,��. , "��a
<br />�; � y��� ;
<br /> ..:__.. ` �-- �
<br /> �+
<br /> � �MO1tTGAGE--Savings and�Loan Focm—(Direct Credit Pl��255•2 (Spedal) � � � � . � � :. ,
<br /> MOitTGAGE
<br /> �'�`� (�Q4�1f �No :
<br /> � THIS INDENTVRE: mada tLf• ..5t h �3Qy oL 'Auoa i�St _ ..� �191r�_,by�d betwaea
<br /> ,r ��� :� . .. . . . " ,� . .�.
<br /> � �GtaRvfR MrfIhNAIh���ANfI SH�IRIFY F� Mrt'1nNAl,f1� �hu��han�l anri�wifa� aach in�� h�i�c and Mar
<br /> 3 own r`iqht� and as spouse of the other
<br /> . �ot H3I��I � ��� Countp,Nebraska,ar mortqagor.�_.�d Homa Fedeial Saviags���d�I.oan Aaweiatioa of Grand�Isl�d, .
<br /> ��a�eorporatioa ozganiaed�md e�datiaq�.uader�the lawe of�Nebraska.with!ts priadpal olllee and plaee of buaiaeea at Gran3�Isl�d, Nebzaaka, �
<br /> , .. ��. .a�mottgaqee: � � . . � � . . . � � � . . . . . .. . . . .,
<br /> �� �WI1RiES4ETH: That�said�mortgagor��_,2or and in condderation�ot the eum ot
<br /> ' ;` N WETEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100------------------------------------ otlara ts 19.000.00 �,
<br /> �'the zecefpt ot which��3s herebp�.ac)mowledged,�do�_�by theee�preeeate mortgage aad�w�r�t unto�said mortqagee, ite succeason cmd
<br /> j-�... . � . . . .. . � � � . � . . . .
<br /> � . aatlqao, lorever, all the.followinq deecrlbed real eatate, utuated�fa tha countp of H�� � .
<br /> � " �.:.md Stase��d Nebraskw to-wlh.:�. . . .. . .. . � . . � � . . .� ,r..
<br /> �
<br /> f
<br /> G��� � -Togethaz.with all�heat[aq,�llghtiag, aad plumbing equtpmeat �d fiztuze�, includinq�token and buzaera,screena,awninqa,stormwlndomt �
<br /> �.�d dooza, und�wiadow�ehadae or bllnda.�ueed�on or ia conneetloa with eaid propertp,whather iha eame are aow located ou said properip�
<br /> :g � � �� or}wzeatter placed thezeoa. � � . � . � � . .
<br /> i �.. � � . � . .
<br /> ;,. . TO BAVE�AND TO HOLD THE 3AME, toqether with all aad einqular the teaemente,heredit�eats and appurtea�ces thereunio beloaq•� .
<br /> k
<br /> tnq,�oria aapwiea appertainiag,forever,aad wmzant the tiUe to the s�e. Said mortgagor�_hereby coveaaat�_with said mortqagee�
<br /> , .� ��.that_...t�s�L �rP� .. at the dallvery hereot,the lawful owaer�ot!he premisea above eonveyed aad deaczibed.and a rE?
<br /> 5 �
<br /> ��se[sed of a good and indeteasible estate of inherit�ce thereSn, fze�and clear ot all encumbrancee,aad that�he_�will waaaat �d
<br /> detead tLa tltle�thereto forever agaiast�the etaima and demanda oi�al!persona whomaoavez.
<br /> � P80V[DEI?�ALWAYS, m�d.thie imtrument 3s executed and.dellvered to eecure the paymeat of the aum�of
<br /> i NINfTFFN THOtI4A�11� AND NO/100---------------------------------- �+ll�e (e �9�000_00 �,
<br /> ��with��inta=ast thereon, together with such chargee and advancea.as may be due and papable to eaid mortgagee under the ternu �d .
<br /> � �� conditloaa of the promisaory note of even�date herewith�aad aecured herebp,ezeeuted by s�8d martgaqot�_to eafd mortqagee,payable �
<br /> ;�. � ae aspreaeed.fa said aote,�and to eeevra the�performance of all the�terma�aad condtttons contalaed therefa. The te=ma of eafd note m�e.� � �
<br /> tiereby tncorporated.herein by tL3s reference. � � . � , . . .
<br /> '� � � It fs.the lnteatioa��d aqroemant of the partien hereto that tLie mortqaqe ahall a]ao secure �y future advancea mada to eaid� �
<br /> r�.�� �� . . . . � .
<br /> . mortgago:5. by said mortgagee, and aay.�d all indebtedaeee in addttlon to�the �ount above atated whieh sald morigagoze, or.�aay. .
