� , xa
<br />;� i :��,� t
<br /> '�•�� � � � � � ' ��. �ty ��4 .. ��.�.
<br /> not extend or postpone the due date ui tlic inontlily iust:�llments referred to iii paragraF�hs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> change tl�e amour�t of sueh installments : -
<br /> 10. Bonower Not Released. L;xtension of tl�c tiine fot� ��avinent m• rnodificat.ion of amortization of the sums
<br /> secured by this �'Iortgage granted by I.ender to ' any successor iu i�it.erest of Borra�ti�er slia,ll not operate to' release,
<br /> in any manner, the-liability of fhe original F3orro�ver and 13orro���er's successors 'in intexest. Lender shali not be ,
<br /> F required to commence j>roceedii�gs against sucli successor or refu�e to extend titne for puy:Y�ent or otherwise modify
<br /> _ *'� amortizntion of the sums secured by tl�is \�ortgage F>y i'eason of any ciemand m:�de by tlie original Boiro�ver and
<br /> �t �' Borrower's suecessors in interest:
<br /> �% 11. Forbearance by Leader Not a Waiven Anyforbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> a �'' hereunder, or'otl�erwise afforded by a�plicable la«�, sl�all not be a waiver of or preclude tlie exercise of any right "
<br /> f ' �-- or remedy hereunder: The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or cl�arges by Lender
<br /> r � shall iiot be �; waiven of Lender's i•ight t.o accelerate tlie maturity of the indebtedness secured by this A�ortgage:
<br /> % � l2. ,Remedies Cumulative. r Ali remedies provideci in' tl�is \Zortgage sre distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> ; � � right' or remedy under this �3ortgage or afforded l�y la��� qr equity; and inay t�e exercised concurrently, independ- i
<br /> ently or successively. " ' ` `
<br /> 23. Successozs cmd Assigns Bound; Joint cmd Several Liability; Captions. The coveni�nts and agreements
<br /> herein contained shall' binci , and`t.he rights 6ereunder shall inure to , t.he respective successors and ussigns of Lender
<br /> a and Borrower; subject to the provision� of paragr.ipli 17 l�ereoL .� 11 covettants and "3greernents of Borrower shall
<br /> �e jo3ntsnd se��ers�l. The captions and 7ieadings of ti�e ��aragra��lis of this \ fortgage are for convenience only snd
<br /> � ' are not`to ue used to 'interpret or define the provisions l�ereof.
<br /> i 14. Notice: ` �ny notice to BoTrower pro�•ided for in this \lorcgage shall f>e gi��en by rnailing sucli notice by
<br /> ; certified in�il addres�ed to Barrower at t: he Pi•operty Address �tateci belou• , c.xcept Sor any notice required under
<br /> paragr�,pl� 18 hereof to be given to Borru�ti�er in tGe ruanner ��resm•ik�ed by �pplicable lz�w. Any notiee provided
<br /> �' for in this \Iortg�ge shall t>c deemed to lis��c been given lo Burrowei• wl�en gice�i in thc inanner designnted herein. ,
<br /> ' 15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. Thi� tbrm of mortguge combines uniform covenants
<br /> ,
<br /> � for national use and 'non-uni£orm covenants �vit,l� ]iaiiteci variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instru�nent covering real pib��erty. This 1lortgage shnll be govei•ned I.�y tl�e la�v of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Pioperty is located. In tlie event t,hat smy provision or clause of this 1lortgage or the Note conRicts with
<br /> ' applicable law, such conf3ict shall not affect otlier provisions ot td�is �lortgage or tlre Note which can be given
<br /> ' effect �vithout the confiicting provision , and to this end the provisions of the llortgage ar.d the Note are declared
<br /> � '� to be severable. � � �
<br /> i
<br /> y 16. Borrower"s Copy. Borrower shall be fu7•nished a con£orined copy of this 14orCgage at tlie tin�e of execu-
<br /> i' tion or �fter recordation I�ereof.
