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� � . <br />� ,� f :';�,�,�. <br /> � <br />� �.., ..__._._»__ ___ _:._ _____.__. ._._ -- ------ ___ <br /> _..-�--__ _ _ . . � <br />� � <br /> , MORTGAGE—Savings aad Loan Fo:m--(Direct Credit Ptan) 255-2 (Spectal) � � . ' <br /> �` ��'.�_ !l C}�f�1�i IVIOitTGAGE <br /> ; . . � . . . . � .. . � � � Loaa No ... . � . -,� � . . . . <br /> � " THIS INDENTUAE: made miti��� � 23rd a.,;. ,f � A��gust � � � � � � . �s�.by�anabeiWeen� �. . � .. <br /> STAHLA MOBII.E HOMES INC: <br /> ; <br /> o� � HALL � County,Nebzaska,aa�mortqagor._.and Flome Federa]Saviage and Loan AasoclaUon oi Graad Ieland, � � <br /> a rnrpora[iou orgaaized and eziafinq ander the law� ol NebrasYa with�ite priacipal otHee and place o1 buatnesa at Grand Icl�d,�Nebraeka, � <br /> , as mortga4ee: � � . . � . . ., � � . . <br /> ' W17NESSETH: That said morigagor_rr.. !or and ia conaidezation o!the aum of . � . <br /> ONE HUNDRED FORTY-F I VE THOUSAND AND NO/I 00--------------------- nouace (S I 45 000.00_�, <br /> �� the receipt ot which ie hereby acknowledged, do— by thene preeenta mortgage�and warrant unto said mortgagee,�ita�succesnora and � � <br /> � aesigne, fozever, all the following deecribed real eatate, eituated in the couaty of_- ��� ' � <br />•actt: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE W'- OF NE-' OF SECTION I5 TOWNSHIP II <br /> fJORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN HA�L CUUN�Y NEBRASKA D�SCRIBEC) AS <br /> %FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NQRTHEAST CORNER OF SAII� W'- OF NE' 0� SECTION �5• THENCE SOUTH <br /> ALONG THE EAST L�NE OF SAiD W OF NE' A DISTANCE OF 630.9 FE�ET: THENCE WEST'AT RIGHT ANGLES� <br /> A DISTANCE OF 80 fEET TO A PO�fNT iN �'�1E SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN STRIP OF LAND,80 ; <br /> DEPARTMEN'F OFRPUBLHCAWORKS3B�f pHURTTOLARM DEEDTDATED r�ARCH 4AC1930 RWHICHADOCOTPASYTH� TRUE <br /> POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS DESCR�PTION: THEN SOUTH A�ONG A �TRAIG�iT LINE PARALLEL WITH AND <br /> �THECTTOFNN 7�STANDiSTIANHCTER�NF'38c5AqFpEETST�pTNHENpCEFHWES4TG�2TSRIFG�TAHNFGCLEFSANATRDHI�FTAyNCq� ONF 150NFR�ETF <br /> � TH�N�TGH�RHAVA(�GRAGRADIU���F 75b�FEETCETANG��f'�T I�STPOINTNOF B�GTNi�RbG T��T�EAL��TV[ TO � <br /> DE CR BED LINE A DISTAN E OF 83.96 FEET: THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A STRAIGHT LINE ANGENT <br /> AT ITS POINT O�' BEGINN WG TO THE END OF THE LAST DESCRIBED CURVE A DISTANCE OF f14.09 f EET � <br /> TO A POINT IN SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN STRIP OF LAND 80 FEET WIDE FOR � <br /> HIGHWAY U.S. 30, HERETOFORE GRANGED TU DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Bf SAID DEED OAfiED ��IARCH <br /> � 4 t930• THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF HIGHWAY U.S. 30, A DISTAN�E <br /> OF' 14¢.�37 FEET TO THE TRUEPOINT' OF BEGINNIN6. ALSO - A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SA10 WZ <br /> B� NE� OF SECTION 15; �HENCEBEgOUTH A�ON�WTHE E�STELINEGOFTSAID WQROFENET CORDEST�NCEAOF 6�70. <br /> FEINET:pTFHHENGHEy�AyESTU AST, R3OGHT7-HAENGELESSpAUTDHIASLTO�NIGCEAOSFT8R0piFHTTLTIONEAP�P0RA1�TF�N S�N1DASNOpUTgH�EAEEETERLYg1�p <br /> �ES� ERLY, MEASURED'AT PZIUHT �I�GLES FRUM SAItJ EAST �INE OF WZ Oi- �Eµ �� SEC;TIOt� t5, A BISTA�E <br /> 5 E TR T B G N N F H D IP I T E 0 IN TH ALO <br /> � � �� b�� E �b � � � I�� ��t@ �� � oq�� t { a�� ��a�F �T� �N �� a <br /> ��,�H� ��G��S � D1�T�N��f�H�� �5� �.�tTA�O TH� T���� ��INT �� ����N�I�V�: AL��T'A � g��L ��TL�NO �� <br /> �f �qether wi all eaha 1 ing, and ph.m �nq eqwpment an �x ures,mdud�ng e o eze and urners.sacons. awn n e, atozm win owe <br /> ; � ?$ .and doars, qnd window shadea or bllnda, vaed oa or fm m�neetfon wilh eaid property, whether the name are aow loeated on enid propezty <br /> jt or hereatter placed thereon. � �� <br /> � j $' <br /> } � ?,,tt TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and einqular tha tenemenla,hereditaments and appurtenmicea thereunto belong- S2$ . �� <br /> � � ing, or in anywiae appertainiag, forever,aad warzant the title to the sam.e. Said mortgaqor_.i heroby covenant�_ with aaid mortgagee S{ .� . � <br /> j that �'�ne�_,'a.�.ro__. at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner�o! ihe premisea above conveyed and deacribed,and a�e � $j <br /> .�t ? <br /> seized o[ a qood and Sndeleasible estate ot inheritance therein, &ee and dear of all encumbrancee, and that..