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<br /> noE extend or post.pone t}ie due date oi tl�e �nonthl,y insi � llnYents i•eferred to in pa,ragraphs 7 r�hd 2 hereof or
<br /> etiange t]ie aia�ount of such insta(linents.
<br /> '10. Bozrower Not Released, Extension of the time for pa,yi»ent or �nodification of amortization of the sums
<br /> secuted by iliis \YIortgage granted by I.ender to 'uny sticcessor in inr,ei•est of Borro�ver shall 'not operate to release,
<br /> imsny rnanner, the liability of tLe origin�l E3orrower a,iid �3orro«-er's successois -iu interest. Lender shalI not be ` (-
<br /> required to conu�7ence l7roceeilings against sucli successor or refusc to extend time for payment or othercvise modify
<br /> ' smortization of tUe sums secured by tl�is JIortgage b,y reasou oP any deit�and made, by the originat F3orrower and
<br /> �; �+� $orrower's sucaessors in interest. , ' ”
<br /> � . ,—+ 'li. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbenrance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy '',,
<br /> : Cl�, hexeunder, orbtherwise afforded by applicable la�y , shail not be a �vai�er o€ orpreclude tlie exercise of any right �' '; " ' • :
<br /> % e-, : or remedy hereunder. The procurenient of insurance'oi• the payment of taxes or other liens or charbes by Lender �:
<br /> ` �;,_; shall not be a wsiver of Lender's right to accelerate the, maWrity bf the indebtedness secured by' t6is Mortgage.,
<br /> ; ,� 12. Re�edies Cumulative; All remedies provided in tliis \Qortgage are distinct and cumulative to any otlier
<br /> = � � righti or remedy under`this �Iortgugr, or ufforded' by la�v ��r equit,y, und may be eaercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> � ^ ently or successively_ `
<br /> ; (� 13. Successors mid Assigns Bound; joini and Several Liability; Captions. The covennnts and agreements
<br /> herein contained shali bind; and tlre rights f�ereundershalt inure to; thc respectivesiiccessors :ind assigns of Lender
<br /> � �. . and' F3orro�ver, subjecC to ttie provisions of lisragr.ipN 77 hereoL All covenants ancl :�greements of Borrower shnll ,
<br /> � be joint and sever� l. The captions and headings of tlie paragraplis oS this \Ior 'tgage :ire tor eonver�ience onty and `
<br /> " are not to be nsed to interpretor definethe provisions hereof. '
<br /> � � � � �� 14. Nofice. An� noticc to � Borrarvei• l�i•ovic3ce� foi• i�x tl:�� \Ivrtgeage s}�a1l � be given by rnailiIIg such �uotice by � � � ,�
<br /> certified innil addressed to 13orroci�er rit the Property addie. � stnt.e<i below , ezcept foi• uny votice required under ` '
<br /> paragrapl� IS l�ereof tu be given tu Borro���er in thc mzlnner prescribed t�y applicable law. :�ny notice provided �
<br /> i for in this �Zortgage shall be deenied tu ha�•c been given to Borroa•er «•hen given in ti�e manner designated herein. r `
<br /> '�; 15. Uniform Mozt a e: Governia Law; Severabilit 'I'his form of mori. �• �
<br /> 4 9 5 Y• �age combine� uniCorm covenants
<br /> ; for nationai use and non-uniform covenants �vitii limited v��riations l�y jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seeu-
<br /> a rity instrutnent covering real property. This _llortgage shall bc gocerned by the ]u�e of the jurisdiction in �vhicli
<br /> 5 the Property is ' located. In the event that any �>rovision oi• clause of this �Zort.gage or the IQote conRicts �vith
<br /> a applicable laiv, sueh conflict shall not affect otiier provisions of this \lortgage or the Note which can be given :
<br /> ; effect withou£ tl�e cor�flicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the \�ort�age and the Note are declared
<br /> � tobe �severable. � � � ; ;
<br /> ' � 16. Borroweis Copy. Borrower shall be furnisl�ed s confm•med copy of this AZortgage at the time of execu- � ;
<br /> ': tion or after reeordation 13ereof.
<br /> i 17. Tr�asfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or an,y part of tl�e Property or an interest therein is sold s
<br /> or transferred by Borrower ivitl�out LendeY•'s prior «�ritten consent., excluding (a ) the crention of a lien or encum- ±' '
<br /> brance subordinate to this 1�Iortgage , { b) the creation of a purchuse money security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a transfer Uy devise, descent or b,y opertltion of ls��• u��on t:hc death of a � oint tenant or (d ) th@ grant of ' f '.
