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� ,�� ` <br />�ti � _ � � { �..� � <br /> � � <br /> 77- �� �' 4 '� � 6 <br /> . �� �9. Upon any failurc 6y thc Mortgagor to comply with ot perform any of the terms, covenants w conditions of this MorF . . <br /> . . � � � gage tequiting lhe payment of any amount of moncy by Lht �Mortgagor, othcr than the principal amount of � the loan evidenced by � � . <br /> � � the Note, intetest and � othet � charges,�. as provided in � the Note, the Mortgagec may at its option make such paymrnL Every - . � � . <br /> �� � � . , � paymeat so made by tlx Mortgagee (including reasonable attorney's fees incutred diercby) , with interest thcrenn from the datc <br /> � � � oP � such paymrnt, at the nte of eic � .percent � ( 6 % ) per annum , except . any payment for which a dif(erent rate �of interect is . .. . <br /> . � ��: specified herein, shall � be : payabio by �� the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee on domand and 5hal! be secured by this Mortgaga . . This � <br /> � , � . . Mortgage with � tespett . to any .such amount and � [he interest thetton, . shall constitutc . a � lien on the mortg�ged . property � puor to � . <br /> eny other liea � attaching . or accruing subsequont. to the lien of this Mortgage.> � � <br /> � ' � 10. The � Mortgagee, �� by any '. of � itr agen[s or represrntatives, shall have the right to inspect tho mnrtgaged property from time � � <br /> � � . to � timcat: any reasoaable� hour �� of � the day. Should the . mortgaged � property, or any � part thereof, at any time require inspettion, <br /> �. � �� �� ' tepdit, care br attention � oE .�any kind � or nature not provided by this Mortgagc u determined by the Mortgagce in its sole dis- . . <br /> � . � cretion, � the Mortgagermay, � after notice [o the. � Mortgagor, entet or cause entry m . be made upon, the mortgaged proptrty, ead <br /> . . inspect, repait, protect, care For or � maintain such property , as the Mortqagee may � in its sole discreti�>n d�eem necessary, and may � <br /> . � �� pny. all amounts �of monty thuefor, as the Mortgagee may in its sole dixcrction deem necessary. � � : � � � � � � � <br /> � � . � � . . � I1 . The piincipal amount owing on the Noto together with interest thereon and all other charges, � as therein ptovided, � �. � . <br /> � � . � . . and a11 other � amounts of money owing� by� ihe Mortgagor to tho Mortgagce pursuant to and secured or in [ended to� bt secured <br /> � � � � by this Mottgage, sball itamediately � becomt doe and � payable without notice or Jemand upon the appvintment of a receiver or � <br /> . . � � � liquidator, whether � voluntary or involuntary, (or the Mortgaqor or any o! the property of the Mortgagor, m upon Ihe filing of � � � <br /> � � a � petitiou by or against. the Mortgagor under the provisions of aay State insolvency law, or under the provisions nf the Bank- � � � <br /> �� � � � ruptey Act of 3898, as amended, or upOn the making by tho Mortgagnc of an assiFmnent for the benefit of the Moct6agor' s uedi[ots. � � � � � <br /> � � . � The Mortgagcr is authorized � . to . dtclarq at . its � option , al � or any put oE such inJrhtrdness . irnmediatcly due and payable upon the . . � <br /> � � . . happening of any ol the following events: , . . . � � . . <br /> � � (� ) Failure to pay the amovnt of sny installment nf principal and interesq or other charqcs payable on the Note, which sha❑ - . - . � <br /> � havt become due, prior to the due date of the next such installmrnt ; � � � �� � � � . �� <br /> � � � ( b) Nonpesformance by the Mortgagor o( any covenant, agroemmt, term or mnditivn o( this Mortgage, or of the Note � . � . � � <br /> ( except as