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<br />?"'- �_ . . � :t �.�"..,� �{
<br /> i*�„ � ,:A-Cf f �
<br />� �,, �
<br /> Form Hl3D'No.6238-Ntb.
<br /> . .. .�(Sec.�312 Loin) . . � . � . � . � . � . . � � . . .
<br /> � . � � (Revised Aug.1970) � . . � � . � . � .. �
<br /> ' 77-(�04f�6 ,
<br /> �� .. . This..Mortgage made aa of the.� 3Z'd� .� day of August�. � � , 19 77 ,betwcrn
<br /> Kenneth',I.. &-tlydella F. Pz'ice (Hushand & Wife) (hereinzfter called, md iE mom than oneputy}oiady aad
<br /> �seve;ally hereinafter called�"Mortgagor"),�tesiding it . . � HH11 � � . �. . � � .CountY.Nebraska�. . ..
<br /> � and thd Unitatl�States of Ametica��(hereinofter�called "Mortgagee"),atting by and through�the Departmant�of�Housing end Utban� �
<br /> ." �� Developmcnt.haviag a Regional O(fice at 911 Walnut Street� KanSBs��City � � ���. . �d�. .
<br /> , Staccot Missouri.
<br /> �.� W1I'NESSETH,��that to secure�t6e paymrnt uf�an indebtedness in thc prindp�t� amounc of Seven. Thousand��.Nine.Hundred
<br /> Fifty and no/lOflollare (i 7�950.00 ), with interest thrmon, which shall be payable in acco�dance'with a
<br /> certain note bearing even date herewith,a true and correct copy of which, exclusive o( the signatuce oE the Mortgagor, marlced
<br /> � � � . "Schedule A" is�nnnexed hereto and made a part hereof, and dl�.other indebtedness w}�ich the Mortgagor�is obligated��to pay�to .
<br /> � � � the Mortgagee pucsuant to the provisions of the Nou and�this Mortgagq the Mortgagor hereby gzants,��coaveys and�.mortgages . .
<br /> to thc Mortgagea
<br /> � � Tht following�desctibed property situate in� . H811 � . � � � County;Ntbraska. �
<br /> The Northerly One-Half (N'�) of Lot Four (4) in Block One Hundred
<br /> Thirty Three (133), in Union Pacific Railway Company's Second
<br /> Addition to the City o£ Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br /> �,
<br /> � � . TOGETHER, with all appurtenancd theteto ��d a❑ the estate and rights of the �Mortgagor in and to such ptopeRp�or���in
<br /> � � �� �anywise appertaining thereto; all�buildinge and other structures now or he:eafter thereon�rrected or inatntt6d,��ind all�fixtura .
<br /> � � �and�artides of personai property now or hereafter attached to,-or uscd in, or�in tho�operations�of, any such laad, buildings��or � �
<br /> � �� �� structures which are nocessaty to the�complete use a�d occupanry of�such baildinFs or structares for the putpose foc whieh��fhby. �
<br /> � �� �� a•ert or are to be erected or�installed, including,�.but not limited to all�heatiag,� plumbing, batfiroom, tighting, cooking,�laundry, �
<br /> �. � ��ventiLting, refrigerating, incinerating, and air•mnditioning equipmmt and fi.xturrs anJ all rspla�emrnts �theceof �and�additioos �
<br /> . � � �� thoretu,whethor or not the same am or shall be rttached to auch land,buiWings or structures in any manaer, �� . � � . � � .
<br /> � � TOGETHER, with any and al! awarda now or hereafter made for the taking�of the property mortgaged�hveb�,�or.aoy. � ��
<br /> � � part thereof (including any.easemeot), by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, inciuding any.awurd�for change.of � �
<br /> � � .grade of.any street ot other roadway, which rwards are hereby assignrd to tht Mortgagee and are deemed��a pact of tht,property. . .
<br /> . �. , mortgaged heteby,�and� the Mortgagee is horoby authotized lo collect and rcceive the procecds of such rwards, to give psopet
<br /> , . receipts and acquiStnnces theccfor, and to.apply�the same toward the paymcnt uf the: indebtedness secured.by� this�Mortgage, no6 � . . '
<br /> � . . . �withstanding.the fact that the amount owing thereon may nnt then be due and payablr,�and the biortgagor hereby�agrtts, upon � � � �� . ��
<br /> . .,request,�to make,esecute�and deliver any anJ all assignmrnts and other�instturnarnts. sufficient for the purpou of assigning. each p
<br /> such award to che Mortgagee, free, cl�ar and disrharged oE any encumbrances of any kind or namre whatsoever,aad
<br /> . � 1'OGETHER, with all right, title and intetest of dhe Mortgagor in and to the land lying in the streets and roads in front oE . ,�,��., � � .
