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�,v> ,; ., <br />�� <br /> k. <br />�� LL�,� � <br /> � �`_:� i <br /> � ,�„ ' � <br /> not extend or ��ost.pone tlie due datc ot tlie m�nthlc instzlliiicnt� rePerred to in paragraphs l and 2 kiereof or <br /> change the x�mouttt of sucli installments: <br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. Lxtensiun of tl�e tiine for pa��ment or modificatSon ox" amortization of tl�e sums <br /> ' secured by this �Zortgage granted by;I.eiider to an,y suecessor iu Snterest of Borrower ' sha11 atoti ol5erate to release, <br /> in any manner, the lial�ility of tlte original I3m•ro�ver and 13orro�r•er's successor� in interest. Lender shall not be <br /> required to cotnmence jiroceedings ag�inst' suoh succeesor or refnse to extend time £or payment or otF�erwise modify <br /> a�nortizaticn of the sums secured by tl�Ss \Iortg�ge by reason of aiiy demand mucle by tl�c ori�;ina1 Borrower and <br /> Borrower'a successors in interest. ' <br /> � 3i. Forbeazance by Lender Not a Waiver. ' ; Any forbearance Uy I.ender in exeraising any right or remedy � <br /> ; hereunder, or othenvise afforded by applicablc la�v, shall not be a ���ai-rer of or preclude the exercise of any right <br /> C� or remedy hereunder. Tl�e piocurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br /> *'1 shali not be ' a K�aiver of Lender's rigl�t to accelerate the maturity of the 'indebtedness secured by this VIortgage. <br /> ' 1!r' 12. Remedies Cuaiulative;'° All remedies provided in tl�is \'iorfgage are distinet and cumulative to any other - : ' <br /> `'C` right tir remedy unaer tl�is �4ortgage or afforded ; hy l:i��- or equiCy, and m� y iic exercised concurrently; indepepd- <br /> � ; �;,,,� ently or successivel,y. <br /> ? ,�""',.� 13. Suecessors and Assigns 8ound: Joini and Several Liability;'Captions. The covennnts and agreements <br /> ', herein contained shall bind , f�nd thc rights hereunder shall imn•c to, thc respectivc successors nnd assigns of Lender` <br /> � and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragr<iph 7 7 hereof. :Ul covenants a�nil :�greements of Borrower sl�all <br /> � ^ be joint and several. The cal�tions and lreadings of t,he i��tagrai�hs of this \tortgstge are for convenience only and <br /> are not to be used to interpret or define the �� rovisions 6ereof. , <br /> 14. Notice. Any notice to Borro�ver proviiied foi• in thi: �Iortgagc shall l�c gi��c:n by mniling such notice Uy , ', <br /> � certified inail ' addressed to Borro�ser at ttic }'ro�ierty Addresti :tuted bela��- , escept for uny noticc required under <br /> paragrapl2 18 hereof to be given to I3orrotrer in tlie manner ��rescribed by .�pplicaUlc lsw. Any notice providecl <br /> for in tl�is �lortgage shall be deeiued to ha�•e been given to E3orro«�er when gicen in itie manner designatecl herein: <br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Gov�rning Law; Severability. Tl�is form ot uiortgagc combines uniform covenants <br /> ;. for national use and non-uniform covenants with limit.ed ��ariations by jurisdiction to constituf,e a uniform secu- <br /> ? rity instrument covering reat property. This �lortgage shall be governed b,y the la�v of the jurisdiction in �vhich <br /> P the Property is located. In t.lie event that any provision oi• clause of this \-lortgage or tlie Note conflicts with <br /> � applicable law, sucli conflict shall not affect otl�er provisions of tl�is \Iortgage or tlie Note which can be given <br /> effect withont the conflicting provision, a��d to this end the provisions of t,he 1Iortgage and the Note are declared <br /> ; to be severable. �'. <br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished � conforined copy of this Alortgnge at the time of execu- � ` , <br /> u tion or after recordation hereof. t ' <br /> 's 17. Tzansfer of the Property; Assumption. Zf all or any pari of the Property or an interest therein is sold � <br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the ereation of a lien or encum- _ <br /> ' brance subordinate to this \lortgage; ( b ) tlie creation oi' a purchase money security interest for househoid appli- ! ' <br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la�c upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the, grant of <br /> 3 uny leasehold interest of three years or less not containing sn option to purcliase, I.endei• inay, at Lender's option, <br /> 4 declare �.11 the sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediaiely due and �>syssble. Lender shall have �ti��tived such <br /> ; option to accelerate if, prior to tlie sale or t.r:tinsfer, Lender .ind il�e pei•son to whoin the Property is to be sold or <br /> ; transferred reacl� agreement in avriting tliat, the oredit of sucli �ierson is �atisf� etory to Lender and that the interest <br /> payable on the sums secured by this iVIortgage sl�all be at suclr rate as Lender sl�all request. If Lender has waived <br /> ; the option