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<br /> Thislndenture,Madebyandt�etween .��..JOHN,_C., SIEVERS AND_CF�R1'LE..R._:SIEVERS, Ht;sband.and. Wife,
<br /> as..,joint tenants with ri�ht of survivorship ere,,, rt�r ferrea. a ,�eor
<br /> 7
<br /> and 'T`E� 0�17��ll�T�7ATIt71QAI: SANK �F �R�,ND IST:P;ND; Graii�t�s�"ari$;'�'e$ras3ca,r`�iereitiia`��
<br /> referred to as bank.
<br /> The Mortgagor for and m considerahon of($ $O�OQO OO � -. ' - -- "-"
<br /> ( . .. ......--
<br /> ...
<br /> I Fi f-�X,ThOug and.;and„n0/100.... .. .... ..... - . . ..........noLl.nRs.vaid by che bank. �
<br /> the receigt whereof is here6y acknowledged, hae �Grranted, bargained, sold and conveyed,�and b the
<br /> . . Y Preaenter,��doea�grant, �.
<br /> bargain,sell and convey,unto said bank,the foliowing described rexl property situsted in the County of,..�11. _,.. ...
<br /> and State of Nebrar�ka.to-wit: -
<br /> Lot Ten (10) in Capital Heights Sixth Subdivision, being a part of
<br /> the Southwest Quarter of Section Ttao (2) Townhip Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth P.M. Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> together with all the tenements, hcreditaments and appw�tenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, daims and �
<br /> .� � demands.whatsoever of the mnrtgagor of, in or to said ��.emises or any part, thereof; and said mortgagor does hereby cov-
<br /> � enant, that��the mortgagor�is lawfuily seized of said prexnises,that said premise�s are free from incumbrance and mortgagor.
<br /> � � will.wan•ant and�defend tl�e title to said premises agairst the claims tind de�n:ands of all persons whomsoever. .
<br /> PROVIllED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditions: � �
<br /> s :, � � � WHEREAS, the mortgagr�r has executed and delivered to the Bank.....1_CL.T.ta1R ..,,,.... pmmisaory note . ,��
<br /> . �.�and�has agreed to maintain fire, windstorni and extended coverage insurance on said premises in amounts required and in �
<br /> 1 �- � companies approved Uy the bank and with standard mort�*age clauses w-hich policies shall be delivcred to the bank, and has �
<br /> ;��� �� agreed ta pay all�taxes�and assessments levied ugainst said premises before the same�become delinquent and to maintain said
<br /> .. .��.premises.�� . .
<br /> �� ... �� Now, therefore, if the mortgagor shal] comply with a11 of the provisions of said note and the provisions hernof, then �� .
<br /> � ��� . these presents shali be null and void. � �
<br /> 3 : �� � ��However, if the above note and interest thereon or any payments called for thereon are not paid when.due or if aay .
<br /> � -. of the covenants of this instrument are not complied �vith, the br�nk, or the ]iolder hereo�, at its option may declare�the re-
<br /> � � maining balance of said indebtedness due and payxhte and m�y mnintain Fin action at lau•or in equity to recover a21 amounts �
<br /> � ��due�and enforce the provisions hereof.In the event of f;he failure of rr�ort�:agor to maintain the premisea, or to maintain � .
<br /> , � � �.insurance as is above pravided for, or to pay tases or assessments,the holder hereof m:�y advance the sum or sums necessary
<br /> � �to obtain compliance and svch amoun}s shall be added to the amount due on the alwve mentioned note �nd baar intereat at � �
<br /> � �:the�highest legal�rate. � � . .