<br /> . . . and adjoining the above described Jnnd (all the above described land, buildinqs, other atructures, Eiztures,� articles of pezson►I . � �� �
<br /> � �. � � property, awards and other iights and interests beiag haeinaftcr collectiveiy called the "moctgagtd properry"): � � � �� � .. �
<br /> � � � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the mortgaged property� and every part thereof imm the Mortgagee, ita succeswrs and asaign� � � . .� � �
<br /> � � . . forever for ibd purposes •nd use��hortin set Eorth. . . � . � .
<br /> �. � � AND the Mottgagor further covenanb and agrees with the Mortgagee, as Eollows. . � � � . . �� � � . � �
<br /> � . 1. The Mortgagor will ptompNy�pay the principal of and interest oa ttie indebtedness cvidenced by the Notq.and all other � . �� � � �
<br /> �. . �charges and indebtedness provided therein md in this Afortgagt, at the times�and�in the mannec provided in the Note aad�id � � . .� : � . � �
<br /> this Mortgaga
<br /> . . 2.The Mortgagor wii! pay when due, as hereinaRer provided, ali ground�re�ts, if any, and ali tax�s, ¢ssessments, watet . . � � � � ��
<br /> � rates and other governmental charges, Eints and impositions, of every kind :md nature whatsorver, nuw or hereaCter imposed oa . . . . � .. �
<br /> �� �� the mortgagod property, et any part thereof,�end wiU pay when due every amount of indebtednese secuted by iny lien to wfiich �� � � � � � �
<br /> � � � the�lien�of this Mortgage ia expressly subject.� � � � � � � � � � � �
<br /> . � 3.�Tt�ia�Mortgage�aed the Note we.re executed and delivcred.to secure�.mnneys advanced,�oc�to be��advanced,by the Mortgagee� � � . �� � �
<br /> ' . as or on account of�a.loan evidtnetd�by tho Hlote, for�the�purpose�of making tLe improvements described ot rtfecred to in � . � � �
<br /> �� Specifi.cation & Bid Sheet dnced May 27 .19 77 , to or on che
<br /> . � . . mortgaged property,and�fat tueh�other��purpox, if any, described or�referred to therein, which improvexnrnte��are heieafter tollca � ,..�"x'"�' ��� .�k`s'.
<br /> ; . :.��tiveiy�.ca�led.".Isapcovuamta.7��The� Mortgagor �sha11 make�or�.cause to�be made a❑. the.lmpravements. lf the coostruttion or . �-� p� F��^���� �-
<br /> inst�llation of th� lmpravemeats shali aot be c�rrded out w�ith rcosonablo Jiligence, or sh�ll be Jiscontinued at nnq ume fot
<br /> an�raawa, othes thsn sttilcef, lockouts, ��ts oE God,'fires, floods or other aimilAr catasirophics, riots, wu or ineurre�tio0. �1+e �
<br /> L' Ddostgagee�EYer due notict tP the Mortgagor i�hveby autt�oriud (a)to eater upon tha mortgaged property ar+d emploq any watth-
<br /> �� � �.:�mrn tu..pmtteF Wa�Improv.ement�-from��depredatiun�-ot��injury�and to presesve�and protcct such property, (b) to earry ouf any . � ���
<br /> , � � � � oz al( th�ts�czisting coat:acYs�.bctRccn.the�kiort�gor:and �othsr partics for the puzpose of mxkir.g aey of the Imysrovementt, � �'�� ��
<br /> (�)�to make xed enler into additi�psf cantr�cts and inear a�+tigations {or the purposee of completing the ImQrovemenh pursuant � � �
<br /> � to the obiigatiops OI CI1t MQiI$i80I.I1['[GLOdCI�cithcr�in the name of t6e Morlgogce or�the Mortgagor,and (d) to pay�nd dischuge�� . . � �.
<br />� � .. � . . . � . . �� � . � �. � � � . .
<br />� �y _J
<br />