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'�, � � '� ; <br />� , �.k;«�• <br />. <br /> �g� �_,.::..:_ __._:..� _._.:.r�..__�_.. ._ .. ._ __ ...�,..�:,- ,- ��.. _ � <br /> U��.�, _ _ <br /> MORTGAG£—Saviaga aad Loaa�Form--(lltr�e! Credtt P/aa)��255-2 (Spedal) � � . . � �� � � <br /> � � .� t�U�61� ` MORTGAGE <br /> 77 ; <br /> — �No <br /> . r �: .�..THIS TNAENYUA£,made+��• � �I 1 TH dap��oL Arlgi�ct 19 77.� aad botmeaa � <br /> DONALD'D. .FCORO AND WIU1A J. FLORO, hu9band and wife, each in his and her- own right <br /> ; end ae 's��usc--ef ttic-n-ther <br /> o �.� Ha� � Gouaty, NebYaska,aa mo�tqagorS,�d Home�Federal SavSaqe and Loan.�Asaociation of Graod Ialand. <br /> , �.'.� �a.:corporqtioa orqanized�and�easltnq�under�the�laws of�N�braika wtth its�priacipal ofilee and place�oi�busiaesa at Gran3 lsl�td;�Nebraaka. ' �.�. ` ' ����. <br /> .��ar m,ort4dgee: � � � .. � . � .. � . � � .. <br /> � �WITN£S3ETH: That wid.mortgaqor 5� tor and ia condderation�of the�um ot <br /> TH I Y-TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/I 00------=-------------- nouars (5 32,400:00 � " <br /> ;;� the re�efpt.ot�whieh id'hereby ackaowledqed, do_2.5 lay theae�preeente mortgage.and warz�t unto e�d moreqagee, ita��.�sueeeseorr��aad � �, ��; �� ' � <br /> as�igns, tosever, all�the Iollowiug deeeribed, dtuatad fn the county o! Ha� � � � <br /> � ���and.Stdte��of Nebra�ka�to-wit: � � . . .. . � � . . .. . _ .. . , . . . . . . � . .. :. , . ,. . <br /> � � � � . � .. . . . .� .. . . . <br /> LOT THIRTY-NiNE (39), CAPITAL HEIGHTS SEVENTH SUBDIVISION, <br /> IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> k <br /> > <br /> r �k .� ,� . � . . � . . . . . <br /> ! : . , � . . ' . � <br /> �5.� ' � . . . . . � . . <br /> 4 ' .... . . � � � . <br /> .. .. . . . � .l, <br /> f. : ..�. . .. . . . � .. . . . . <br /> �.; . . � . . . . .. <br /> ..;. , . . . � . � . � � . .. <br /> ;��� �$�. Toqether with all heating, lightiag, and�plumbing equipmeat aad lixiures, iacludiag stoken and burnera,ecreeas,awninga, atorm�.w3ndowa. <br /> �,�� ��. and doors, aad window.ahodes or blinds, ueed on or Sn rnnneetioa with�aid propezty, whether the same are now located.oa eaid pzoperty <br /> orhereatter placed the:eoa. � �� <br /> $� � ,.� TO HAVE�AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and einqular the tenemeate,hereditaments aad appurteamces thereunto belonq- <br /> �.��. � ing,or in.aaywise appertaininq, lorever,and wanant tha title to the eame. Said mortqagors.,r_ hareby eovenaat�:_ with add mortgagee <br /> ,1 - that .The_�_ arg , at the delivery hereot,�the lawful owner�of the premiaen above eonveyed aad descdbed, and_ar a�� <br /> S.. . . . . . ... .. � . <br /> :eelsed o! a�qood and indeteaaible eatate ot iaheritence thezein, 1ree and clear o!atl eacumbraacea, aad that �he�._will�warrant aad � <br /> .delond�the title thereto torever against Ihe�claime and demands of all persoas whomncever. � � <br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this inetrument ie executed aad delivered to secure the payment of the aum of � <br /> �� THIRTY-TYJO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/100--------------------not�aza �532,400.00 � <br /> � with'fntereat.thereon, together with auch chargea and advaaces aa may be due aad payable to eaid.mortgagee uader the terms� and <br /> conditiona of the.p�omiasory note oI even date�fierawith aad secured hereby,ezecuted by aaid�mortgaqor � to said mortgagee,payable <br /> : �.