to secelerate provided in this paragruph 17 and if I3orrower's successor in , interest lias executed a cvrit- <br /> f ten assumption agreement acoepted in writing by Lender, I,ender shail relcase Borro�ver from all obligations under <br /> � this Mortgage nnd the Note. <br /> If Lender exercises sucl� option to accelerate, Lender shall +nail Borrower notice of acceleration in uccordance <br /> ' with paragraph 14 hereof. Such noticc sLall providc a Iaeriod of not less than 30 day�s from the date the notice is <br /> ; �nailed within �v}iich Borrower may pa5� tl�e sums declared due. If t3orrower f.tiils to pay such sunis prior to the <br /> expiration of such period , Lender may , witliout furtl�ci• noticc; or rleivand on B'oi•i•o�ver, invoke any remedies per- � <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 ltereof. <br /> x <br /> �'ox-LTxiFosnr CovExarTs. I3ori•owei• ancl Lendei� furtl�er covenant and a�;ree as fo7lc�.s : <br /> 18. Accelezation:- Remedies. P:xcept as pro��idec! iu � iaragrai� �lf 17 liercof, upon Rorrower's breach of any <br /> covenant or agreexnent of Borrower in tlris \ta•t�;age , includin� the co��enants to �iay �vhen due any sums secured <br /> by this �lortgage, Lender prior to acceleration .hall �ii:iil nnficc to Ba•ron•c:i- as ��ro�� ided in p3ragrapl� 14 hereof <br /> s specifying: ( 1 ) the breach ; (2 ) the nction requiceci to � cure sucL brcacL ; ( 3 ) �n � datc, not less � tlian t.hirt�y � days " <br /> frau the datc the notice is inniied to 13oi•roti�-r.r, b}- �cl� ich �ucli, brci�cla iiiust be cured ;, and ( 4 ) thab f:iilui•c to cure <br /> such breach on or before the date specified in tlie notice niay result in scceicration of tlie suins secured by this <br /> ` '�lortgage :�nd sale of the Property . If the breach is noi cm•ed on or beforc the cJnte specificd in tl�e, Lender <br /> at Lender's option may deciare all of the sums secured by thi� \1ort�age to be irnmediately due and payable <br /> u•ithout further demand and may foreelose tliis \lortga�e by judicial pi•oceedin�. I.ender shnll be enti�led to collect <br /> s in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosurc, inclu�ling, hut not liuiited to, costs of documentary evidence, <br /> abstracts and tit,le reporta <br /> 19. Borrower's Riqht to Reinstate. 1'otkithstanding Lender's aeceleration of the swns secured 1>y this <br /> A�ortgage, Borcower shall have the right. to liave any j�i•oceeciing, begun by Lenclei• to enforee thi, 32ortgage dis- <br /> e continued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enFokcing this \tort�age if : (�) Borro�ti�er pays I,ender all <br /> ' �ums which would Ge then due under this \Iortgage, tl�c '_Vote and notes securin� b'uture A�lvance�, if any, had no <br /> acceleration occurred ; ( b) Borrower curee alt I�rearhe: of anr other covrnt+.nt � ur � grc�ements of 13orrower con- - <br /> " tained iu Lhis \iqrtgagc ; (c} Bo3•row-er pay� all i �ason:�i�ic cs��eiz�es iricurred bti• Lendcr iti en;orcit:g thc co��er.ants <br /> and agceements of Borrower contained in thi, �lortga�;e and iii enforcing Lcnder's remedies as provided in F�arn- <br /> graph lS hereof, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney `s iee� ; and id ) I3orrow�cr takes such action as <br /> Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of t2�is 1lortgnge, Lender's interest in the Property and <br /> Borrower's obligation to }�ay the sums secured by thi_ \fortfia;e shall continuc unimp3ired. Upon such pxyment ' <br /> snd cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and tl�e obli�ations secured hereby shxli remain in full force ancl effect as if � ». . �,_,, <br /> no aeceleration had occuired. � ' � �'-� ` <br /> 20. Pissigivaeat o! Rents; Appointmeni o4 Receiver, Lender in Possession. As additionnl security here- �r , ',�y ; ';c�°'. <br /> under, $orrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Propert�� . '��roc•ided tliat Borro«•e�• shall, prior to aeceler- :;�`� <br /> � ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abandomnent of the Yraperty , liave the rigl�t to collect and retain such rent.s �` � <br /> ' as tihey become due and payable: ; �; <br />� Upon acceleration under parsgra�ii �8 hereoi or ut�anclonment of t.he Ya•opercy . Lender, in person , by agent <br /> or by juciiaislly appoinied receiver shall l�e entitled co enter upon, take �>�s�e�siuu of xna iunnu�e ihe Pro}>erCy �- ' <br /> and to collect the rents of the PwperGy,, includin� those past due. All rcnts collecterl by 7.ender or the receiver .� .r. ' <br /> shal] be applied firetto payment of the costs of management of tl�e Property and callection of rents , including, but <br /> not limiterl to, zcceircr's fccs„ prcmiums on rccciccr's bonds and reason: hlc sttarnc�'s fces, and thcn to the sum; <br /> seeured by this '�vlortgage. Lender and the receiver sfiall be liaibte to account onh� for those rents actunlly received. <br /> �. � � <br /> �..._ <br />� <br />