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<br /> not extend or postpone the due date oi the �i�ontlily inst:iil�uen 'ts referred to in pnragraphs �1 and 2 l�ereof or
<br /> chxnge the amount of sucti install�nents .
<br /> 10. - Borrower Not Released. i.xtension of tl�e time for � r.�yment m� modification of amortizntion of the sums
<br /> secured by this �'fortgagegranted Uy Le�ider to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not .operate to release,
<br /> in 'any u�annei; the liabilit.y of the original 13orro�ver anc3 13orrorver's successors in interest: Lender shall not be
<br /> required to` eommence proceedings againsbsucl� successor oi• refuse to extend titne for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> � amortization of the sums secured by td�is \lortgage I �,y reasou of nn�• demnnd made Uy t1�e originai Borrower and
<br /> r � Bozrower's successors in inte;est, < '
<br /> �, 11: Fozbearaace by Leader Not a Waiver. Any forbearance Uy Lender in exercising any right or remedy `:
<br /> hereunder; or otherwise afforded by applicable la�y; shall not be a waiver oF or pi•eclude the exercise of any right � ' '
<br /> �� or remedy lzereunder. The ��rocurement' of 'insurance or the payment of taxes or otl�er liens or charges by Lender
<br /> •�• shall not` be u waiver ot I.ender's riglit tio accelerate the maturity of tt�e indebtedness secured uy this Mortgage.
<br /> �"� 12. -Remedies Cumulative. ?,ll remedies providei9 in tl�is \7ortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other ; '
<br /> r� � right "or reinedy under tl�is \Lortgage or affordc�i by lazr or equit,y , and may be esercised concurrently , independ- `
<br /> � � ently or successively: , .
<br /> k 13. Successors cmd Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The covennnts and agreements
<br /> = herein contained sha11 Uind; and the rights I�ereunder shall inure to , thc respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> and Borrowei; subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 liereof. All covenants and a�recments of Borro�ver shall
<br /> wi be joint and several . 'I'he captions and 6eadings of tlie psragraphs of this \Iortguge are for convenience onlg and �'
<br /> are not to be used to interpi•et or define the provisions l�ereof.
<br /> ; 14, Not,ice. Any notice to Borrower ��t•ot•ided for in tl�is \iortgage s]�all ba gi�•en by mailing such notice by
<br /> certified mail iaddressed to Borro«�er at thc Yroperty :�ddrese stated belo��• , except. Sor any notice required under
<br /> � paragruph 18 hereof to be given to liorroti�er in the manner �n�e�cribed by s��i�lica,ble 13«�. Any notice provided
<br /> ! for in this �3ortgage shall be deeined to liave bcen given to Boi•ron-er wheti gi��en in the inanner designated lierein.
<br /> i5. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. Tl� is toi•m of �nortgage cumt>ines uniform covenants
<br /> for nationnl i�se and non-uniforin covenants �vith limited vlriations by jurisdict.ioti to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity instruinent covering real property. This \fortgage shall lac governed by the la�r of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is ]ocated . In the event that any l�rovision or clause of this �4ortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br /> a.pplicable law, such conflict shall not uffect other provisions of tl�is \fortgage or the Note which can be given
<br /> r effect without the conflicf,ing provision, and to this end the provisions of ihe �iortsage and tl�e Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> ; 16. Bonower's Copy. 13orroiver shall be furnisl�ed a confor�ned copy of this A�Iortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Traasfer of the Propezty; Assumption. If all or any part of the Property ur an interest therein is sold �
<br /> or transferred by $orrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a ) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this \lortgage, ( b ) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a trflnsfer by devise, descent or by operation of lax��• upon tlie deatl� of a joint tenant or ( d) the. grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of three yeurs or less not containing an option to pui•chase, Lender inay, at Lender's option,
<br /> declare all the sums secured by this 1lortgage to be iiuinediately due .and payable. Lender shall have waived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the s�le or transfer, Lencier iiud tl�e pcison to whom t.he Property is to Ue sold or
<br /> ' transferred reacli agreement in writing that the credit of such person is ;atisfactoiy to Lender and that the interest
<br /> � payable on the sums secured by this i�lortgage shall be at sucl� rate as Lender shall request. If Lender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if I3orrower's successor in interest lias executed a writ-
