibed, with all the appxrrtenances'thereunto belo»ging, �f �
<br /> urito the said mortgagee(s) and to his, her or thean c�nrs and assigns forever, tiroveded always,and these¢resents are �� �
<br /> � ;� u¢ox the express cvndition that if the saut mortgagor(s), his ker or their heirs, exec+ators, admi»ishators or asrigros ,,
<br /> � s3uz11 pay or cause to be paid to the said morlgmgee(s),his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns,-the ta �
<br /> r�� pri�cipal sacm af $ Qayabte as follows, to wit: ��
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<br /> � with interest actording to the tenor and ef fect of the mortgagors written promissory note beari»g evan date with these {
<br /> � ¢'esenls and skalL pay all taxes and assessme�i6.�tetvied ufian said real estate, and nll other taxas,leuies and assessmerits ii
<br /> levsed upon:tisis mortgage or the note which�this,mor#gage �s given to`s"e'ture, before the same bctames deltinquext,and � ?i
<br /> keep the buildings on said ¢remises insured or��ce surie af $ ,;, loss, : an a le to ihe said ��
<br /> { g�. �T 5,000.00 f Y. ? Y� u
<br /> tt mortgagae, then Yhese presents to be void, c�k.ar�Ytt�e;',�p+be and remaixin/ult force. I ki'
<br /> � " �� IT IS FURTHER AGREED {r) That if she said mortgagor�"shall'fail to pay such tares or procure such sx- 'j
<br /> � :�f suranCe,tke'said mortgugee may p�cy ruch taxes aad Qrocure such insurance, and the sum so advanced, with fntere.st ��
<br /> ,� af per reni, shald be repuid'by, said mortga,qor, and.this mcrrrtgage shall stand. as secu►sty for the same, ;E <
<br /> g jz);That a fadlurs sn ¢ay any of sreid mnney, either yrincipat or interest,whex the same becomes ds�, or a fdilure to 4! w,,r '
<br /> p �! cafnpty svith any of'the fore_qoing agrtementa; skall ca+use the�nhole sum of maney herein secured to beco+ne due and �i �• �
<br /> �
<br /> �' catiectibXe at once a!the a¢#�ion of th�mortgagee.. �; �� � �, ti
<br /> � , i ,; � �
<br /> ��Signec$ ��tlkis 23 daY of� - august '� , 1977 � � ��� ��� y�- 4 ��
<br /> � 7 t#j � feCE,B! .. ��i�E<�ErLs�EL�esC-� . �1 �� �;��
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