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<br /> ���. _ _ . �.,.
<br /> � �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cowity af .... .........................................: .
<br /> Filed for reeord on .....::.. ........:... 19_.......at...,........................ o'clock ......... M.
<br /> ; and recorded in the I7eed $ecord .......... ;.. .:............ Page .............................
<br /> ......... ......... ....,. ._....... . ..._............ By ......... ........_ ..
<br /> ........ . ........ ............... ..
<br /> ; Regiarer of Deeds Deputy Ii�egister of Deed�
<br /> � :
<br /> ; � ��' ��4 7�� SUR�IIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> ,�
<br /> Da2e J. Tamborini and Ro Jeanne A. Tamborini, Husband and Wife, each in His and Her
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other ,herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> a,
<br /> in conr�ideration of Thirty-four Thousand, Nine Hundred and no/100 ($34, 900:00) DoTlars
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Raymond H. Werner and Gladys I. Werner
<br /> as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenante in comrnou, the following deacribed real
<br /> ` property in ....... ...Hall..................................... County,Nebraska: 4,
<br /> Lof Ten (10), Bl�ck Five (5), Wallich's Addition
<br /> ' to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. `
<br /> � �� � .
<br /> STAMP TA7C
<br /> , �'�` a�� 2� r�'
<br /> ` �
<br /> . - ��..�B ,
<br /> ._.- �.
<br /> To have and to hold the abpvQ"Wdescri�ed premises together with all tenemeuts, hereditamenta
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to tLeir assigns, or to the heire and assigns
<br /> of the survivor of them forever.
<br /> � � And gratttor does hereby covenant with the �rantees and with their assigns and'with the heirs
<br /> '.. � ` and assigns of the surviti�or of them that grantor is la�vfully seised of said prewises; that they are free from ,• �, i
<br /> encnmbrance except easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and lax�ful authority to eonvey the same; ond that grantor warrants and vvill
<br /> defend the title ta said premises against the lawful claims of all persons �vLotnsoever: '
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees,
<br /> the entire fee title to this renl property 9ha11 vest in the surviving grantee.
<br /> s ' Dated ./4 u':-�<-�t-�-� 19 7 7 f---�.._.
<br /> � .. ...... ... ...........:................................................ ''• .P.�::�5..,..�.�. %`�- �:at- "-
<br /> , ....
<br /> _.. .
<br /> , , ��J ;Tambori i� � � �' ,/ ,
<br /> ; .... :... .... ......... ............................................ -.. i�.'�...:�12:2.'..�:.�� �:::�K�.Y.4:.`�:�`���v
<br /> ��o �anne A. T'amborini
<br /> ' ' `�ST�TE OF .......:NEBRASKA.... ., County oF ... ...HA I.L . ._......
<br /> $efaie me, a notary public qualified for said county, peraonally eame
<br /> Dale J: Ta��arini and Ro Jeanne A. 'i'amborini, Husband and tiNife, each in His and Her
<br /> �
<br /> : owz�._ rigHt as�d;as spouse of each other
<br /> ,, ,.r _ �
<br /> y �. �. � � . :. . . . � . . . . .� . ..
<br /> known to me to be the identical person or pereons who signed the foregoin,g instrument and aeknowiedged �. :�° � x�'
<br /> ; «�
<br /> ZV2tness reof to be his, her or their voluntar act azud deed `� , .
<br /> the eaecution the �± �W .�
<br /> �� f
<br /> �„ ' mp hand and notarial seal on .SF�fG.G:C��..��. .....�.............. 19,i'�.�...... �; r ;��
<br /> , ..f.��.��l.eG.:��..G�.�,.Xf.,�::/...._.�s6���'.r.'��'�Ia'otaT Public ` "�
<br /> ira'„
<br /> C�NERAlML3TNRY sioe�orwbm�e •-. v, Y �
<br />� . � r�t+iw r:���ewa � �
<br /> : �r Comm Enp feo.e.1978 Mp commisaion eapire�--�:N�'.f�GL'�FG.�G,f,R,� �............... 19..:r7d...•-... F*� :
<br /> ��
<br /> F'orni 4.`l To b� anor�ved by \ebraska State Bax�ssociation r'dxoa�wdr oo.,i.t��n,x:e�_
<br /> ` '
<br /> � - ` �
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<br />