otherwise provided in � subdivision ( a ) hereof ) or of any o [hrr agrcemrnt heretoforq herewith or hereafter made - . � <br /> � � by the Mortgagor with the AfoTtgagec in connection with such indebtrdness ; � � � � � <br /> � ( c) Failura of the Mortgagor to perform any covrnant, agreemmt, tcrm or condition in any instrumont «eating a lien upon � � . ' � - <br /> � . � � �� � the mortgaged proptrty, or any parL thereof, which shall k�ave priority over ihc lien o( this Mortgage ; � � <br /> � � . (d ) The Mottigagee's� discovery of the Mortgagor's failure in any application � o( the Morlgagor to the Mortgagee to disdose . <br /> . � � ■ny fact deemcd by thc bfortgagcc to be material , or u( thc makinR tlarrein or in any of the agrcanents . cntere�l into <br /> � . by the Mortgagor wi[h the Mort�;agee ( induding, but not IimiteJ to, thr. Notr and this Mortgage ) of � ny misrepresen- <br /> - � � tatinn by, on bchalf �of, or fot thc bcncfit of, � hr Mortgagor, � � �. � � <br /> � (e) The snle, � leasc or other transfer of any kind ar nature of thc mortqngrd proptrty, ar any part thereof, without the prior � . . <br /> � � � � � writton consent o[ thd Mortgager, � . � . � � � . . <br /> � ( f� The enactmtnt after the : Jatr aF this Afortgagt o( any law of the State o( Nebr� ska deducting from the value of . � � . <br /> � � . , . �. the -mortgaged � -propetty ( ot . any � pan - thercof) , for the purpose of faxation, any lien thercnn, or changing in any way . � . <br /> ��. �. . its I�ws Eor the taxation o( mortgages ur drbts secured by mortgagc for state or I<ua1 purposes, or tho manner of colleo- � �. . � � � <br /> �� � . . tiun of any such tax, so as to afFect this Mortgage, and if after such ena<tmrnt or change the Lolder of the Notc and this � � <br /> � � Mortgage gives written notice to the Afortgagor � dedaring die Note and all othcr indcbtedness secured by this Mortgage � � � � <br /> . . � . . to � 6e dne and payable, 6ecause of any such mactmont or changq i �uinediately upon thr expiration of thirty ( 30) � days � � � � � � � <br /> � � � � � after such noticc. � ' � � � �� � � <br /> � The Mortgagee's failure to exercise any uf its rights hereunder shall not constitute a waiver ehrreo(. All the events in this Para- � � � . � �� <br /> graph enumerated upon the happening of any of which the Note shall bccomq or may bc � dedared to bq immediatelq due and � � . - . �� � � <br /> payable,� are in this Mottgage called "evcnts o( Jc(ault' . . � . . � � � <br /> 12. The Mortgagoe may from time to time cure earh default under any covenant or ag: eement in any instrummt creating a . . � � � . � <br /> � � lien � upon the mortgaged property, or any put tLereof, which shall have priority ovrr the ( ien of this Mortgage, to such extent . � � � � . - . <br /> as. the � Mortgagee may exclusively determine, and tach amount paid ( if any ) hy the Mortg�gce to cure any mch defaul [ shall be paid �. � � � <br /> . : by lhe Afortgagor to the Mortgagce; and the Dfortgagee shall also become suhroqatrd to whatrver rights the holder of the prior � , � � � � <br /> � � . . lien might have under such instrument . � � � � � <br /> . 