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<br /> � 4 Go`rpoiata?ark Drive, White Plains, New York 7060ti 914 694-8489
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<br /> ; ; I hereby certify that I am the duly elected and acting Assistant
<br /> Secretary of hierril Lynch Relocation Dlanagement Inc . , a California
<br /> � corporation (formerly Ticor Relocation !:anagement Company , a
<br /> Califomia corporation) and , as such , am duly authorized to make this
<br /> } Certification . •
<br /> ' I hereby further certify that at a regular neeting of the Board
<br /> o � Directors of said Company , duly and regularly held on December
<br /> ; 22, 1970 , at which meeting a quorum was present an3 voting , the ,
<br /> follo�uing resolution wac duly adopted :
<br /> � "RESOLVEU , That the President or any �' ice President or
<br /> i the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary or the Treasurer or
<br /> � any Assistant Treasurex be , and each are , hereUy authorized
<br /> nnd empowered in the name of and on behalf of this corpora=
<br /> i tion to make, execute and deliver all deeds of conveyancing
<br /> t and other instruments necessary and proper to be executed by
<br /> asaid corporation for a conveyance of title to real property or
<br /> � other property held by it and necessary to be conveyed , and
<br /> ; to execute and deliver all assignmenzs of mortgages , instru-
<br /> ments of satisfaction of mortgages , and any and all instruments
<br /> necessary and proper to be executed to release any and all iiens
<br /> iield by said corporation and to sign and execute any notices of
<br /> default and notices of sale of property held by this corporation
<br /> ; ' to secure an obligation or indebte3ness , and to affix the
<br /> ' corporate name and seal to all or any thereof . "
<br /> I hereby further certify that , as of t;1e date hereof , said
<br /> resolution is in full force and effect and has not been revoked .
<br /> ' I hereby further certify that , as of the date hereof, the
<br /> persons named belaw are duly elected or appointe3 , and acting , officers
<br /> i
<br /> of said Company :
<br /> . . � . . . . . . • . .. . � � Y .
<br /> . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . � � . .. ' fi �
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