<br /> � � � .. IT IS FURTAER AGftEF.D, tliis mortgage shall c�nstit�zte notice hereof, thxt this mortgage is security for not only
<br /> .the�amount advanced concurrently with the�execution hereof but all futvre advances which may be made at the option of the ��
<br /> i '�� � parties or their assigns up to the tota]amount stated in this mortgage, io thc st�me exYent as advances originally�made here- �
<br /> ` .L�.. � unden.Further notice is hereby given that ttie tenor o.f each blortgage Note including the interest rate, payment, maturity, � -�
<br /> k� �. penalties, and other.terms shall concurrently upon execution hecome a part of this mort�age. � �
<br /> � ��. � � � IT�IS FURTHER AGREED, that the said Mortgaitiur shall and wilt pay all taxes levied upon this mortqage or the debt �
<br /> ; ' aecured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessrnents which znay be levied uncler tlie I,Kws of Nebraska, against the �
<br /> . �. ssid�Mortqagee or the legal holder of the said prine:ipal note(s) on account of this indeUtedness. � �
<br /> � � ���IT IS FURTHER AGREED, if at any time, whilc the martgage�is in effect nnd the note for which thi,s mortgage is � �
<br /> i . ' � � .givesas security,or any�part thereof, i•emains unp�id, the undersigned B4ort�;agors sell, convey or contract to sell the real �� ���
<br /> . ��estate�herein described,or�an,v part thereof, or the Mort�agors do not have or cetase to hxve ti.tle to ssid real estate or any ' � � � �
<br /> � part thereof,then and in any such events, the Mortgagee may,at its option,dec7are the unpaid principx] balance, and interest, ' � .
<br /> ��of the note secured hereby immediately due and p.�y�able.In the event tnat these premises are not now,or should heresfter,not ' �
<br /> � � �be occupied by mortgagor then this instrument shall consiitute an.assignment of rentals and service of a copy thereof upon the � � .
<br /> � :occupant shall�be�sufficient to require�all payment for xental or use of the premises aiter date of such service to made to �
<br /> mortgagee.
<br /> , Signed this..---......ZHC�I...........day or......._....JulY..... ....._...... .......... i�. .�?.... ..
<br /> ///-,�l �) �
<br /> � . � . In presence of �. ........ .....�/G��ct'...,. . !-_�`� .,,�C.Lt.ir�.."�.se........:......... .
<br /> � . � y�EV. .�O}371 C,. J1:.. 'YS . . � . .
<br /> ......................�....... _ ....... ... �
<br /> Chexyle�12: 5ievers��� �� � � ----
<br /> ......:. ...... ... ��t�.tiS._C .�
<br /> . . _........ .. ._...... ... _.. ...... . ..... _ .
<br /> -;� ....
<br /> ���_..._.. .,.. ... .�-
<br /> �` STaTr o�`... ..NEBRASKA.... ..... ....... County of ...Hall...... --..__Rev-.- JOlvi C. and Cheryle R. Sievers
<br /> � �� � Bei�re�$��a.� ry public qualitied ior said county, personally came fj�,c'b371d ynd Wif2 � � � � � � �� � �
<br /> .. known�T��i.�e to 'cal person or Persons w�ho signedtk:e foregosnq instrument and acknowleci�ged the execution there- � � � �
<br /> � � of W be his;'�er4y. � nct and deed. � �
<br /> I"Y �VO "" ` �
<br /> , Oy� ' r��{ �/
<br /> , + � Witneas my h� � a ^' . _ K.�.... . . 19� �
<br /> i .. . L��j����'-.�� . ..�.y _ ,
<br /> ? My��commiesion expires..,�G.���.`,�' . . �......, 13-/� ..... �G!f.7/l��!l?�..;1"lG��lC..-�.......NvturY Public. � .
<br /> . .�.... _...
<br /> ;
<br /> g . .. . . . . � � ' +r 5, ..
<br /> f STA?'E OF � .�i��.S�,. � .. _ � . Entered on numericul index and filed for record ' " �. � _
<br /> .. � � � ss. � �. fly `:: .
<br /> i �o�tS � ���+•���- � . � .� . J �in tihe R.egister of Deeds Office of said County the � �"� � '�+
<br /> ,�3
<br /> ......:. ....--:...day of... ... ...._� ,..:......., �19 .:.....:..at.._...... _ __...... dclock an<i...... ..._.. ... .._.minutes ....... . ......M.. J . l �4
<br /> ` and'recorded in Book.._ _...'.... ...:... of_..._ .... _........at page.._...._. , :°�>`
<br /> , :,.
<br />�r _. . . . . � . � � . �.. . � . ......._... ......... ....___......_..._. . _. _._ __........___Reg. of Deeda '.. ,. .
<br /> „ � . . . . . .. .
<br /> � � � - . . � - SY...... ..�. .w:.....
<br /> . ................ ... ... .... . .............. ... .._.............Deputy
<br />. �, � . . . . . . . . . . ..�..� �
<br />� ,
<br />