13 . � ( e ) After the happening of any default hereundeq the Morlgagor shall upun demand of the Mortgagee . surreadot posaes- � � � � �� . � � . <br /> k . � . sion of the mortgaged proprrty tn the Tfortgagce, and the Mottgagee +n� y enter su<�h prnperty , and let the sume and collect all the � . . . <br /> . � reats thetefrpm which arr duc ur to become duq and apply the same, a (trr payment o( a❑ d�argrs and expenses, on account oF �. . . � . � <br /> ��, � � , the indebtedness hereby secured, and all such rmts and a � l leases existing at the time of such de(ault are hereby assigned to the � . � � � . . <br /> � . � � Mortgagee as � further sec�rity for the payment of the indebtrdness setured hereby ; and the Mortgagee may also disposse:s, by the " ' . � � �� � . � <br /> . � � � usual summary proceedings, any tenant drfaulting in the payment of any tmt to the Mortg�gee. � � � . . <br /> � . � . � ( b) � In � the event that the Mortgagor uccupics the mortgaged proprrty or any part tLermf, the Mortgagor agrees to sarrender � � � � � � � <br /> ' . , � possession of such property to thr Mortgagre immediatdy after any such defauh hrreundrr, an1 if the Mortgagor remains in pos- ' . � . <br /> � session a (ter such default, such possession shall be as a tenant of the Tfortgagcc, and the Atortgagor shatl pay �in advance, upon . <br /> . ' demand by the DSortgageq as a reasonable monthly rental for the promises occupied by the Murtgagor, an amounC� at 3east equivolent � . . <br /> �. � � � � � to onrtwelfth of the aggregate of Ihe twelvr monthly instnllments paVable in the < urrvnt calen �ar year , plus tl�e actual amount of � � � � <br /> � � � , the annu� l ground rent, if any , trxes, assrxsmrnts, w•ater ntcs, othe� 4uvcrnmental charg��s and insuran �e premiums payable in � .� � � <br /> ' . �. � � connection �with the mortgaged property during such year, and upun the faih� re of the Mortgagor to pay such monthly rental , � � � � <br /> - � : � tl�e Murtgagor may also be dispossessed hy the usua ( summary proccedinqs appGtabl �� to trnants . This <'ovenmt sha11 hecome � � . <br /> � � . effective immediately upon the happening of any such drfault , as determincd in the sole discretion of the Mortgagce, who sha❑ � . <br /> � � � � give notice of su �h determination tn the Mor�bagor ; and in t4e case nf forcclucure and Ihe appointment of a cecciver of the rents, � � � <br /> � . the within covenant shaH inum to the benefit ot such receivcr . � <br /> � � 14. The Mortgagee in any action to forcelose this Mongage shall be entitlec! to thr aprointmrM of a rettirec withovt notict, . <br /> � � � as � s r�attet of tigh ! an� w�iihoc : reg.� :d to :?x ra : ua of the r.ior :gage.2 propccry�, oc tl�e ;�l �er. cy ur inso; rency oE . he lforq;xgot � <br /> � � �� � � � � or other puty liable for thc payment � of the Note and other indchtcJnrss sc< urcd hy this Mortgagr. �. �. . � <br /> �. - . 15 . � The Mortgsgot, within trn (10 ) dyys upon roquest in perso� or within twenty ( 20 ) days upon request by meil, will � � <br /> . � . furaish promptly a writt�n statemmt , in focro satisfactory to the Mortgagee, signeJ by �he Mortgagor and duly� acknowledged, of . . . <br /> ffit amouat thta � �owing oa the No:^.�: and othcr indebtedness securod by this Mortgagr, and w�hettier any offsets or defensea <br /> � �. e:ist a ainst such indebtedness or on � ':�� � "� � . t- � <br /> . B y part thcreof. , . . <br /> . � � � . � 16. The Mottgagor will give immediate aotice by registcred or certified mai ! to the Mortgagce oF any fire, damage ot otder N ":""� � � <br /> � ��. asuafty tffectiag the mottgaged ptoperty, or of any coaveyance, transfer or changr in ownership of such property, or any part . � � <br /> thereof. �� � � � � <br /> � � 17. Notice , ane� demaad or request. nay - be made in wriring � nd may be served in prrson or by mail . ��� " <br /> . . . 2$_ Za case oE s . Ioteclosute ule u[ tIre morl�ag� � pruperty it nuy be wki iu oae p.rcel. - � . <br /> . � <br /> � . . �. . 39. 7'be Mortgngot wilt not . assign the ceats, if any, in whole oz in part, !rom the mortgaged property, uc any part thereof, <br /> � wi#l�oat the prior writteo consent uf � the Mortgager. � � � <br />� �„� � � � <br />,�,� <br />