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<br /> � 7d� UU4559
<br /> r �RDINANCE No. 61�2 -
<br /> M ordinance creating Street Improvement Distzict No. 925; defining the boundaries of
<br /> the dietrict; providing for the improvement of streets within the district by paving, curbing,
<br /> guttezing, and all iacidental vork in coanectian therewith; and to provide for an effective
<br /> date of this ordinance.
<br /> SECTION 1. Street Improvement Mstrict No. 925 in the City of Grand Zsland, Nebraska,
<br /> is hereby created.
<br /> SECTION 2. The boundaries o£ the district shall be as followsc
<br /> Beginning at a point on the east line of Olde Mill Subdivision and 300 feet, or
<br /> 91.44 meters, north of the north line of Stagecoach Road; thence running south on the
<br /> east line of Olde Mill Subdivision for a distance of 660 feet, or 201_168 c�eters, co a
<br /> point 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, south of the south line of Stagecoach Road; thence
<br /> running west on a line 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, south of and parallel to the south
<br /> line of Stagecoach Road for a distance of 339_2 feec, or 103.388 meters, more or less,
<br /> to a point 125 fee[, or 38.1 meters, ease of the west line of Lot 21 in 81ock 4 of Olde
<br /> Mill Subdivision; thence runnin� south on a line 125 feet, ar 38.1 meters, east of and
<br /> parallel to the wes[ line of LoE 21 in 81ock 4 of Olde Mi11 Subdivision for a distance
<br /> oF 35.9 feet, or I0.942 mecers, to the souch 2ine o£ Olde Mill Subdivision; thence running
<br /> west on the south line of Olde Mill Subdivision for a distance of 840 feet, or 256.03�
<br /> meters, to the souchwesc corner of Lot One (1) in Block 4 oi Olde Miil Subdivision; thence
<br /> running north on the east line of Blaine Street for a discance of 289 feet, or 88.08�
<br /> meters, to the northwesc corner of Lot 4 in BLock 4 of Olde Mi11 Subdivision; chence
<br /> running wesc on the west prolongation of the south line of Stagecoach Road for a distance
<br /> of 40 feet, or 12.192 meters, to the cencer line of Blaine Streec righc-of-way; thence
<br /> running north on the cencer line of Slaine Screec right-of-way for a discance of o0 feee,
<br /> or 18.288 meters, to the wesc proloneacion of the nort?� line of Stagecoach Road; t�ence
<br /> running east on che wes[ prolongation of the north line oi StaYecoach Road for a discar.ce
<br /> of 40 feec, or 12.192 meters, to Che southwest corner oP Loc 30 in Alock 3 oz Olde P?ill
<br /> Subdivision; thence runninc; north on the east line of Blaine Strect for a distance of
<br /> 132.5 feet, or 40.336 meters, [o the nor[hwest corner of Loc 30 in Block 3 of OLde :•Si11
<br /> Subdivision; �hence running easc on a line parallel to nnd 132.5 feet, or 40.386 meters.
<br /> nor[h of the norch line ot Sta�ecoach Road for a distance of 1,155 feec, or 352.044 mecers,
<br /> to the east line of S:aFon Road; thence running north on the east line oF ldagon Road for
<br /> a distance of 160 fee[, or 48.768 meters, to a point 20 feet, or 6.096 meters, norch of
<br /> F the southwest corner of Loc 17 in Block One (1) of Olde Dlill Subdivision: thence runnir.g
<br /> east on a line parallcl to and 20 fect, or 6.096 mecers, north of the sou[h line oi Lot
<br /> 17 in Bloek One (1) ot Olde Dtill Subdivision for a discance of 133.7 feet, or 40.752
<br /> meters, to Ehe east line ot Olde Mill Subdivision, being the point of be�inning, a21 as
<br /> shown on the plat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereco and incorporated herein by reierence_
<br /> SECTION 3_ The following streets in the district shall be improved by paving, curbing,
<br /> guttering, and all incidental work in connection therewith:
<br /> Stagecoach Road from the existing paving in Blaine Street to the east line of
<br /> Olde Mill Subdivision, and Scagecoach Circle from S[agecoach Road to and arour.d `
<br /> the cul-de-sac at the south end of Stagecoach Circle, and Stagecoach Place to
<br /> 6'
<br /> around the cul-de-sac at the south end of Stagecoach Place.
<br /> Said improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and speci£ications prepared by the
<br /> � Engineer for the City, and approved by the Mayor and Council.
<br /> SECTION 4_ The improvements shall be made at public cost, but the cost thereof, excluding
<br /> intersections, shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in the district specially bene£itted
<br /> as provided by law.
<br /> > SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage,
<br /> appzoval, ar.d rub2icatian, withaut the p�at, as pzoLide3 bp lav.
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