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<br /> (�U4533
<br /> This ndenture,Madebyandbetween .....E.I�DON._KL..UTHE.._AND. „DORI,S_.KLUTNE.>.._H.USk?.dAd...r�)]d...kJ.7..f.e ... ...... ..........
<br /> . ' � � �� � ..�. :... .. .. ._..... . . _� .._ �.� �....._. whether one or more hereinafteT referred to as mortgagor �� �.
<br /> ana THE OVERLAND�NATTONAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND, hereinafter referred to as bank
<br /> The Mortgagor for and tn consideration of($ Z�O�Q�Q �Qj ---
<br /> � --.- ... . . --
<br /> Two Hundred Ten Thousan� and No/100 ,.._.,_,..,pots.nRs,paidbythebank, �
<br /> _. ....... . . . . .. . .. ...... ..._ . ._ ...._... ..
<br /> the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled$ed, has granted, bargained; aold and conveyed, and by the presente, dcea grant,
<br /> bargain,sell and convzy,unto said bank,the followin�deacriberl real property situt+txd'ui the Coanty of_.... ,H d��
<br /> ....... ......... .........
<br /> and Staterof Nebraska,tc�wit:
<br /> Lot Seven (7) exce t Forty (40) Feet off the East end thereof, and All of Lots
<br /> Eight (8), Nine (9�, and Ten (10), all in Block Number Six (6) of the Original
<br /> Town of Cairo, Nebraska;
<br /> Lot Ten (10) in Block Five (5) in the Original Town of Cairo, Nebraska;
<br /> Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in Block Five (5) in the Original Town of Cairo,
<br /> Nebraska;
<br /> Zots Eleven (71) and Tweive (12) rn 8iock Six (6) in the Originai Town of Cairo,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> , ��together with all thc tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanccs to the sume belonging, and all the estute, title, claims and
<br /> . �demsnds�vhatsoever of thu rnort�agor of, ir� or to said p:emises or any part, thereoP; and said mortgxgor does hereby cov-
<br /> � � enant,that the mortgagor is lawfully seized of said premises,thxt said �remises are free from incumbrance and mortgagor �
<br /> will warrant and defend the.title to said premiscs against the daims and dernands of all persons whomsoever.� � . - �
<br /> � PROVIDED ALWAYS, und these presents sre upon�these conditions: � � .
<br /> , I
<br /> : WHERF.AS, the znortgagor has executed and delivered to the Bank... ... _d...C.Q.C�d.7.11....................... promissoty note � � � ;�
<br /> �
<br /> t
<br /> �� . and has agreed to maintain fire, windstorm and cxtended coc•erage. insurance mi s�id premises in amounts required and.in �
<br /> companies appmved by the bank and witl: standard mort�;age clauses which policies shall be delivered �to the bank, and hsa�.��
<br /> � agreed to.puy all taxes and assessments levied against said gremises Ue£ore the ss�me became delinquent and to maintftin said �
<br /> . premisea. . . �.
<br /> Now, therefore, if fhe mortgagor shxll comply vrith all of the provision� of said note and the provisions hereof,then
<br /> � . theee presents ehall be null and void. . . . . . � �
<br /> . However, if the above note snd interest thereun or any plyments called for thereon are not paid when due or if any��
<br /> . of tihe covenants of this instrument arc not compiied with,the bank, or the holder hereof, at its option may�declare the re- �
<br /> maining balance of ssid indebtedness due and payab]e and may m�aintain un aclion at law or in equiiy to recover all amounLs � �
<br /> due and enforce the provisions hereuf. Sn the event of the. fail ure of moz•tgagor to rnxintain the premises, pr to maintain � � t
<br /> insurance as is above provided fon-., or to pay taxes or assesstnents,the holder hereof may advance the sum or sums necessary � ��
<br /> ; � to obtain compliance xnd such amounts shall be udded to the amouni due on the xbove menkioned note and bear interest�at � (
<br /> �-� the'highest legai rate. � . . � . �
<br /> � IT IS FURTHEA AGftEED, this mortgage shall constitute notice hereof, that this mortgage is security�for not only �
<br /> ,�� the amount advanced concurrently with the esecution hereof l�ut all future udcances which may be made at the option of�the� �
<br /> . parties or their assigns up to the total amount stated in this�mortgage, to the same Pxtent as advxnces originally made here- ��
<br /> � � under.Further notice is hereby given that the tenor of each 11-Iortgage tiote incSuding the interest rate, payment, maturity, �
<br /> penalties,�and other terms shall concurrently upon execution become a part of this mortgage. �
<br /> � IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that the,said Mortgagor shal] xnd witl pay ull tas:es levied upon this mortga�e or the debt �
<br /> aecured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments whieh may Ue levied under the Laws of Nebraska, against.the
<br /> � said Mortga�er, or the legrll hulder of the said principa] note(s! on account of this indebtedness �
<br /> . � � IT IS FUHTHER AGREED, if at ssny time, while the mortgage is in effect and Lhe note for which this mortRage ia
<br /> �qiven as security�,or any part thereof, remains unpaid, the undersigned Mortgagi�rs sell, com•ey or cmztract to scll.the�real �
<br /> � .estate herein described,or any part thei•eof,ur the lforigagors do not have ur cease to have titie to said real estate or any � � .