<br /> � 19. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If ytl or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> ' or transferred by Borrower without Lender's nrior written �,onsent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum- ' '
<br /> � brance subordinate to this \4ortgage, ( b ) the creation of ;� pux•chase tnoney security interest for house,hold appli-
<br /> ances, (c ) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la��� u��on tl�e death of a joint tenant or (d ) the. grant of
<br /> `" any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing su option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br /> �' declaze all the sums secured by this �lortgage to bc itnmediately ciuc and payable. Lender shail have �vaived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior io the sale or trunsfer, Lender sud ilic person to whom the Property is to Ue sold or
<br /> � transferred reach agreemeni in writing tl�at the crediC of sucl� person is satisfactory to Lender and fhat Uhe interest
<br /> payable on the sums ser,ured Uy this iVlortgage shall be at sucl� rate as Lender shall request. If Lender lias waived
<br /> the option to aecelerate provi3ed in this paragrapli 17 and if I3orrower's suceessor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in �vriting by Lender, Lender shal] release Borrower from all obligations under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shall �nail ]3orrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> with paragrapli 14 liereaf. Such notice shall provide a i�eriod of nol les� tlian 30 da,ys from the date the notice is
<br /> ' mailed within which Borrower may pay tl�e suni� declared due. Ii 13arro���er fails to �>ay such suriis prior to the
<br /> o expiration of such period , Lender may, �vitiiout fw�t,her notice or demand on f3'orrower, in��oke any remedies per-
<br /> � initted by paragrapli 18 hereof :
<br /> ; 3
<br /> � i�'ox-IIrriFox.nz CovExAx-rs. Boi•trowe�• and Leudei• fui•t)�er covenant and a��i•ee zis foIlo��*s :
<br /> ` 28. 'Accelercttion; Rernedies. Lxcept as ��ruvided in � �arugra�ih 17 liereoi, upon Borrotise�'s breach of ssny
<br /> eovenant oragreement of Borro�ver in tl� is �foi•t�;aigc , including t.lic covenants ta �>ay �rlien due uny tiui�is secured
<br /> ." � � � � by this 3iortgage, Lei�c�er prior to accelei-ntion slisll �u<iil notice to E3orrowa� ue �irovidrd in j'iai•agi•aph 14 hereof
<br /> 9 . � � � � � speoifying: � ( 1 ) tl�e }�reac}� : 12 ) tl�e action required to cure �ucli br•t,acli ; 1' 3 ) :i ds�tc , nc�t less tl�an tl�irty� days �
<br /> �' from the date the notiee is inailed ta I3orro«•er. I��� �chicl� �ucli bce.ieli must be eured ; aud ( 41 that fsilurc ta etu•c
<br /> � � � such breac}� on or before tlte date specified iu ilic iiotice in�xy i•esult in :�.ece�ierat�ion of Yl�e sun2c secured by this
<br /> �� � '.vlortgage and sale of the Propert.y. If the bre2cli is not cured oi: or before tlie <iaie specificd in tlur notice, Lender �
<br /> at Lt:nder's option may c�eclare all of the siuns seoured bv khis \fortgage to he immedintely due and payable
<br /> ' ' without further demand and n3ay foi•eclose this 3'tortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shall be entitic;d to collect
<br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosure , inclu< ling, but not liiuited to , costs of docuinenLar}� evidence,
<br /> nbstracts and title reports,
<br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. 1`otwitl�standing I.ender, ;iccelerafion of the Su�vs secured by tliis
<br /> Mortgage; Borrower shall have tl;e right i.o ha�-e any- ��roceedings begun h}� T,en<9cr to ciiforce t.his ATort�age dis-
<br /> continued ' at any time prior to entry o1 a ju<lgment enfqrcing this \ lortgage if : ( ul Borrower pays Lender all
<br /> sums which would be then due under tl�is �fortganc, tlic Note and riote� seeuring Future Advances, if sny , had no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; ( b ) Borrower cures all hrenvhes of am� ottier co�-en:ints ar ugreenients of 13orrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c 1 Iiorrower pays all rer�::onablc e���eu�e� incurrc�r9 hv I,ender in enforcing the covenants
<br /> s�d agreemer.ts of Borron�er co:�tainec± i.^. tt:i. 11o:•t;,;::�;c :..:-> > :: c:: tci c :�; ?.r^ .3c . :� �cta:cdic, : s ,�rovided i:i par•�_
<br /> graph 18 hereof, inrluding, hut not limited to, re�sunable attm•ne�• '� iee- ; an�9 � d ) $orrower iake� sueh action as
<br /> Lender may; rerisonably require to assure that the Iie�Yof tl�is 1lortgage , Lender'< interest in the Yroperty and
<br /> � Borrower's ot�ligation to pa,y the sui��s secured by tt�is �lortgage si�a1 ! continuc iiuimpaired. L?pon such pa5-inent ;
<br /> ` and cure Uy Borrower; thi� Mqrtgage and the obligation� �ecured heref>�• shall irm�in in iull i6rce anci effect as if ' .,,
<br /> � ' no acceleration had occurred: „�.. ,...- '� , ` ,� %`;
<br /> a ,
<br /> � i 20. Assigs�metnt of . Rents: Appaiatmeat of Receiver; Lettder ix� Possession. .3s additional security here- " �t ' � ,
<br /> � under, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the ren#s of t}ie Pro��eiK �� . pro��id�d tfrat $orrower sha11 , prior to acceler- �' �
<br /> � afi,ion under paragraph 18 hereof or aUandonxnent of fhe Yro�zert,y, li�ve tiie rig3�t to collect and reiain such rents �„�';�"
<br /> as they become due amd payabie. ` ,��`��
<br /> Upon acceleration under paragrapli 18 hereof �r :sh�ndonment of t}ie Yruperty, Lender, in person, by agent ' '�,
<br />�� ; or uy judicialIy a�poitiieu a�eceiver siiali ue enisti:ied cu .:��ier u{.��ii , lui:e �>us.rasioia ui uiiai iiixiia�;e ci�e Pr�periy r .
<br /> Ni11 Lu .C:UI12ct th� i'aofa �,f f,t�e- PxU}ict'Ly, iuulu3ia�� l2w.0 j>rieL due. .�11 rraLs vulluctu�l Ly Lci,�lec ur 1.lie rec�iver �:�'
<br /> shall be spplied first to psymenC of the costs of ii�snagement of the Property and collection of rents, iucluding, bub
<br /> not limited to, receaver'c fees, ,�reniiums on recei�er's bouei�= and reasonnhle uttorne��'s fe��. and ihen to ihe sums
<br /> � n�ecvre�i by t�hi� � �inrhgage: T�rn+r#er an8 thc rereiv�r s1�� 11 1,P liat,�e �+�� ae�o�int r,�nl�> for 4i�± o�e renta z� �tt�xP1� r�ceive!3 �
<br />' � _ L_ �
<br />� ;
<br />�� �
<br />