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� � �4 ' <br />� _ . {�:�. <br /> � � <br /> � .. MOR7GAGE—Savlaq� md Loaa Pozm--tDlrect Crsdit PI�) 255-2 (SpedaA . � � � �. . . <br /> , �.�.�.ri 7�',, k(1� �� MORTGAGE <br /> L _ '�� <br /> � . . . .. . . . . Lo�No . . . <br /> a�g�st �� <br /> ����� � 7HI5 INDENT'URE,�made thts_ � 4th dny� oi� . . .. 19_�bP aad betwwa �. � ., <br /> MICHAEL W. -0�HARA AND VIRGINIA L_ C�+HARA, hnchanri anri wifr� o�h �� his as�d har��rry <br /> 3 riqht, and as spouse ot the other <br /> � .�a� �H8 1 I � �"ounty,Nobraaka,as mortgagorS,�md Home Fedard Saving�and Loan Aasoefatlon of�Grand Id�d, ��� <br /> a coryoratioa,organfsad aad eriuutinq.under tLe lawr� of Nebraska with its priadpal oftlea and place of bwinees at Gzaad Ll�d.Nebra�ka,� <br /> ��mortgaqce: . � � � � . � � � . � . <br /> � . WITNES4E7'H: 2Lat aaid moctqagor�. !or �d in comsideration ot the �um o! , <br /> f I FTY-TWO THOUSAND F I VE H�INDRFfI ANh Nn,[_J flp_______________________aayQrs cE �2,�+00 94 1• <br /> I� . ����the recelpt ot wlrich ia�hereby acknowledged, do � by these presenu mortgage aad w�rant unto aald mortqaqee, Ita suxeesor� and��� <br /> aaaigne,�fozever, aA the followSag deecTibed reai estate, aituated 1n the rnunty of_��=� � . . <br /> � �dState��olNebrwka, to-wtc��AL�L OF�THE EASTERLY TWO HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE� AND THREE �TENTHS� (295.3) ' � <br /> FEET OF THE WESTERLY SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS (777.3) FEET OF LOT <br /> � SIX (6) OF VOSS SUBOIVISION OF THAT PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER - <br /> (E�SW�) AND THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (WZSE.�) OF SECTION ELEVEN ( II ), <br /> TOWNSHIP ELEVEN CII ) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, � <br /> LYING SOUTH OF THE LINCO�N HIGHWAY, WHICH TRACT HEREBY CONVEYED IS MORE PARTICU�ARLY <br /> DESCRIBEO AS FOLLOWS: <br /> � COMMENCiNG AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF 5AID LOT SIX E6), WHICH POINT OF BEGINNING IS <br /> FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO (482) FEET EAST OF THE WEST POINT OR TIP OF SAID LOT SIX C6) AND <br /> WHICH POINT OF BEGINNING IS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE TRACT DESCRIBED IN THE DEED <br /> RECORDED IN BOOK IAl AT PAGE 359 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF HALL COtlNTY, NEBRASKA, RUNNING <br /> THENCE NORTH A DlSTANCE OF TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE AND EIGHT TENTHS (235,8) FEET ALON6 <br /> THE WEST LINE OF THE TRACT DESCRIBEO JN THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 101 AT PAGE 359 <br /> HEREINBEFORE MEN�fIONED TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY IINE OF THE LINCOLN HIUHWAY, ALSO KNOWN AS <br /> � U_ S. HI-GHWAY N0. 30, RUNNING THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG AND UPON THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY <br /> LtNE OF SAID U. S. HIGHWAY N0. 30, A DISTANCE OF THREE HUNDRED TWNETY-EIGHT AND THREE- <br /> TENTHS C328.3) FEET TO THE NORTHWE5T CORNER OF THE TRACT CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED RE- <br /> CORDED !N BOOK 112 AT PAGE 165 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, (over) <br /> ;. ��{} Toqether with cll.heaHng, lighting, and pUunbing equtpmeat �d Sixturee, including�token and humera,acreena,awninqe,atorm wladowr <br /> S� �aad daors, and window alaadea or blinds, ueed on or Ia mnnection with�eeid property,whether the eame aro now located on eaid property <br /> or horeatter placed thareoa. <br /> :.�f�� � �TO 3fAVE AND TO HOLD TkTE SAME, together wlth all and aingular the tenementa.heredit�eata and app�utenaacee therauato belong- <br /> . ..j � ing,or in aapwlee appertaining,forever.aad warrant the title to the same. Said mortgagoz_�hereby rnvenantS— with wid mortgagee . <br /> jthat_�'_hs�.� �f'E� at the delivery hereof,ihe]awful owner_S.of the premiaaa above coaneyed and described, aad _ara <br /> � <br /> - ���aeized o!a good and[ndefeasible eatate ot iaherit�ce therein,iree and clear of all eacumbrances, aad that�he�L._will wa:r�t �d <br /> detend the tiQe the:eto forever aqainat the claims and demaads of a11 persone whomncevez � � � � � � � <br /> � PROVIDED ALWAYS,�and thls inatzumeat is ezecuted and delivered to secure the payment of tha num o� � <br /> ' F 1 FTY TWO THOUSAND F I VE HUNDRED AN�NO/I 00----------------------n.