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<br />�.� � �7 -��
<br /> � T� �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ........................................................: ,
<br /> F'iled for record and entered in Numericai Indes NEBRASKA DOCUM£NTARY.
<br /> on ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ............_... M., STAMP TAX
<br /> arid recorded in Deed. Itecord ............................ Page ................._.......... ��C] 2+�i 1��`
<br /> ......... ....... .......................... $y ..................:. .........,......................
<br /> County Clerk or neputy Co mty Cierk or $��_QQ Q�,(�7����
<br /> Re�iater of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeda
<br /> � 77. (?U�'7�?9
<br /> �iiTEldElfi ATTM71�
<br /> FRANK E. I3ICE�S and IAIA L. NSCf��S,
<br /> 1711SbHnd and w1f2, 35 joint tenc3nts , lierein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideratiwi of S3xty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars
<br /> L.
<br /> reeeived from �rantaes, does �ra�it, bargain, sell, convey- fand confirm unto LC)ITIS�LnNGSTNE r'u'X3 BAI�BARA J.
<br /> IfxTGSINE, husband and wife
<br /> ; as joint tenants and not as tenants in cocninou, the follo�ti�i�i�; described rea2 property in .............................. '
<br /> r ........................��,7.�............................ Cou�rty, ?�'ebraska: A tsaCt Of l.arld located in the NortheaSt '
<br /> Quarter of Secticai 24, Taanship 10 North Range 12 West of the Sixth Principal Mesidian,
<br /> Hall Cowlty, Nebraska and more particularly descril�ed as follavs:
<br /> Beginnit�r at the Northeast Comer of said Section 24; thence S 0°02'07" E aloaig the
<br /> ; East line of said Section 24 a distance of 300.00 feet; thence S 89°57'S3" W a distance
<br /> of 159.96 feet to the centerline of the FJood River Channel; th�nce follawing the centes-
<br /> line of The Wood River Channel S 14°17'33" E a distance of 138.27 feet; th�nce S 18°24'
<br /> 15" W a di.stance of 78.75 feet; thence S 74°42'40" W a distance oP 144.94 feet; thence
<br /> S 59°D3'S2"' W a distance of 109.65 feet; thence S 73°04'30" W a distance of 128.77 feet;
<br /> t tivence N 69°43'46" W a distance of 138.38 feet; th+ence N 45°54'41" W a distanfle of
<br /> > 62.50 feet; thence N 7°18'07" W a distance of 61.55 feet; thenoe N 18°40'OS" E a dis-
<br /> tance of 64.24 feet; thence N 31°28'30" W a distance of 90.31 feet; the�ice N 68°51'40"
<br /> � 2 W a distanoe of 30.00 feet; th�ce S 60�58'16" W a distance of 17.77 feet; tivpnce Nostlz
<br /> leaving the centerline of the Wood River Channel a distanoe of 123.40 feet; thence
<br /> N 17°35'55" E a distance o£ 194.06 feet; thence north a distance of 40.00 feet; to the
<br /> ° Norkh line of said Section 24; thence East along the North line of said Section 24 a (OVER) �
<br /> � To have anr.l ta hold the above descriUed premises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> � �7id apgurtenanees tliercTo belon�ing uiiko the grantees as j�int tenants.
<br /> And grantor does liereb,y coveuant �vit.l� the erantees that �rantor is lawfully seised of said
<br /> preinises; that they are frc;e from enetirnbrttnce;
<br /> that grantor has �ood right .and ta�r•ful authority to cou��ey the same; and that grantor warrants and wilI
<br /> defend the title to said rrrcrnises against the la«•ful cl�iiins of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> ,::.� .S . . . . .
<br /> .: 'Y
<br /> x � � bated 19 � �
<br /> } � `
<br /> ` ........Y-.1.�:.ii.,.�,:..:�.....�'a.,-....(.`�.�:?............................... ........�Q::c�.G2... . .:.....�.l. :'..�::� ...
<br /> la
<br /> _ l-�1����, i q���i ___
<br /> ;' 6TATE OF NEI2R_9.SKA. Countv of .............. .....�-1 ..........._..................:
<br /> 13efore uir, a nuturp public qurzlified for said county, personally eame
<br /> Frank E. Nickels and Lola L. Nickels
<br /> State of Florida )
<br /> County of Pinellas) �notarizat�on for the signatura of LQLA L. t�ICKELS only)
<br /> ` Lola L . Nicke7s----------------
<br /> � � � � l:i�io�cn to me to bc tlie identical person or persmis �rho si�ed Eh�� � � r
<br /> foregoing instrurneiit and ackiiowledge the esecution thereof to" bt�his, v'> , • � " ',,;�rw
<br /> her ox• their volunt.ary act and decd. e � � '
<br /> t' r
<br /> . � . ^�. i � . N �,
<br /> 1 R'itness mp hand and notaxial seai�ou ......AU,�US,t 8.p....197�..... .... `� ^.
<br /> ., r I -�`.
<br /> , -, �,'
<br /> ...................C.�:����,......,�:Q.�:t....�.x. 2�Totat,u Public :
<br /> .,
<br /> ., �. ���;
<br /> itily commission expires Feb ruary 1 3, Sb" .
<br /> . . ................... .., 13 . ::: , ..
<br /> Form 4.5 Approved by Nebraska State Bar Association F�ic�.��woi!cx.,u�o�+n,x«n..
<br />� � �
<br />�, _.___
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<br />