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<br />�E E 1� � <t
<br /> �,;._.. _ , .—
<br /> _.:.:
<br /> _ �
<br /> � � .2.t—N�ARRANTY.DEED � � . . . � F�Iloa b WdF Caap�wyr 6+nccls�N�br. � .
<br /> , 77- U fJ 4 t3 U fi WARRANTY DEED
<br /> Eleanor Ruge and Melvin Ruge, wi�e and Yiusband, each in her and
<br /> his own right and as spott�e of each other,
<br /> r , hereia celled the Qru►tor whether one or more,
<br /> � � ' in ooaandesation o! One dollar and severance of j oint tenancy
<br /> reeeived from grantee, doee grant, bargsin, sell, convey and confirm uato
<br /> wife and husband
<br /> Eleanor Ruge and Melvin Ruge,/as tenants in common,
<br /> herein oelled the grantee whether oae or more, the following described resl prnperty ia`
<br /> ' .Ha11 .. County, Nebrsaka:
<br /> ,; ...... . .. ...... ......... ............
<br /> { Our undivided one-half interest in the Northeast
<br /> Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE�SEQ) and
<br /> Lots Seven (7) , Eight (8) , Nine (9), Ten (10),
<br /> Eleven (11), Twelve (12), and Thirteen (13) ,
<br /> Island, Section Thirty-One (31) , Township Ten
<br /> (10) , North, Range Ten (10), West; and Lots
<br /> Seven {7) and Eight (8), Island, in Section
<br /> One (1)� Township Nine (9) North, Range EZeven
<br /> (11) , West of the 6th P.M.
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> �,,k�'F►11 !��'•°'.c.''�'
<br /> ,� au G 2 3 �977
<br /> '", 9���—�Y��—.
<br /> To have and to hoid the above deaoribed premiaee to�ether with all teaementa, herediteneats
<br /> sad appnrteneacea thereto belong3ag anto the grantee and to grantee's heirs aad sesigns torever.
<br /> Aad the Qrsntor doee hereby covenaat with the grantee sad with grsatee's heira and aesigna
<br /> that granLor is lawlully eeiaed of eaid premiees; that they ore free lrom eaoumbrsaoe excepting
<br /> , easements
<br /> tLat grantor has good right aad lawlul anthority to oonvey the �ame; aad that Qraator warrant� and w�71
<br /> defend the title to eaid premiaea agsinat the lawiul claims oi a!1 per�oa�whomwevea
<br /> Deted August 22. 19 77
<br /> , �` / / �
<br /> T ......... .......... ......................... . ................. ..... .. ,�i�6::.:.:. .. � 'c`' ..,...... �.
<br /> '�"Eleanor 1�ug"e'��.. �
<br /> 7 `. ,/�
<br /> ......... .................................. . ......................... ......��-��:.':�-���:.n�...:�-�-�:�.-..—:::�._._
<br /> ' Melvin Ruge �
<br /> BTATE OF NEBEieBSa,Oonaty o!............t���,7....................................:
<br /> Beiore me, a notarq publio qnalitied ior said oouaty, per�oaally oame
<br /> - Eleanor Ruge and Melvin Ruge, wife and husband, each in her and
<br /> his own right and as spou;,e of each other,
<br /> � ^�,
<br /> .. . . � . .. � . � . � a
<br /> Imown to me to be the identioal perxan or perwae who eigned the SoreQoiag iattrumenE aad salmowledged � � �''
<br /> the e=eoution Lhareai to be � -
<br /> � hi�,her or their volnntary aoE and desd.
<br /> Witaes�my hand sad notu3al real on .. �;'gust..22�..... ........ , 18...�� xn��J�
<br /> � . ...... ..
<br /> /"f / �---� -� 4
<br />�. ...���C�t;ti� �-� ..��._--t':..:�:'Y2�'�:ax,�r Publia. , �,'
<br /> ...
<br /> QBIEIqit NOTAIC1t.iiM�M N�IR _
<br /> '
<br /> ��'��Mr�UMO M9 eoramynion ezpiren .....'��. ..'�.�..:�,.........»................. i9.��::
<br /> �,,::.-� �
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