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�.�. a �;� <br /> � . <br /> � :� ��`� <br /> .. . . . :yY�, <br />` P*�.,,...-..�_....��. . .._.. . . .. ... . . � � .. .. �.� � .... .... � f� . . � . .�_ ... .. ' � ��. <br /> tT" <br /> � � � MOA7GAGE—Saving� aad Loan Form--(Dlrect Credlt Pl�) 255-2 (Spednl) � . � � � � , � <br /> � MORTGAGE <br /> 7�'�U04551 <br /> � � . � .. . � . . � . . . �. � � � Locm No �. � . .. . . <br /> r�� . THIS IND£NTUAE. made thie �� 81'h. . . �.�� or At]9uSt�: � 19��bp aad bsFmeea � � <br /> 1 <br /> I�FAN M_ OI 9�M ANfL SAN�RA K_ (11 SnN h�,�har„� a�� w�fo� each i n h i s and her eidn r i ght' ' <br /> 3 and as'sPouse of the other <br /> � ��ot � Na� �� � � �Couaty.Nebranka,�m mortgagor�...�d Home£ederal Sav7age aad Loaa Aaaoctatioa of Grand�Iatmad.��� <br /> � a eorpozatioa organized aad�erlst(uq under the lawa o! Nebraaka witH itn pz3ndpal olfice-aad place of businem at Granfl.Iat�d,Nebraska, � <br /> ,... ..aa mortqaqea: .. � � . .� . . . . � . . . . . �. . . . ::... <br /> WISNESSETK: Thnt aa3d morigagor.5 fos �d In coaefderatioa of the sum of <br /> ; TNlE6TY-_�dgEE T1-lR�SA�Ll�N.D NO/I-Qn------------------ noua:° (g i3�v^II6.��• <br /> ���FLe reeaSpt�.oi��wk�lah�Ss�hereby acknowledqad,�do_�by�thaee�preaeate morigage and wa:rant�unto eaid�moctqagee.�ita aucoeeeora �and . . <br /> . � aaaiqna, torcvez, a!] !he lollowing deserlbed :ea2 eafata, aftuated !n ihe couaty o1 Ha� � � � . <br /> ....�.aad�State�of�Nehraaka,to-wit: . � . � . . � : . . . .. . . <br /> THE WEST THiRTY FIVE AND SEVENTY TWU HUNDREDTHS C35.72) FEET OF LOT NINE <br /> (9) AND THE EAST THIRTY FIVE AND SEVENTY ONE HUNDREDTHS C35.71 ) FEET OF <br /> LOT TEN (10), WEST SPELTS-SCHU�TZ ADDITJON TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> . : � :� Together with all beating, lightinq, aad plumbinq equipmeat aad timuea,including�token and humera,acreens, awninga,stozwwladows� <br /> ��and�doors,aad�.wfndow ahadee or blinde, ueed on ar in connection with said. propexty, whether the+ame are now loeated on eaid property. <br /> � �or.hereafter placed theseoa.� � <br /> � TO HAVE AND TO FIOLD THE SAME, toqethez with all and eiagular the tenemente,hereditamenta aad appurten�ces thezeunto beloag• � <br /> . ing,oc in anywise cppertaiainq,forever, and mazr¢nt the ti4e to the s�e. Said mortqagor_ hereby mvenaa� wlth suid mortqaqee � <br /> tha!._.$�e.�_.�rr�_ at�he delivery hereol,the IawSul owner�.ot the premisea above conveyed�d deseribed,�d�.�_ . � <br /> . ae3zad oi a.good and indefeaeibie estate o!inheritance therein, free and cle�oi all eacumbraacee,and that�he�L_wAl warraat �d �. <br /> defead the Htle thereto forever agaiast the daime�and demaada of all pezaona whomsoever. � � <br /> � � �PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and thie iastrument ia ezecuted and delivered to eecura tbe papmeat o�the sum of � � <br /> � ' TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND RND NO/190-------------------------------a��s-�q �3,pnn pfl �, <br /> � <br /> � wlth intereat thezeon, together with such cbargea aad advcmeee aa may be due and payable to eaSd mortqagee under the teams and � � . <br /> � coaditloaa oi the promisaozy aote of even date herewith aad neeured hezeby,ezecuted by eaid mortqagoz_�to said mortqagee,payable . <br /> ...� � a��e:preased In add aote,and to�eecure the pezformaace oi all the terme aad eoaditlona contmaed�theze[a. The texms of eaid�note aza <br /> Lereby incorporated hesein by thi�relezeaoe. . . . <br /> � It is the intention aad agreemeat of the paztiee hereto that thie mortqaga ehall alao aecure any future advaaces made to� raid � �. , � �.. � � <br /> .