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��� <br />�;. � � � �'E,. �� ' <br />��� � ,��:�� t <br /> � � .��;;-,��", � <br />�. .. r..:._ .. . _ _.. ________......_ __ _ _��. _.__.___ _ _ _ _ _�` � <br /> � <br /> � �. MOATGAGE—Savings and Loaa Form--(D(r�ct Credit Plm) 255•2 (Spe�f.aU � � .� . � � � .. <br /> �� �'7- �(�4 815 MORTGAGE <br /> . . .. . . . . .. � � �. ' . � Loan No � .. <br /> . r .. TH[S INpEN7ITAE, made et.�. 22i'ld � ��aQy, ot AlJ]USt . .. . . 19�?by'�dbetween 1 . <br /> HOMAS I'- WIFCK'ANI] .I(�Y[F R: WIFCK� hi��hanri anri wifP aa�h in his anri hPr �wn rigjjt <br /> ; anci Sn�aiSe cif the other <br /> ��'�oi H8� ���� � � County.�Nebraaka,aa mortgagoz S�d 2iome Fedeml Savinqe and Loaa Aaeoeiatlon of Graad Island <br /> � a�coxporotion orqaafaed aad e�dsting mder the law��of Nebraeka��mith�1ts priadpal olHea and plaee of buaixss at Grand lal�d, Nebraaka, <br /> �m mortgagae: �. . . . . . . . .. .. . <br /> . ..W37NESSETH: That eaid mortgagor—�, for and 3n coas[deration�of tha eum o} � <br /> , E I GHTY THOUSAND AND NOI I 00 ------------------------------------ nol3azs c5 80,000.00 �, <br /> 1Le recelpt n!�which Ie hereby�acknowledged,�do— by these pre�enta�mortgage and�warraxii unto wid mortqaqee, iU�succassors aad� <br /> .asaigm, fotever, aIt ihe tollowiaq deeeribed real eatate, aituated in the eounry of Ha( t � <br /> '��and 6tate�o!Nebcaska,to-wtr. �A TRACT OF LAND�COMPRI S I NG A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER' (NW�) OF� . � <br /> , SECTION FOUR (4), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (il) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) WEBT OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL <br /> '>COUNTY, NESRASKA AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTNWEST <br /> CORNER OF SAI'D NWu: THENCE RUfJNtNG EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAtD NW:, A DISTANCE OF <br /> TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED fORTY ONE AND EIGHTY ONE HUNDREDTHS (2,641.81 ) FEET TO THE NORTH— ' <br /> EAST CORNER OF SAID NW4: THENCE RUNNING SOUTHERLY ALONG THEEAST LINE OF SAfD NW� A DISTANCE <br /> -0F NtNE HUNDRED EfGHTY EIGHT AND FOURTEEN HUNDREDTHS (988.14) FEET: THENCE DEFLECTING RIGH'f <br /> � 133°29'30" AND RUNNING NORTHWESTERLY A DISTANCE OF SIX HUNDRED NINETY FIVE AND NINETY SIX <br /> HUNDREDTHS (695.96) FEET; THENCE DEFLECTING LEFT 41�15'40" AND RUNNIN6 WESTERLY A DISTANGE <br /> OF TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THiRTY SEVEN AND TWELVE HUNDREDTHS (2, 137. 12) FEET TO A POINT <br /> ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID NWw: THENCE RUNNING NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NW�C A <br /> OISTANCE OF FfVE HUNDRED THIRTEEN AND FORTY TWO HUNDREDTHS (5�3.42) FEET TO THE POINT OF <br /> BEGINNING AND CONTAI'NtNG 34.25 ACRES MORE OR LESS OF WHICH 2.37 ACRES MORE OR LESS IS - <br /> OCCUPIEO BY PUBIIC ROAD R16HT OF WAY. <br /> r {$ ��.� Sogether with all heattng, lightiag, and pl�+mbiag equipmeat and fixturea,indudinq stokers�d bumezn, aQeans, awninga, storm windowe <br /> �� aad doors.and wSndow ahadea or bltnda, uaed on or in rnnnection with eaid property, whether the eame are now Ixated oa aaid properiy <br /> .or horeatter�placed thereon. <br /> SO�HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, togethet with all and ainguiar the tenementa,hareditaments and appurtenaneee thereuato belong- � � <br /> ��iag;or in anywiee appertaining,torever,aad wanant the title to Ihe eame. Said moregagorS— Lereby covenant�_with svid modqaqee � � <br /> F <br /> � that_f he_�_ are �� �he de4very hereof, the lawful owner 5 of the pzeause�above conveyed and deacribed,andare $ . <br /> �' <br /> . �seized ol a good aad Sndeleaalble eatate of inheritance therein, tree and clear ot alt eneumbraaces, and that _t he_� witl warrant.aad <br /> ��detoad the title thereto forever aqainst the alaims and demanda oI all personn whomncever. .