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<br /> . . � .� OADIRANCE NO.� 617� • � .
<br /> ���� �� . � . � /�n ordianace areating Senitaty Sever District No.�432 ia the City of Grend Islend, Hebraslea; deSining ���
<br /> � � �Lhe boundaries of tLe district; prwiding Yor the lsying of s sanitary sever main in said�district; provi3ing
<br /> � � � � � �� tor plaas and specifications and aecuring bids; prwiding Sor the assessment of apecSal taues Sor constructing �� �
<br /> �. � euch aever and collection thereof; and providing for the effeetive date thereof.� . . �
<br /> � � � . � SECTION 1. Ssnitary Sewer District No. 432 02 the City of Gread Islaud� Netraska� Ss hereby created . � �
<br /> � . for thc lsying of an eight (8) inch, or 20,32 ceatimetera, vitriYied clatiy pipe, or polyv]nal chloride plsstic . � �
<br /> � . � pipe� and appurtenancea thereto. � . � . �
<br /> � . SECTION 2. 4he boundaries oP such sanitary sever district shall b� as Pollws:� � . �
<br /> . � � � � Beginaing at the northeast corner of Lot 12 in Block Qne (1) of Olde MS11 Subdivisioa, being . �
<br /> � . . on the sovth line o£ Parkview Subdlvislon; thence riuming east on the south line of Farkviev . � � . �
<br /> � � Subdivision for a distance of 230 Seet, or 70.10�+ meters; thence running south�on a line 130 � -
<br /> , . . . feet, or 39.624 meters, east of Lhe north prolor�ation and the east line of Olde t�111 Subdivisicn
<br /> � � for e distnnce of 854 feet, or 259•08 meters, to the east prolon3ation of the north line oY Sta:,_- � � �
<br /> � coach Road; thence running west on the east prolonr,ation of the north line of Stagecoach Road, �.d� �
<br /> � on the north line of Stacecoach Road for a distance of 5339.58 feet, or 179.704 meters, more or . �
<br /> � less� to the north proloneation oF the east line of I.ots 18 to 20 inclusive, of Blocic 4 of Alde � �
<br /> � � � N�ill Subdivision; thence runnina, souLh on the north prolongation of the east line of Lots�18 to .
<br /> . . � .Z 20 Snclusive ia Block 4 of Olde Mi11 Subdivision, �for s distance oF 395.9 feet, or 120.670 mete�s, .
<br /> � r�. W to the southeasc corner of LoL 18 in IIlock 4 of 01de Mill Subdivision; thence run.�ing xest on
<br /> '. � p ;n � the soutih line o£ 01de M311 Subdivision :'or s distance of 833 feet, or 253•�9� meters, to��the � . � �
<br /> �� ^, Q couth.•e�t corner of Lot �ne (1) in BLock 4 of 01de N.i11 Subdivision; thence running north on th^ .
<br /> W enst line �of Blriine Street for a distance of 660.9 i'eet, or 201.4A2 meters, Lo the norLhwest � �
<br /> � c� p cerner of Lot Ca�e (1) in Dlock 7hree (?) of Olde Mill Subdivision; thence xvnninq east on the . �
<br /> ' � Q � south line of D?111 River Rosd and its east prolongntion for a distance of 1,155 feet, or 352.04> �
<br /> g � metera, �a the ca^L lin�� �£Wagon Road; thence running north on the eust line of War,on Rosd fcr s
<br /> w distence of 385 2'eet, or 117.�48 meters, to the northeast corner of the �vnctlon of Ltagon Road.
<br /> . � '� With Millstone Ro.^d; thence runninq northeasterly on Ghe northwesterly line oP Lot 13 Sn Blocic� . . . .
<br /> � One (1) oF Olde Mill Subdivision for a dictance of l�G.i6 S'eet, or 3�.�+54 metzrs, to the north- � � � �
<br /> � westerly corner of Lot 13 in Block �`,+'ie (1) of 01de D1111 Subdivision; thence running west on a � � .
<br /> . � north line oT' Lot S.relve. (1?_) in B1uck One (1) ox' Ulde Ffill uubdivision 2'or a distnnce of 5� fe�c, .
<br /> � or 15.24 a�ters, to an e.zst line of Lot .velve (22) in Block c�e (1) oS Olde Mi11 Subdivisicn; �
<br /> , thence running north on the e�st line of' Lot T4elve (12�) 1n Dlock c:Te (1) of 01de b1111�Subdivic_.n � � .
<br /> for a distance of 100 feet, or 30.48 meCers, to the northeast corner o2' Lot `.�relve (12) in 31oc: . � � �
<br /> One (1) of 01de Ni11 �ubdivi�ion, be1nQ the point of be�inning, s11 as shrnm on the attached pl_:. � � �
<br /> � marked Dchibit "A" attached hereto and incorporsted herein by reference. � � . . � �
<br /> � . 3ECTION 3. Ssid improvements shall be made ia accordsnce with plans and speciPications prepared by� . � �
<br /> . � the FSigineer for Lhe City vho sh¢11 estimate the cost thereoP, end submit the same to the City Council,�an3
<br /> upon approval of the aeme, bids for the construction oP such Sanitary Sewer shall be taken and contracts � � .�.. .
<br /> � � � entered into in the msfumer provided by law. � � - , � .
<br /> . .� SECTZON 4. 2he cost oP construction of such improvemenLs shall be assessed against the pzroperty viL!n � � � �
<br /> 1
<br /> � the district abutting upon the easements or other right-of-vsy within wh3� such sanitary sewer mxin will be � �� � � �
<br /> �� � constructed wlthin such severa�e district to Lhe extent of beneSits to such property by reason o£such i�rwe-• � � � �. � � �
<br /> � � � ment, and a special tax shall be levied at one time Lo pay for su� cost of construction as sooa ea cen be . . . � �. �
<br /> . ascertained, as provided by lsw; and, provided Y1u�tLer, surh speciel tax sad assessmeats shall coastitute s � � � � �
<br /> � � ninking fund for the pqymeat of any bonds wlth interest issued £or the purpose of payi.ng the cost of such � . � : � �
<br /> eewez 1n such district;� such special assessmeats shall be paid ead collected in a ftitid to be designated en3 � . . � �
<br /> � knovn as the Sever a.nd Water FSctension fland, and, out oP vhich all wttrrants issued £or the purpose o£pay'_sg � � � �. .
<br /> � � the cost oP such sanitary seves shall be paid. � � �
<br /> � 3ECTION 5. lhis ordinanre shall be in force and take effect from and atter its passege, approval, a:i � � ��
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