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<br /> �7,. ���r��� PUBLIC UTIL=TY EASEMENT
<br /> William A. Gregory and Janet M. Gregory, husband and wife, each in his and
<br /> her own right and as sPous� o� the ot1-�r, of Grand Island, Nebraska, herein called
<br /> ` th� Grantors, in consideration o£ Threc Hundred FiFty-Five and no/100 Dollars C$355.00),
<br /> receipt o£ whicti is herPby acknowledged, hereby grant and convey unto the
<br /> a municipal r_orpo,rat,ion, in Ha11 County, Nebraslca, herei.n called the Grantee, a
<br /> permanent and perpekual easement and right-of-way to construct, operate, maintain,
<br /> extend, sepair, replace, and remove public utilities, including but not limited to,
<br /> sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains, underground and overhead elc-ctric lines,
<br /> telephone lines, mariholes, pipe lines, surfac� markers, and other appurtenances upon,
<br /> over, in, and th�ough a tract of land loca£ed in Block '*A" of Park View Subdivision
<br /> in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly describ�d as follows:
<br /> ; '� �
<br /> A traci of land being the sauth ten C10) faet, or 3.048 meters, �f
<br /> the east one hundred (100) feet, or 30.48 meters, of Lot One (1) in
<br /> Block "A^ of Park View 5ubdivision in tY�e City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, containing 1,000 square feet, or 92.9 square meters, more
<br /> or less, as shown on the attached plat, dated 6/17/75, marked Exhibit
<br /> "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by ref�rence,
<br /> i
<br /> ' together with the following rights, namely, �nr.estricted ingress and egress under
<br /> v ¢ ,
<br /> and across such land for the purpose of �xercising the riqhts herein granted, to
<br /> , � _ clear- and keep clear o£ trees, roots, brush, and other obstructions irom the surface
<br /> , p . . � . . . . . .. . . .
<br /> o� such tract. Any such utilities and appurtenances plac�d upon, over, and under
<br /> r
<br /> such tract or land shall remain in the property of the Grantee and may be removed or
<br /> replaced at any time.
<br /> The 6rantors, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successars,
<br /> ; and assigns, hereby covenant that no buildings, fences, or structures shall be erected
<br /> � � or permitted on said tract, and chat the easement herein granted shall run with the y
<br /> F� ,_
<br /> title to such tract of land and be binding upon the Grantors, their he5.rs, executors,
<br /> administrators, successors and assigns.
<br /> Dated �.c � .V,�: � �1 / �7`7 '7
<br /> { � yj
<br /> ± � � . __.,,c�/�' '
<br /> a r �/�_.e�'C...r��.-�.��`l�� r�� r-�'^...��
<br /> Will�..am A. Gregory
<br /> , A _
<br /> ...--. ��
<br /> { . , . ,�-/_ � _
<br /> t`__._'
<br /> . t, . STATE OP NEBRA.SKA) C^l anet M. Gregory '
<br /> ) ss
<br /> F COUNTY OF HALL ` .) �
<br /> f h
<br /> s ,On this/=� .,..- day of ' , 1977, betore me, the undersigned, a Notary - �^� ,��,^w
<br /> „ Public in and �or said Co�ct y d State, personally ap�eared William A. Gregory and ��- ' �
<br /> Janet M. Gregory, to me known personal3y ta be' the identical persons who signed the '-��.
<br /> � . ; £oregoing instrument end acknowledged the `execution th�reof to be their valuntary acts ;�,`
<br /> ' and deeds for the, purpose therein ex�ressed. �
<br /> , :
<br /> ` �, . ,.
<br /> �
<br /> WITd+TEBS my hand and Nc�tarial Sea1 the date above written.
<br /> < ,
<br /> .._ ., _ „ �
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<br /> ,. otary P�1�cT—� �
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