� mortqagor_S— by said mortgagee, and any and all iadebtednese in addiHon to the amount above etated whieh seud modqaqar�, or.�mtp . � � � � � . <br /> of them, map owe to aaid mortgagee,however evideaced whethez by note,.book accouat or otherwiee. Tnia mortgage ahaYl remain Ia Sull , � . . . .. � � <br /> � loree�and etfect betweea the pcaties hezeto and their heira,.pazaonal xepreeentativea, succeseore aad asaiqcs, until.aR amounL recured . � � � ��.�� . . <br /> �� hereuades,�iacludiaq future advancee, aze paid in Eu12 with iate:est � � . �. . . .. � <br /> � � The mortgaqox�—hereby aael,^P+� to aaid moriqagea all rente and ineome any and all time� from�amd propartp �d � � . � <br /> hezeby authoriae said mortgagee or its age¢t�at !ts optian, upon defautt�to take ah�qe of smd property aad colleet all reata a.nd iaaome � � � � - � <br /> � tLezatrom aad apply the eame to the paymeat of fatsres4 p:iadpal,�Saeuraace premiums, tcass,aaaeasmeata, rePalrs oz improvemBab necas- � � �� � . . �, <br /> � �aary to keep eald property in tenantable conditlon, or to other eLqrges or pcpmenls prov5ded tor heteln az ia the aote hereby eeeurad. 1'hls � ... � �� . . <br /> � reai aseignment ahali cantinue in lorce unHl tha uapaid balance of enid note ie fully paid. The takfng of poeeeeaton hereuader ehall la no � � � � � � <br /> � �maanar pzavent or retard said.morigagea in the colieetioa ot eafd sums by So�aclo�ura or othe:wine. � . � � � . � . � � �� � <br /> �� �' The fafture ot the mortgagee to asseri cmy�of�iL righte hareunder at aay time aha11 aot ba conetrued as a waiver ot fte right to aacert � � � � : <br /> � tha eame al�::aay Iater time;�d��to 5naist upoa�d enfozce stziet complfanee with all the terms and pzovieiona of anid nota �d of thie � � � <br /> mortgage. � "' <br /> � � U nafd.r_artgqgbS._i.__ nhall�cauae 40�ba�paid to neld mortgaqx Lhe enti:e�ount due St hereuad2r..aad ua3er La tor�a�d procis:oas <br /> of ea3d aota herebp aeeured,4ncludinq future advancea,�d any.erieaetoas or reaewals thareot in accordaaee with the temu aad provt�ions <br /> Y- thereot,and.ii aafd mortgagor_��hali mmplp with all tha provis[oaa o!said note�d of thSs mortqaqe,thea the�s presenb eball be void: � <br /> S� �otherwbe to�remaia ia�full 4orae and etfect,and eaid�mortgagee ahall be enHtled to the poeaeesioa ot al2 of sald property, �d may,at i�s .i � <br /> �� j `optioa,deelare ths trhole�of said��aole�d aU ladebtedneea�represeated thereby to be Ymmediately due�d payable,and may Sorcelose�Lhis ' �� � . <br /> moztqaqa or..take any other.leqcl adion to protec6 ita zigb6 �mtd.from ths daU�ot aueh.detault all Itams ot indebtednas� �ecurad.herebp � � i. � <br /> .� ehall draw IaMsest��at�pe[:anaum. Appraisemeat walved. � � � � � �. � , .� � . <br /> , � fihie mortqaqe bo bindiag upon:aad �hall.�eauss�to'�ths k»netit of the�luSxa,ezsculon, admlaLtrators, iucoe�wn �d asaigns of � . ; � �+'�". <br /> the reepeetive partte�Lereto_ � � � �,' <br /> , �, . <br /> � �� IT7 WITNESS WHEREOP. wid Mortqagor G ti�+uA heteuato ast th.2�r . .. . � �aa�_the day and year i'uet abovs � _,,4, <br /> S �vr3tten. --� .. �.� � � .. � . ... . . .. <br /> # J�" �� '`!.'d �^L.%r.�. �>- ' �1 j F��,r,_.,.� <br /> ��'� Ci/ . t..�U.'YV.l+%��J/,t� � . { ���)l; 'v� �� <br /> s �E�N r� o�sora s�n�oRn i`�o�� <br /> # <br /> ......�...,....,..,,.....,.,.,.�..,.,,,,..,,.. ,..............�.. ....,,...,..,.....,�..,,.....,...,,..,.._,...,..... <br />. � � <br /> ,` <br />;.� <br />