<br /> � any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing aci opt.ion to F�ue•�;hase, Lender rany . at Lender's option, `
<br /> declttre all the sums secured by this 34ortgage to be i�ntnedir tely due and p�yable. Lender shail have waived such
<br /> �: option to ttccelerate iF, prior to the sa]e a• ta•ansfer, Lender and the person to whom tize P�•ogerty is to be sold or
<br /> � transferred reacli agreement in �vriting tl�at the credit of sucli j>erson is ;atisfactory to Lender and t6at the interest
<br /> ; paysble on the sums secured }iy this 14ortgage sha11 be at such rate as I,ender shall request . If Lender has waived
<br /> a ; the option to acceleraie provided in tf�is paragrapli 17 and if Borro�ver's successor in interest has executed n �vrit-
<br /> ; ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender, Leniler sh�l! release B�rrower from all obligations under
<br /> thie Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> �: If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shall ±nail Boi•rower notice oZ $cceleration iYi accordance ' '
<br /> , � �vitlrparagraph 14 hei•eoi_ Such notice sliall proaide u i>eriod of not less thsn 30 d�ys from the date the notice is '
<br /> inailed witl�in whicti Borrower m�y }�a}� t3ie ,wus declared due. Ii I3orrower fails to F�zy such sums prior t.o the
<br /> ; expiration of such period, Lender may, ti��itl�out furtl�er notice or demand on B"orrower, invoke any retnedies per-
<br /> � mitted by paragraph 18 hereoL
<br /> ; 2vTox-UxiF•oxM Covr:xnrTs. I3orro�c-ei• xrid Leiider furtl�er covenant anci agi•ee as follo���ti :
<br /> ,
<br /> "<' 18. Acceleratioa; Remedies. Escer>t ar proi-ided in � �arngrut >L 17 iroreof , upo�y Borrower's breach of any
<br /> i eovciiant or agreement of Borrod�er in this rlort�age, including tLe covenants tq pay �ti�6c:n �iue any suins secured
<br /> ' by this \'lortgage, Lender prior to acceler.�tion shall mail notice Co Borro���er a� � �ro��ic3ed in pnrs�rn)�h' 14 l�ereof
<br /> ' � � � �}iecifying�: (� 1 )� the� �breacli, ; ( 21 the �c�ion reyuired to ew-c �ueli breuel � ; 131 a clate . not� ' les:, tl'�r�n �� �thiity dayti �� � '"
<br /> � from the date the noticc � xs ivailed to Borrorccr, 1 >�� n�hicli ;ur { i hrc:ticl� must be cvreci ; �. »d ( 4y tttnt {ailure �to euro �
<br /> � such hreach on or before tl�e date specified in the notice msy result in aceclea�tiou oi tLe swus secured bv this
<br /> � llortgage and sale of tLe Property, If the bressch is not em•ed on or before the date specified in tl�e notice, Lender
<br /> ! at Lender's pption ma;y decture all of the aums scrciued l ,y tl� i� \lqrtgagc to he inunediat.cic i�ue iind', ��ayable
<br /> wiihout further demand and may foreclose tl� is Jlortgage by ii��iicial proceedin�. I,endcr shall f>c entitled to collect
<br /> ; � � in �such proceedin�; � ull expe�lses of forecdosui•c , inclu< ling, but not limited � to , co,ts of clocumez3tary � evidenee,
<br /> t abstra,ets and title reports.
<br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Heiastate. 1otH•ithstanding ],endei's uccelerution of tt�e smns secured by t.his
<br /> " �iortgage, Borrower shall have tl�e ri�ht to ha��e any proceedin�;s begun by Lender to enforcc. this 11ort�age dis-
<br /> + continued at any time prior to entry of a judga�ent enfc�ring tl�is \Toi•tgage if : ( al $orro�ti�er T�ays Lender all
<br /> sums which would be then due under tl�is 1Iort�age, tl�c '_Qoie an�:i ltotes securin�; Future Ad��ances, if 8ny, had no
<br /> '+ acceleration occurred ; ( b } Borrower r,ure. sll hreaiches oi an}• other co�-enant� m• :agreements of Borrower con-
<br /> � tained in this '_4lortgage ; (c ) Bonon•er ��ays ull a•esaona},ic r�peirse, iiic�urred b}• I.ender in enforcin� t,he covenant.s
<br /> azi3 agreewents oi $orrowez containeci in this 1lortgii�e und in eniorcin�; ],en�cr's reinedies as provided in para-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reaconabie :tttornev '� ieea : and ( d ) Borrower takes such action as
<br /> � Lender may reasonably require to acsure that the lien of this �lortgage . Lencier's interest in the Property and �
<br /> Borrower's obligation to psy the sums secured by thi� lIortgaRc shalt rontinuc unimpaired . Upon such Psyment, ,
<br /> and care byBorrower, t1�is A4ortgage and the obligutions secured liereb�� sJ7a11 remain in full foi•ee and effect as if ,� -
<br /> no acceteration had occurred. � � ^'�°`
<br /> 20. Assi � "' � �` �
<br /> gnment oi Rsats; Appaintmeat of Receiver; Lender ua Possession. ' A, :tdditionai security here- �` `� y, ;'��
<br /> under, Borroa•er hereby assigns to Lender the rents of tlie Pi'operty:'Eiz•oaided thai Iiorro��er shall , prior to acceler- �""W�' •
<br /> � A ation under pasagraph 18 t�ereof or abandonrnent of the Property, havc the right to coilect and retain such rents �^�3� .
<br /> as they become due and payable. w ' y�� .
<br /> Upon aeceleration under paragrap6 18 hereof or af�andonment of th<• Yro�vrf�- LPn�9�r; in 1�Ar�on ; hp 3eent
<br /> ,: , -
<br />� � or by judieially appointed recei�•er shall be entitled to enter upon, tt�ke Fioti.e��iou of �nd n,xr�a�F thc� Pronerty k ?
<br /> and to collect the rents of the Yroperty, including those',past due: :9ll rents collecteci E>v Lender or the receiuer ` �� �t.' '.
<br /> shall be appiied first to payment of the costs of anana�ement of tl�e Froperty and collection of rents , including, but
<br /> not limited ko, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver'� bond= nn�! reasonable attorney'. fees, tind then to tlie sums
<br /> secured by this 11ort�t�ge. Lender a,tid LLe recei��er shall be lii3f�Ie to account onlv tor those rents astuallp recei��ed .
<br />= � ' .
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