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�,�_ � , �,� <br /> :�:�.� <br /> �: _ r � <br /> �. _ <br /> �--.,_ ,�.� � <br /> � MORTGAG£--Savtaqs and Lomi Form—(Da:...�'Credlt Plan)��2552 (Spedall � . . . . . � . <br /> � � ?7-t�U 4�0(� MORTGAGE <br /> -�t-£?��� <br /> ��___ �Na <br /> 1 itus irm�ruae.maa� iw. 4th a.,.. ,i Auqust �s 77 p�,�a'b.c.veen � <br /> ROBERT R. DEITEMEYER AND 'JEAN S. DEITFMEYFR� hushan�i -nri �•�i fa� a-l-h ' h• � tip�- <br /> 3 own right, and as spouse of the other <br /> �:�o� �-�Na I 1 .. . ��'�motlqagor�,tmd FIoma Fedaral 3aving��cnd Loan Aasoctatton o!Graad.Islaad,�.: <br /> � a oaryq�atioa orqantzed�d eastiag undez the lawi of Nebraska�avit6 fL p:fadpal ofiice and place ot buainew at�Gran3�Id�d.Nebra�ka,� <br /> � m mortgaqoe: . .. . . � . . �. � � � � . <br /> 'WISNESSETH: ..That aafd mortqagor__,S !or and !a comsideratSon ot tLe num ot� . .. . . <br /> � FIFN TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------ <br /> --- oua:. cs ��5�� nn` , <br /> the receipt�of which Ss hekeby acknowiedged,�do_�by theae�presenta�mortqage aad w�rmi! unto smd mortqagee. ita�sueceseor� md � <br /> �.ansigae, lorever, cU tLe following deecribed real estate. dluated Sn the eounty of Ha� � � � <br /> '�'aad Stale.ol Nebtaska, to-wit � . � . . � . . � . . .. . . - . . . . . � <br /> ' f A tract of land located in the NEs ot Section 36, Townshipl0, North, Range II, West <br /> of the 6th P.M., Hali County, Nebraska, more particular(y described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the East µ Corner of said Section 36; thenceN00°00'E (assumed bearing) <br /> atong the East line of said Section 36 and the centerline of a County Road, a <br /> distance of 405.41 fieet; thence N90°00'W, a distance of 33.0 feet to a point on the <br /> ' West right of way line of said County Road said point also being the Point of <br /> � �� Beginning; thence continuing N90°OO�W, a distance ofi 400.00 feet; thence N00°00'E a <br /> distance oi 446.37 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of Interstate <br /> #/80; thence S69°54�50"E, a distance of 425.9 feet along said Southerly right of way <br /> line of Interstate #80; thence SOO�OO�W along the said West right of way line of a <br /> County Road, a distance ofi 300.00 fieet tothe point ot beginning. <br /> TO RERECORD MORTGAGE ORIGINALLY RECORDED AS DOCUMENT #77- 004465 TO CORRECT <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORIGINALLY DESCRIBED AS TOWNSHIP 'Il North SHOULD HAVE BEEN <br /> TOWNSHIP IO NORTH: <br /> . . S � Together�with all heating, lighting, and plum63aq equipmeat aad fixturee, includinq atoken and bumera, acreens, awningti alorm windows� . <br /> � ..and doora,aad�window shades or bl[nda, ueed on Or in conaectloa with auld propezty, whether ffie eame aze now Iocated on s¢id properip <br /> .oY hereatter placed the:eoa. � <br /> . ��TO HRV£AND TO HOLD TFIE SAME, together with all aad aingular the teaemeate,hereditaments mid appurtenaacen thezeunto belonq- <br /> � � inq..or in anpwise�appertaiuiag,torever,and warraat the Utle to t6e same. Said mortgagorS_Lereby coveaaat�with aaid morigaqee <br /> ��that.—j"�e-.jt_. - at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner�of the premiaen above coaveyed and deecribed,and ��ra � <br /> j �seized ul a good and iadefeasible eatate of iaheritance therein, free and dear ot all eacumbraaces,aad thct�he.