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<br /> E A S E M E N T
<br /> 4 r B• T. W. Land & Cattle Go., a partnershipy herein called the Grantor, in con-
<br /> sideration of ' (� /,;�1�r �O L„�,,,,�-� ,
<br /> � receipt of which ia hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br /> a muaicipal corporatioa in Hal1 County, Nebraska, as Grantee, a permanent and perpetual
<br /> easement to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, and remove underground
<br /> � electrical transmission and distribution lines, in, upon, underneath, aad through
<br /> ; �
<br /> the following described real estate in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> Three tracts of land located in Lots Three (3), Seven (7), and
<br /> � ,` Eight (8) o# Block 152, Union Pacific Railway Co.'s Second Addition
<br /> to Grand Island, more particulary described as being that southerly
<br /> � thirteen (13) feet of the westerly eight (8) feet of Lot Three (3); that
<br /> northerly thirteen (13) feet of the easterly four (4) feet of Lot Seven
<br /> (7); and the easterly eight ($) feet, the northerly nine (9) faet, and
<br /> the westerly four (4) feet of the northerly thirteen (13} feet of Lot
<br /> E3ght (8) of the above mentioned addition, as shown on the plat maYked
<br /> . ;
<br /> Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,
<br /> together with the following rights, namely: Unrestricted ingress and egress within,
<br /> �
<br /> 5 through, and across the above described tracts of land for the purpose of exercising
<br /> ;
<br /> � the xights herein granted, and the right to clear and keep clear o£ trees, roots,
<br /> � .i. ' . ... � �. . . � . .`. ; ��
<br /> brush, shrubbery, and other obstructions from the surface of such easement areas.
<br /> j:
<br /> ,ryAll underground electric lines placed within the easement area ahall rem�in the
<br /> � property of the Grantee and may be removed or replaced at any time.
<br /> 'The Grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby covenants that no
<br /> structures or other obstructions shall be erected or permitted on the easement areas
<br /> f
<br /> ° i " described above.
<br /> The Grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby covenants that the "
<br /> , ' rights and privileges herein granted shall run with the title to such tracts of land
<br /> and shall be binding upoa the above mentioned parties.
<br /> /z��s��
<br /> Dated��
<br /> B. T. W. LAND & CAT7Z.E G0.
<br /> � ` A Par nerahip, GRANTOR �
<br /> � �
<br /> By �f �r C .�� !,1'''��a:>'.�+:<
<br /> Delbert Theasmeyer, Partner �
<br /> : ) r ,� /
<br /> ; Witness r���E'/�i1 x �1. l'"l�./�,<���7�-'
<br /> �"�"^ � ' �'."C
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