�� � <br /> ' PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this inatrument is executed and delivered to secuie the payment of the sum oi_ .. <br /> EIGHTY THOUSAND AND NO/100------------------------------------- ,,,,tla�8 ��80,000.00 , <br /> with intereat thereon. together with nuch charges and advances ae may be due and payabte to said mortgagee mdor the tarma aad � � � <br /> �conditione ot the promisaory eote ot even date herewith and eacuzed hereby.ezecuted by said mortgagorS_to scud mortgagee. payable � <br /> � ' �. as expzeseed in said note,aad to secure the performance of all the terms and conditionn.contained thezein. She terma of said nota are � . � <br /> � � hereby 3ncorporated��herefn by thts�retereace. �. �, � � � .� � <br /> �� Il is the intention and agreemeat ot the pariies hereto that thie mortqage ahaL alw aecure any luture advancea made to said . � � �� � � <br /> � �mortgagor�_ by sdd mortgagee, and aay and alt indebtedneen in addition to the amount above stated which said mortgagora,�or aay �. . � <br /> of Ihem,may owe to said mortgagee, however evideaced whether by note,book account or o�herwise, This mortgage ehall remain la tull �. � �. . � <br /> .torcn.csnd effect betmeen the pactiea hereto and their heira, perwnal repreaentativea, succeeaoza qnd aasignn, until all amounta eeeured � � � <br /> � hereunder,inctuding futuro advaneee,ara paid in full with intereaL � � � .. �� <br /> The mortgagor 5 hereby aeaigs`5 to said mortgagee ail rents and 3ncome any nnd al1 timei 4com aaid property and � . . <br /> . . hereby authoriie said mortgagee oz ftr agent ¢t Stn option, upon default, to take charqe o( eaid property and rnllect all rents and income � � <br /> therelrom and apply�the sama to the payment o! iaterect,prindpol, Snsurnaee premiums, t¢zee,aese�amenta, repaiza or improvemeab aecea• . � �� � <br /> . nary to keey said property ln leaaatable conditlon,or to other ch¢rgee or paymenta p:ovided tor Lerein or in the note hereby aecuz¢d. This � ��. . � �� . <br /> � cent assignment ahaA coatinue in lorce until the unpaid balance ol eaid note is tully paid. The taking of posseseion horeuader ahall in ao . � � . � <br /> � maanor prevent�or retard wid mortgagee ia the collectton of eaid sume by torecloe�ua oz otherwiae. � � . � . <br /> � � ��� Tha tdtlure,�,Q �an�;of ib righte hezeundez at any tima ehal7 not be coaatrued as a waiver ot its riqht to asseri � <br /> . �j tha same ot�{�( �"' 1Qad�W lvaiit uppp-�+opd antorce etz+ct compIIance with all the terzus ¢nd pxoviaions ol said aote and of this j � <br /> mortgaqe. �„ ' �a�in�#A ? .:HS � j <br /> �t �+'rtwrv�Y,+�•`�,•" ���' 't <br /> � lt said ��flrulM"CCUIYe�to`"ebe"paSd to eaid mortqaqee the eatire amount due lt hereundez,and under ihe torms mtd providons � � � � <br /> p .o!aaid aoCa.hereby�o�.-ured,includiag tuture advaacea,and any e�cleo�iona or zenswals�.thereof in accordaace with the.terms amd provisioea � <br /> . ' theseot, aad�.H wid�mottqagor_�ahall comply wit6 aU tha provLioas o!said aote and of this mortgaqe,then these pxesenta ahall be votd; � �� � <br /> S � remaia aa lull.focu�d alfact, �d seid mortqag�e�hall be eatltled to the yoa�aiaioa ot.a(1 of said property, aad may,at ib � � <br /> � + ��.optton, declare the�whote ot wid aote and all indebtednen :epreeeated thezeby to be immedia�ely due and payable, and may loreclosa this � <br /> . . mortqaye or�take aay othe� Iegal acNon to proteet 1L dght, �d from ths dat�ol �uch dnlault all items ot indebtedreaa securad Lerebp . �..,.. �� .�'�, �.� <br /> ahall draw taleraat t er�anaum. A ? � <br /> . 4 �98�p ppralaemeat wdved �„�� „ <br /> i F <br /> .Thie mortqaqe �hall ba bindlag upoa and��hall onura to th� b�nstlt ot ths heL�, szecuWn. admiaLtratore, cucceaeore and�aaelgn�.o! <br /> the��ra�peetive pnrtiq�Lereta ����� ,. <br /> . . . . . . . .. 9 �� ;.a � <br /> ��' " ..��IN WITNE4S � F..uid.,ASortqaq .5 �r V e�husuato.ast �'t d�the d and ar tirat above � � , ;�.� <br /> : wn'ittea. � . . . . . � �� ., ..... <br /> , � � . C' ,- . ,,, <br /> : S� � L����� ../�i i� � :��_...r,'"'r.-. �''--.__ ` _ ,./.`%i�� <br /> TH�fAS _ W'i ECK 7'-- . W I EGK T---� r�' <br /> '. �, Y/ � <br />, � _ <br /> � � <br />�", <br />