�L_will warr�t �d ���� � <br /> ; detond the�,tifle iLazeto fosever agaiant the ciaims aad demands o! all persons whoxnaxven . <br /> � PROVIDED��ALWAYS, and this instrumeat is executed aad delivezed to secure the payme¢t ot the aum o� � . �� <br /> FIFTY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------- n <br /> - ollara (5 52�500.00 �, <br /> ���,with intereet thereon, together witb such charges and advances as may be due �d payable to aaid mortgagee unde: the terma and � <br /> � � coadiHona of the promissory note of evan date herewitL aad secured hereby,axecufed by said said mortqagee,payable � � <br /> � ��ae espreanad in sai3 note, and to aeeure the pedormance of all tke terma aad conditlons rnatained Ihezein_ The te:ma of said aote.ara . � . � <br /> . ��hereby incorporated herein by thie relerenee. � . <br /> � It�ie the intention aad aqreement of the pazties hereto that thie mortgaqe ehall also secure aay luture advances� mada to said � <br /> mortgagor_� by s�d mortgagee, and aay aad all iadebtedaeee in additloa to the amount above atated which�said mortqagoro, or �y . � ..�. � <br /> of them,�may owe to said mortqaqee, however evidenced whether by aote,boolc account or otherwtee. Thia mortgaga ahall zemaia ia!ull �� � � .. � <br /> ' .: � forae and etfect beiween the partiee hezeto and their heiza, parsoaal repreeeamtivee, auccenaoTe aad aeaigae, uatii all amounu eacuzed � � <br /> hereunder.Ineluding future advaneee.�e pcad ia full with intarest. � � � � . �. � . . <br /> � The moctgagoz� ����+hereby auiqa_�to eaid morigagee all�seats md lacome arisinq at any and all times fzom aaid properip and . � � <br /> hereby authozize raid mortgagee or ib ageat, at 3tn optioa, upon defauN,to take charge of said propertp and eollect all xents and income � � <br /> �therelrom and appiy the a�e to the.pnymeat of intereat,..prindpal, Sanur¢nr.e piemiums, tazee, asaeaaments, repaire or Smprovemeatr necea• � � <br /> � eary to keep eaid�property fa.tenaatabie madiHon, or.lo other chazqes or paymeats provided for herein or in the aote hereby aeeuzed. TfiL � � � - <br /> �rent aseignment shall continua Sa loice until the uapaid balan�a o! eaid noia Ss fully paid. The taltinq of poasesaion horeunder shall in�no � � <br /> . maaaez,prevent or retazd eaid mortgagee in the wllection of nuid eume by toreeloauxo or otherwieo. � <br /> , .�i . � Tke tallure ot the mortqaqae to���asoert�ffiy�of�Sta�righfa hereunde:at any Ume shatl not be consvued aa a waiver oi ite zight to asseH - � � <br /> ..tha.aame at any late:time.� iasiat upon ead entorea euict eompIImca wlth all the terme md proviaions oi said note aad of thL � � � � � <br /> .. � .�mortgage. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . <br /> � � It aaid mortgegor � .ahell�eauee� paSd to��said mortgaqea the enti:e amount due it hereuader,and under the torms aad proviafons - . <br /> �ot said note hereby sacured,iac3udinq tuture advancea,and aay extenrion� or renewala.ihereof la�accozdaace with the term� aad provi�toni � � <br /> � �thareo6��d.i1 aaid:-mortqagor_��hall eomply wlth all the proHdoas of wid aote and�o[Wis morl9age, then theee preaenm ahall 6e ooid: �� � � � � � � � <br /> S � �otherwiae�to,��tull�lores and etlect.��d�emd mort9agse shall ba:entltled to iLe po�rauioa of..all.of iatd pxoperty.and may. at!4 � �. . . <br /> � optioa, dedare the�whvle oi �aid nota�and all indebtednee�represeated ihereby to be Smmedletely duo and payable. and may torecloae Wia � � <br /> mortgage or take aoy othor laegal acqon to psotecl�fts right, �d from We date,ol�su�h delault all ttema o! indebtedaeas aeeured herebp � . %x•� �. <br /> ehaU dzaw intereat ntI� per anaum. AppraLemeat waived. � � " �� � ;. <br /> � �:Thia mortqage ahc�ba bla�tnq upoa;aad �haU enure�W.We h�nallt�ol fine-hetn.ezecu�oz�.adminleuatora aumeswn and.aaetgas�d .. ��` '�; u� <br /> � rhe�xa�px4ve.�.par4a�Lereta. -., .:.�. -�. ...�. .�..�.�. : . � . .. . � . . . . . . � I�.. . , <br /> W17NF•33 WFIEREOF, wld Martgagor � �v'�E' L�rsunto �at�"hP IL —_._haa�S.�he day and year tizat above �. ������h�' v: <br /> S ✓ ��� �.� . . . � . . . � .�� . �� /.'t 7 . � , . <br />� , / �!✓� ��'�C'�`-�en�' �.,.y-,::/ l ,�;-'�,���«�>,�. ,�-{/ # : <br /> ROBERT R. D�I7MEYER T J EAN S. DE I TEMEYER �/ "�' <br /> �� � �� � <br />