$�_he_�(._ will wazrant �d � � <br /> � $ defcnd the title thezeto forever against the claims and demands ot ali pereons whomaoever. � � � � � <br /> T ? <br /> . PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this inatrument ie oxecuted and delivered to secure the payment of tho sum ot � . . <br /> � ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100-_---------------- n 145 000.00 <br /> oilara (5—.�_ ). <br /> with intereat theroon, togother with such charges and advances as may be due and pnyable lo svid mortgageo undez the terms and <br /> conditions of the promiseory note oi even date herewith and secuxed hereby,executed by eaid mortgagoz_S—to said mortgagee.payable � <br /> } as expressed in caid note,and to secure the performance of all the terms and conditionv cxaatained therein, The terma ot said note are � p . <br /> . t he:eby incorpora�ad hereia by this zeiorence. . . <br /> S <br /> � It ie the intention and agreement of the paztiea hereto that thie mortgage ehall also secure any iutuze advancea mado to eaid � � . � � <br /> � mortqagor�_ by said mortqagee, and any 4nd all indebtednaen in addition to the amount above stated which eaid mortg¢gors, or anp�� � � � . . <br /> ot them, may owe to said mortgagee, however evideaced, whether by note, book account ox otherwise. This mortgrsqe ahall remain in tull <br /> r�. ' torca�and etfect between the parties hereto and their heixa, pereoaal representativea, aucceeeora end assigne, until all amounts aecured . � � � <br /> t� � z hereunder, including future advances, are paid in full with interee�. S � � � <br /> ��. $j� The mortgagor_�.haxeby aesiqn.5_ to satd mortgagee all rents and inmme ariainq at any and alt.timea from said property and ? <br /> $, .hareby authorize aaid mortgaqee or ita ageat. at ita oprion, upon defaul6�o take charge ot eaid property and mllect al! rents aad fncome Sdd� <br /> ; therelrom mid apply t6e same to the payment of intereat, principal,inaurance premiuma, tasen, asseeaments, repairs oz improvemeate necos• � <br /> fj eary to keep said pioperly in tenantabla condifion, oz lo other chargos or payments provided for herein or in the aote hereby aecuzed. Thia <br /> �1reat eaeignment ahall cantinue in force unti2 the unpaid balance o1 eaid note:s lully pa3d. The t¢king of possessiun hereunder shetll in no <br /> � manner prevent or retazd eaid morlgagee in tha collection ot eaid auma by torecloaura or otherwieu. <br /> S £ <br /> j The failure of the mortqagee to aeaert aay of ile sighta hareundez at aay timo shail not be conatrued ce a wniver of ita right to asneri 3 <br /> . $� the wme at any later 4ma,and to inaiat upon and eaforce atziet rnmpliance with all tho iecros and provieions of said note m�d oS this � � . <br /> jmortgaqe. $ <br /> $S I2 eaid moriqCgot_`.z ah¢ll cQUse to be paid to eaid morigagee fhe enti[e amount due ft hereunder�,and undez the terma and,provisions $ . . <br /> $} o}said note hereby secuzed,lndudinq tuiure advancea,and any esteneions or renewals.thereot in accordance with the tarma and proviaions <br /> ij tLareot,and il eaid.mortgagor.,�_shall rnmptp with all the provisioae of wid note and ot thia mortgago, then theee Freaente ehall be void; <br /> �, olherwisa��to full loice and altecq ond wid mortgageu.ehcll be entftled to iha poaaeseion of ali of said property, m�d may, at ite <br /> option.daolare the whols ot �aid note and all iadebtedness repre�ented thereby to be tmmadlately due and payabla.and may ioreclone this <br /> . mozegage cr take any�other legal action to proteet its rlght, cmd from the dats of such detauit all items ot indeb�edness secured Lereby �l�.��. <br /> ahall dtaw 3¢tereat at 9Cy(qper¢anum. Appraieement waivod. �� � � ' <br /> Thb mortqage a6a��IS"e biadSnq upoa and ehall anuro to the benelit oi the hein, ezeeuton,adminiat�atozn. �ucceeeore and aaeigns o! � �� <br /> Lthe re�pxtivo partie�Lezeta � <br /> . IN�R/I7'NESS WFIEREOF. �aid Mortqngors h� vAb�rsunto �et ��th[i r hand__S.fhe day anc�yearliznt above <br /> . S written.�� . . <br /> , S�At4C7�j MOB i LE HO,NlEF Jr..�-�tt�• // �/ o i! 1 _` <br />� ## _B��� _. ...,�'r<<S.t.,tc�/i..�/.�r.... ATTEST: LLL'.�'.�Ct-,�-,...-eJ _._.!� ��--�C..�.�✓ <br /> ..: <br /> -- --.�—._—.^_--- ------- � . .,. <br /> aym d E. Stahla, President Dianne R. Stahla, Secretary _ <br /> � f <br /> __...w�......�....,..w._..,.....,..�.,.,._..,.�..�.,...., ,....�............. .....:.;:..._,,....__._ <br /> � � � <br />�� <br /> �. <br />