+llare (5 52 500.00 �, , <br /> . with interest thereon, together with auch chazgee and advancea as may be due and payabla to said mortgaqee undor the ternne and � . . � <br /> condt�loae ot the prosiesory note of even date herewith aad eecured herebp,ezecuted by oaid mortgagor_5_to said mortgagee,papable� �� . � � <br /> . i �as expresaed in eaid note, and to sacnre the performance ot al1 ihe larms and conditions crontaiaed thezefa. . The terms of eaid note me � <br /> �hereby incozporated thi� raEerence. . . � . � <br /> i the intention and agreemeat oi the parties hereto that thie mortgage ahall also secura any future advancee made to satd . � <br /> mor�qagor_�by�emd mortgagee, md any and all indebtednaas in addiKon to the amount above etated which said mortgagora, or�y . . � � <br /> � of them, may owe to eaid mortgaqee, however evideaced whether by note,book account oz otherwiae. Tlus mortgaga shall remaia Sn full . . �. � � <br /> torce aad e#lect betweea tha parties hereto aad iheir heirn, personal repieaentativas, sueceaeoca and asaiqns, untll atl amounta eecured ��� � <br /> ' � hezeundez,ineludinq future advances,�e paid in fuli witt�intazeat. � ' � . � <br /> i <br /> �The� hereby aeeign�_to eaid mortgagee a21 reata �d income arieiag at any and all�times.from emd pcoperty and �. �� .� � � <br /> hereby authorize eaid mortgaqee or its agent at iYa optioa, upon default,to take charge ol wld property and wilect all renu and inwme � � � � <br /> � therefrom and apply the same to 2he payment of interoet,principal,iasuranm pcomiuma tmces, asseesmenta, repairs oz improvementa aeces- � . � � �� � <br /> eary to keep sald propartp in tenant¢bia rnaditfon, or to other chaTgee or papmente provided for herein or in the note hereby ieeured. This � � � � �� � <br /> rant aasSgnmea�aha71 eontinue in lorce until the un.paid balance of eaid note is fully pal� The taking ot possaeaion hereunder ahall fa no � . � . � .. . <br /> manner prevant or retard sald mortgaqee tn the eollectton of eaid suma by tozeeloauze or otherwise. � . . � � <br /> j1La failure o( t6e moztgagea to�a�eri any ot ite righle hezeundar ut any time ehali aot be conafrued a�a waivez ot its riqht to assert � � � � <br /> � � the aume at any,lqte�r,t;g�.g�,,,,A,pSj„_,��,,,�q,i��,,,t}pp,n_and eaforce strlat compliaace with all the terme aad provielons o! said ¢ote �d of this . <br /> mortqage. � , ,. �s . -� .. . . . . . � . <br /> .. . I! said� �`qugor_�— d�ll-�cauw to�be d�to said mort � � �� � <br /> pai , gaqae the entlrs amount du�it heraundez,and under the terma and proviaioa� <br /> of said aole he by�ectCrd4L.fAehadSaq iudue advaneea,and aay ext�a�ioiu or senewals theroo! Ln accordance with We.teime�aad provle[oni � � � � <br /> �..w,. ,,,w ... � � . . . <br /> T � Ihereot,and if eaid�mortqaqar ��_�hall complp with all the providona of wid aote and ot thIs mozfgage, then tLase presentn ahall be vo5d; � � �� � � � <br /> .. �. �:otherwise m ramain la-lull.��Iwee aud.sitee6�d ecud moctgagss ehall ba wntltled to�tha poseeuion oi ali o!amd property, �d�may. at ib . . . . . <br /> ' optioa,d@elnra Ihe whola�ot.emd uote and all indebtednes�zepraaented therabp to bo immsdlately due and�peyable,aad may lorecloee thi� . � � <br /> I � � mortqage or��.teke�any�otker�legal�acUao 10 protect its ciqhL and imm tLa dale ot euah delault all item� ot�indebtedaeu �ecurad bereby � � � . .,,,,�� -.'. �-., � <br /> � ahall draw intereet at y@M�r�aum. Appiaiaement walvwd. � � . ,� � <br /> i <br /> r . ...�.Th�a mortgage �hn� be btndtaq upon���aod �hall�nure:b th� b�astit ot Ihe hein, ez�euton, admini�trarors. aucceason cmd aaaigtu d . � ���' <br /> tde ra�pactiqua partiai_ eto. � . , . . . � �� . . . '�!�.. <br /> � �� <br /> . � . 3N WI}2IES4 j,�Qdd�Mo=lqogoz G �+�* ��A L�reunto ��t. '�.ttE'�" tiaa�.S th�day and year firat abovs . <br /> . . .Y►fliteO. '. ! ��,.�.1 . . . . . /' � � . � . � �*,' �. <br /> u / n .G a� /� ,'!� - _ � . <br />� �" r��� t� ��ARA ��#�r�rA`�r��-rki7�'' ;.. � . <br /> � � ,�... <br /> s� <br />~ � � � <br />� <br />�� � <br />