� ae expzeeaed in said aote,aad to necure the pertozmance o1�all the terma aad condiHoas cqntninad there[n. The�terma.of sald note ara <br /> ,,? hereby incorporated herein by thie raference. . � .. .. . � . ., �,.. <br /> �It is the intentioa and agreement ot the parties horeto that thia mortgage ehall also eecure �any tuture advancea ��made�to eaid � <br /> mortqagor_�.by said mortgaqee, and aay cnd all indebtedaeea in addIHoa to the amount above�statad which eaid mortqagozs, or assy � <br /> of them, may owo to eaid mortgagae,howevez evidenced, whether by note, book account or otberwiee. Thla mortgage ehell remain in Sull � <br /> � force and�effect belween�the paztlea kerero and their heizs,��persoaal reprenentativea,�succeswm�and assigna, uatil all�amounta�aecured <br /> � hercuader,iacludiaq future advances, are�paid fn full with iatetesL � . � � .� . � <br /> � � .The mostgagor_�.hereby,naa[g�.S�to�said mortgagee�.all��rents aad income ariaiag at�any aad�all timea.trom-aafd�pcopeRy.and � <br /> . bereby authorize eaid mortgagee or ii� ite optioa, upon�dataulL to tnke charge o1 naid�prop�rty aad collect alI rents and income <br /> theretrom and apply.the seme to ihe�puyment of interesti��priaeipal.�Sasurance. premiume, tazae, aasasementa, repaira or.improvaments.necee- � <br /> eory to keep satd propa»y In tanantcable�eonditloa,�or to other chargee or paymeats provldod toz hezeta or in the aole hereby aecured �Thfs � <br /> � � rent�aulgnmeut ahall coatinue�in�foree.�until the usspaid balanca o! said aote is tully pdd. ��The talc3ng ot poasesaion hereundez ehall in no� <br /> �maaner preveat or retard wid.mortqagee ia'the colleetlon of said sums by Sorecloeure or otherwise. �. � � � � . <br /> � Ti�e failurs ot the mortqaqee'�fo aseert cay oF tls�riqhta hezeundez�ut any tlme shaff aot be eonatrued Qs a waiver of its z3ght b�muR� <br /> � tt xhe same at any�"Tt�tBk*"'�!(dy��asyet»apon•�m�d�-::eniorce etrict complianee with aA.the lerma aad.�,provisions.oi said aote and o! ihis �� <br /> �.� mortgnqe. �' ;»'''��' ; �., . . . � :. .... .�. . .. . � .� ,. . .. . . .. . . .. <br /> � c a, -_ a <br /> .L��aid martqagor�_akall equse to be'"''pvld},r naid moRgagse t5e enKra amouat due t�hareunder,and under the tarms aad provlaions � <br /> of said aote hereby mcured,includtng 3uYiire"8 end aay ezteasions or ranewals lhereol tn.accordance with�:tLe term� �d provSeIoas <br /> � the�eof,aud:it said mortqaqor � �ha11 comp7y with all the provtdons of taid note aad ol��lhie modgaqe, �hea lheee presentn aLall be poid: � <br /> ;�.� otherwise to�semaia 7a�.tull f�c��and eUect,aad.etdd�mortgaqee.ahall beeattUed to.ths pouesdon�oi�ell of aaid property,m,��ils . . '' <br /> ; �option,daclare:ths_wLals of wid-notm aad,aL.indebtedaew�raprewated� be lmm�dtately due aad�payable,and.may Yoreclose�this� � � ���„M „::'��. . �,' <br /> mortguge or take anp othez;oqal ochoa to�protecR He���:.4gLt, and lrom tbe �dab of auch detwlt all ttema of indebiedneas�secured�heraby � � <br /> 3 sIIaq draw intsrast at��!�6¢�per�aum. Appzabemeat waived. � �. .... . . .� . .. � � �. � � �' `�a: <br /> � Tht� mocegaga ��l1�ba biadlag upon and �hail�nura to tlu b�nellt ot the hNn, e:seuror�, admfabtratore, succeraoze�and auiqas of ^ W �"'� ' ' ' <br /> . }}10 IB��CfIYB(MfHN�A[AlO. . �. ., . , .. .... ... . .. .. . � � . ��. M <br /> '' !N YJl3N£83 WHEAEOF. �aid�.Mo Saseunto �st ��'helr � +�aad S Weday�and�yaarHret�abovs . n��� . <br /> ` wtltteu. �'��� . - ... . . . . . <br /> �� :S . . . .. . � .. .. . . . . . , ' °' <br /> w <br /> - <br /> ��d�Tw � �� <br /> , ��, <br /> ` NALD'D. FLORO � W�LMA J. FL RO �"'"; <br /> .,.,� <br /> � <br /> � � � <br />