<br /> part thereof,then and in any such events, the bIortguRee may,at its option,declare the unpaid pi•incipal Ualance; and interest, �� �
<br /> of the note secured hereby immediately due and payaUle. In the evenC that these premises are not now, or ahould�hereafter,�not � �
<br /> � be occupied by mortgagor then this instrument she11 constitvte an assignment uf reiitxls and serti�:cc of a copy thereof upon the � . �
<br /> occupant shali be sufticient to require all payment for rental or use of the premises afler date of such service to made to � � ��
<br /> � . mortga&ee. � .. .
<br /> si��a r,n38.............7 s t ......._.asY or. .. ._.Augus t. ..............:.. 77
<br /> ' . _.,is...�.../�.. �..� . .
<br /> � In presence of ��"'�^""�"� � � �
<br /> . .. n. ke.l�l� {��•'�'.�./.-.y..'...'. . . . ....... ......................................
<br /> �...."'.................._........................ ........... . .._....:... . ....... I I U��fl .. ....... .. ..._............_..............
<br /> . �.�, _$...�.. .� .e..... .... --
<br /> STATE OF......................N.EBRASKA............. Connty� of.....HALL..__.. . ..... ... .......:
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified Sor said county,personaliq came E1d011 Kluthe and Doris K�Uth2
<br /> . known to me to be the identical person or persons w�ho si{;ned ti�e foreuuing instrument and acknowledged the execution there- � � � �
<br /> , . . of to.be his,her or their voluntary acti and�deed. � � � � ��
<br /> ��pl��t,NeRh,., Au ust 7
<br /> . rial seal on.. 9........... .... ..... .... _.. ... 19 77
<br /> ��1,�'�.�...
<br /> ' �.�.�,�ON.1Z 1871 !!'L .... ...
<br /> ��� s��-Yan�e7cpiree ...._.... ��. .: ��. . 19�� ..._..��� ..��./..�.C... ���4<l-�,�s;..�'otarY Public. . � } * .
<br /> ... �� � ,..:: ".#.�;.. s�.
<br /> � STATE OF .�. .....:.... ......: . . ....._�.. .,......._ � 3e Entered on numerical index and f.iled for record � �y��s ��^
<br /> � County . � �.... .. .� .... - f �in the Register of Deeds Office af said County the �
<br /> k ' r ' �'
<br /> J �
<br /> 1 : ,
<br /> � ......::. ..:.........day of:. ,....."... ._......� ._.� 19....._.., at.... . ._,......._..:dclock and...._. .. ....._......_.._n�inutes .......... .....M., ' , � �,e, :
<br /> . . . ,,.._ .: ��..
<br /> ' and� recorded�in Book... ...:.:.. .. ............ .. .of....... ..,............ ............at Page.�..... ...._ _........_... .. ...._._...,._. . . . � '.: ;.�
<br />�af" _ __..___ __... ... Iteg. aI Deede
<br /> ._ ........ .
<br /> .. . . . . . . .. �. ,.. ,r�:'.
<br /> .. . � . � .By...... ....... .. ......._......... ......_....Deputy . .
<br /> 4, ��� � . . . . . _ . . . .. .... .. . . . L� . . �
<br />�;',
<br />� �
<br />