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<br /> � STA1'�: OF NEBIZAS1iA, Couuty of ...... �
<br /> . ....... .......... .. ...........: ----�..______._. .
<br /> Filed for record und entered in Numerical Indes NEEfiASKA C)'v'Cl;fb�EIVTnRY.
<br /> ....... at........ .:..: o'cloek M., :i(A:":;P i'F,X
<br /> on ...... ... .. ........... . ....... ....
<br /> ..... ..... ..... .. ..
<br /> and i•ecorded in Deed Record ... :....... ._......, Page ...... .............. II .��7�
<br /> /�,'L�a
<br /> ....... . . ..:.... ......... ......... By ....... ....... ........ ....__.......... ,���-
<br /> County Clerk or I�eputr County Clerk or _�-�4�����BY�/�x�
<br /> (' Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeda 1
<br /> ;'I, - - 1
<br /> 77• f:!�?�?5(.l 6 QUITCLAIM DEED �t�r�r+r srr�
<br /> - RONAI� L. McDERNlO'IT, a single person, and LINDA K. McDERNIO'Pr, a single person,
<br /> said parties formerly bei.ng hu..sband and wife,
<br /> , herein ca2led the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of ___�____��e Dollar and other valuable consideration----------
<br /> received from gi•antee, does quitclaim, grant� bargain,sell, convey and confirin unto
<br /> RD1�1LD L. McDII2M07.T and F3�lIi� L. KUTA, as joint tenants,
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the folloiaing described real property in
<br /> ............... .................Hd11................:.. County, NeUraska:
<br /> A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE;SE3;) of Section
<br /> 7.t+ienty-one (21), Taanship Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6t,tz
<br /> P.M_, descriUed as follaas: BDGII�TING at a point in the south line of said
<br /> section, which lies 582 feet east of the southwaest corner of the SF3�,SE; of said,
<br /> Section 21, thence north, p�rallel with the east section, a distance of 103
<br /> feet, thence west, parallel with the south section line, a distance of �0 feet,
<br /> thence north, parallel witYi the east section line, a distance of 74 feet, thence
<br /> east, para11e1 with the south section line, a distance of 128 fe�t, thence sauth
<br /> x parallel with the east section iine a distance of 177 feet, thence west on the
<br /> south section a distance of 88 feet to the poi.nt of beginning.
<br /> To ha��e and to hold the above described premises together �;ith all tenements, tiereditaments
<br /> 1 aud appurtenances thereto belonging uuto tlie grantee and to �rantee's neirs and assigns forever.
<br /> Dated February ''� � , 19 77.
<br /> ,
<br /> , �
<br /> , .,. � q �
<br /> ........................................ ............................... ,...,.:�<.s;,r:.���.� ��..^:r':^�.:;:.G:+?...:.,..,G�.
<br /> � Rpii�,la L. r]cDennott_ •
<br /> � . . ...........:............................:.................................. �.� .�..��.�: .....�.�:��
<br /> K. ��tt. .- -.
<br /> '; ST�1'PE OF iQEBRASKA, Count3- of .....Ha11..:..........................................:
<br /> 73efore me, a notr�ry public quulified for said couuty, personally came
<br /> ROfIAID L. MCDERNiOTr, a single person, end L� K. McDERNXYiT,
<br /> '; a single pE.'z'son, sai.d parties fonnerly being husbanci and wife, ;
<br /> + kuown to me to be tlie ideutical person or persons ticlto signed the '
<br /> " forego�r.g instrument and ackno�vledged the esecution thereaf to he his, �� ' "'� '
<br /> - ; �r� .
<br /> ; : * . her or their voluntary act and deed. &� � �
<br /> f ` Witness my hand and n rial seal on ...:..Eeb . .�.�,...19.'�7. � �r �*��"
<br /> � ' .......
<br /> � �1 �/.�'�' � ��R
<br /> �ILNOpIR►-st�eeer«ehm�;a „�':.Cz:��'�-�'" � �!���/ .✓��.,.,,',,��.. Not�rS Public . ``
<br /> . u ,....... . ........ ....4/ r�
<br /> } : ����� . ; . .
<br /> ,�` ,.,, .
<br /> My co iesion expires ....... �::'T.t-"G-"a....�......, 19..�•.:�t._ ... �
<br /> Form 1.2 ApA=oved bs Nebraska fitate Bnr �ssaciatian Fpi.,,,,Q w,,i�c,,..i,,n,„,i,, N,�,r.
<br /> � � J
<br />