<br /> . � oi them, �may�owe�lo eaid mortqagee, however evldenced whether by note.book�aceaua!or otherwlea. This mortgage shall zemain tn!ull . �
<br /> �' .��lorce and e!leet.beriveea the�parHea herero.and theiz heus..pezaonal zep[emntat3vea, euxeswn �d. maigm, untiY dl amouata reeurad .. : �
<br /> ��hereuadez,�includ[nq fuhue advmicea,are paid ia full wtth interest.� . . . . . � .
<br /> ����� The mortgaqoz hezeby.aadqa_to eaid mortgagee all.rents and iacome�mtaiaq at aay aad all times�irom eaid pzopertp.and� . �
<br /> � herebp authosize�eai�mortgaqee or Sb aqeat at 1ts opHon,�upoa default,�to take chcaqe oi eaid propertp and collect all reate aad lncome
<br /> � .tharetrom��d app3y the e�e�to the paymeat ot intarest, priadpal,�ln�uranea.�pssmiuma, tmces,aesaeemeata, repmzs ar improvemeab aecee• � : . .
<br /> a. �.�sary to Yeep aaid propertp in tenantable mndftion, or to�other chargee or paymenes provided tor hereln or In the aote herebp aeeuzed. Thie � � ��
<br /> �Yent aseignmeat ahall�contIcue in Sorce�until�the vnpaid�balanea o! eaid note is lully paid. The takinq af posresaioa hezaunder ahall in�ao � �� � �
<br /> i��,� � ��maaaer�,pievent�or��retacd eald mortqagae fa ihe collecNon�of�w7d suma bp forealoeuze oz otherwiae. � � �
<br /> � .. .. . :. � ,. :. �. . . . . . . �. . .
<br /> i �- Tha lailure o! tha�mortqagee to aasert any�of ib righta hereundaz at�p tlwe ehall nat be eonatrumd as a waiver ot its rfght to aeeert �� �:
<br /> �, �;�.�. �the aame at.�'any Iatar-�.tima.,aad���to�ias4t upon and antorce�trict wmpliance with all the. terma �d pzovietons ot satd aote �d o! thSe ;, � . .. . . . .. . .
<br /> .�. . ��mortgags�.... ��: -�� , :.,. .. , .. . .. . . . . . . � . . . , . . .. � .
<br /> ,
<br /> ' � � I! said mqitgcg0i�ahall cau�e lo�.be paid to �a1d mortgagee ths en8re amouat�due ft hereunder,aad uader the tetms aad proviaionr � � � �
<br /> � ` of acid no{e.hereby seeuxed,includfnq luture advaneea,aad any e�demJoa��or zeaewaL thereot,ia accosdmace with the�.terms aad pravidom . . .
<br /> ,� thereot,aud�ff eaid mortgagor�_ehat!eomply wHth atl ths provlatoas o!aaid note and of this mortqaqe. then these preaents ahall be void; � � � �
<br /> . t � -otherwlse to'remaln���ln��lull loree mzd�effeM,�aad�s�3.d mortqaqee shall be eaHtled to the�poueWoa of�all o!said propecty,aad may,at ih � . .�.
<br /> �':opttoa.�declrna iha whole ot.�'�d note��cmd�all tadobtadaeu�repre�sated thareby lo be lmmed[ately dus�d payable,smd may foreclose this � q
<br /> �morlgaqe'or take anp'��othes�.legal aetion�te protecC iU siqht and��fmm tha dato of �ueh delault all ltems oi Indebtedaesa��ecured harabp� � � � � :v�,} • -'^+ �
<br /> ahall draw 3nterest at�°�G�p�eQr anaum. hppsaisomeat waived �� . �.. .. �. . . . . _ ;;, ��. n,
<br /> :: � mozl9aqe �baal2ie"btadfaq upon�and shall"onu=e to:.lh� b�neHt of lhe h�lxy.��zecvtor�. aa•••�^�•••atora.�aueeeuori �d�wet9ns ot �� � �.
<br /> � ihe ce�pe�et[vs paAie�Lmreto. ��. . �� . . .. .. . . � t'�,��
<br /> LIN W[1'NFSS WF�EOP, aal ortqaqor LersunM �st +fic�7 r hand_S—tLe daY and yecz firat above :�"
<br /> . t"'y '4 � ! . . . . f . �� ,
<br /> y ,^– S ` ;
<br /> �� � ; .:.. . .:. �
<br /> .i =„ _ , ,��..:�._<..._�.:��-.' ..
<br />� 5� w,tm. ) ^�l�._... � � � �i. . � ��t�_.t.2:. � �. ? � .�,
<br /> �J RY . McDONALD SHIRLEY £. cDONALD � �, ;
<br />' � �
<br />,� ,.;.. _
<br /> ai . .
<br />_� �
<br />