<br /> k ten assumption agreement +�ccepted in writing by I.ender, Lender shall release Borrower from all obligations under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> 3 If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shnJl mail Borrower notice of aeceleration in accordance
<br /> `_, �vitli paragraptt 14 hereof. Such notice sha11 f�rovide :� � >eriod of not less than 30 days from the date tl�e notice is
<br /> ; ivailed within wl�ich Borrower inay pay tl�e su�us declared due. Ii Borro�ti-er fails io p.�y such suma prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period , Lender may , �vithout fwilier notice or deinand on E3'orrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. `
<br /> Nox-iTxiFoanz CovFxa:.rs. I3ot•rower ana Lender t'urtlxer covenant and ag•ree a5 folio�vs :
<br /> 18. Aceeleration; Remediea " 1?xcept as pro��ided in parssgrn� �h 17 hereof, upon 73orro�ver'�' i>reaeh of any
<br /> covenant, or agreement of Borro�;�er in this \fortgage , including [Lc covenants to i��y �chen duc any sums secured '
<br /> a � � � k�y this Alortgage, Lendei• ��rior to accelei•zYiou s6a11 m.iil notice to Borro���er as �u•ovided in paragral>lti 14 }iereof
<br /> � ;$ � � sA�cifying : ( 1 ) tlie breach ; (21 the ttc�tion recauirerl to rure suc1� brei'xeG ; 13j ai date, )�ot less tl�an � thirt,y � days
<br /> frum the date the notice is �uailed to 13ori•o�cer, b}� �chirl� �ucli t�rcacl � iuust be cured ; and l4) t}int fsilure to curc
<br /> such breach on or before the dute specified in tl�e notice m�ty resuli in acceleration of thc� suin� secured by this
<br /> � � Mortgage and sale of the Property . If the brcacl� is not cured on or beforn tl�c date s��ecifiec3 in tLe notice, Lender
<br /> at I.ender's o}'�tion inay declare alf of the suins secw•ed 1>�� thi; 3fortgage to be immediatcly dne and payable
<br /> without further demand and may foreclose tl�is JSortgage b}� ,judicial proceeding. Lcnder shwll be entitled to collect
<br /> in such proceedin� all expenses of Comclosure , inclu�ling, }iut not limited to , costs of docwneniary evidence,
<br /> ; abstracts snd title reports.
<br /> � 19. Boaoweis Right to Reinstata. idot,���itJ�standing Lendei•'s ucceler�tion of the aums secured by , this
<br /> FMortgage, Borrower shall fia��e the right to ha��e any ��roceedinR, begun by Lendcr to enforce this `lortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of u judgment enfoxcing thi� �iortgage if : ( al Borrower }>ays Lender xll
<br /> ' sums whieh would be then due under this 3fortgage; the Note an�i notcs securing Future Advances , if any, had no
<br /> � acceleration occurred ; (b ) Borrower cures all bresscl�e� uf any ot.i�er covenants or agreements of Borrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower pays all reasonabic espense: incurred b�• I,ender in cnforcing the co�•enssnts
<br /> and agr�inents of Borrower contained in i,i�i. \Iortg:�Ke and iu eniorciuK S.cu�4i's remeuies u� provide�i in para-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, rea�sona�le attui•ney ', iees ; atnd �cl ) E3ori•ocver takes such action as
<br /> Lender mayreasonably requireto sssure that the lien of this \Sortgage, Lender's interest in the Property and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay tlie smns secured b,y 6hi. \iortgage sl�all cantinue unirripaired . Upon sucli payment „
<br /> � and;cure by Borrower, this Dfortgage und the obligations secured l�ereb}� sl�sll reivain in full force and effect as if ,� - _ -- 4 � �
<br /> ? no accelerstiion had occurred. "
<br /> ; 20. Assignment of Reats; A�ppointment of Receiver Lendar in Possessioa :�s additional security here- �` ��'"k
<br /> under, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender tl�e rents of tlie Property . pro�•ided tt�st Borron^er shatl , prior to acceler- ' ''��
<br /> � ation'under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment ot the Property, have the riglit to collect and retain such rents '� `g��;
<br /> as they become due and payabie. :,; �' ,:
<br /> Upon acceleration under paragrapli 18` liereof. ui• ubandonmcnt of t.lie YroE>ert,�� , Lender, in person , Uy xgent ' o:" '
<br /> or by judicislty . appointed receiver shAl1 l3e entitle�i to enter upon , tnke posse�sion of ancl mxnage the Property
<br /> and to callect the rents of the YroPerty, 3ncluding tlaose pasc due. .�111 rents cotlected Iiy Lender or t.he receiver �. "
<br /> ' shall be applied first to payment of the casts of manngement of tl�e Property and collection of rents, including, hut.
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bon<3� and reasonahte attorne;° 'G fees. a��d then to the sums
<br /> �� � seeured by this� :�'Iortgnge. Lender and the receizot sl�all be liublu tu a� cuu��t �ul �� tor tl �o. a r<uls actually� iecei4ecL �
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