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<br /> � � � That 4he�:� Mottgagor wil( pey��the indebtedness..as � hereinb�(ore,. provided. ..� . � � . � � . � � � � . �
<br /> � � . � � . That the�-� Rlortgagqr is the �:.owner of � said property in fn_ e simPle �and has gocxi right and . lawtul aui.hority to se❑ anil �
<br /> � . � � convey lhe same and that the` same is: free and ctear of &ny lien or rne�mbrance; and � that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the .
<br /> � tiQe to said premises against the elaims of :ill �xzrsona: whomsoever.
<br /> � � . � � .� � . . � To pay imm,ed7ately when due untl Pxt�yable ail �.generHl�� taxes, special taxes, speciai ucsessments, weter charges, sewer serv- � � � �
<br /> �, � ice charges, an�l ' other taxes��and c]iarges a:gainet said� proaierty , and al.l t:axrs leviE^cl �on the � debtsecurc:d hereby.� -and� to ��furnish LFie � .� ` �
<br /> . . Mortgagre, upon reqaest;-� �vikh ihe ��original ' or duplicate . recc:iptx iherefor. The Morlgagar agrees Lt�aL thcre �hall be �.addecl to � �
<br /> . cach +nontl�ly ,[�iayment reyuired hereundez nr� �und�r tlie evidenca• of debt s��cvred he��reby asi arriount estirnate<i� hy t.he hlarLgagee � �
<br /> � tn tx:� � sufficient tot :enable Ehe Martgaber•:� in �>a.r' , as U7ey became due, all fax� s, ass.:eas5menls, . and sirrilar, charges upon � the prPm+ �, � �. .
<br /> ' � � � � ise� subjec;t thereto; any de&eiency beeau's� o[ t}[e � ectsufficiency -of such aildiliooal pay.nients shall be furYhw�ith depocileit � by � �the � � � . �
<br /> � l � M<�rt�,agt>r wxth lhe Mort�ag�ee ❑pun .<ierszand by t6rr �4ortg:�ger .-. Any detault undes this p�r+gr. [>h shell he drernx�d � a deftiuft in � . .
<br /> � `paymcinl of taxes, �assessments,� i�r � sirnilar chargcs . rec�uirv•d� l�ereunder. �� � � � � � � - � . � ..
<br /> � � . � The � �Mortgagor .. a�grers� th.al there sha11 �. s.�lso be added to earh monthly payment of . princiFi32 and inter.rr�f rcayuirrd hcre' . : . .
<br /> . . � Undc�r an .�mourit rstimated by 2.he Mortgagee to be siiffiCient t.tr enable t.}�,. Tq ,-�rtgagee= lo pry. as il. becon-�es� <iue. fhe iasurance .
<br /> � � . prerwzium on ai�y . insurarice policY deSivered t.o thc :Mortgage=c. AnY defic,irucy h��cauh�> uf I. hr in>�i �ciE� niry of such addit:+>nat pay- � � .
<br /> . . . . mcnt:s � shall � ha= fortfiwitki de=x�sited�� [sy the M<�rtgaqor� `+,•ith fhc ?llartgagee �upor3 dc•n�rind hy ihe� ?YEurtg�[gtee. Any rlefauit �und<rr fhis .
<br /> � parc:graph ahal] IM detarne�! a default in the paymrnC of insureancr_ premiumn. If t.he ��rolicy or pol4ci��s dep��aited are� such as tr'E�mc:. . . .
<br /> � . owp�rs� or atll risk Poli<ries, anci thc de�u�sit.s um ins�.�Hicicnt tu C�ay th�, ��ntirr prr�miuivr , t.f�« Mortgape-e rnay apply tha cleposit to �
<br /> pay premiums on risks requirc-d lo tk insured by t.his mnrtgage . � . - .
<br /> . . . . . PAYrneuGs n�ade b,y' tfic Mortgagcrr uniJrr Y3��e abovr- parny; raph, may . at it�e �.�����lian u[ U��e h?ortg�y;ec, I'a.a held � by it and� � .
<br /> ' . ' eommingled with <rthar such funds or it. uwn funds fur fher paym �-trt oC �such if<ams, and u �tfil ao �ppliE�d, such paYrtientv are hereby . �
<br /> . . � � � pltrod�;ed as sccurit.y (ur thc unpaid F:�;alaricer oi t.he rnortgage indarbt��dnes5. � . . - . � . .
<br /> . � To {� roeure, deliver t�>, and m3intain for Ihe, bcnefit of the bforlgaf,;e�z durinE; the life of Uxis rnurtga;;r ori�ina� polici�s vnd �
<br /> � � rerzewnls therE'�of, c3elivc:red <��t least ten days beforr ttze expiration i,P arsy such pnlicia•e, rnsurin�., a�afnst. firw and uthes insurnhde .
<br /> . hnzassds, casualtses, F�nd cantingencies ss the i�'dart�;agec mny require, in an :.aznoun: equail to Yhe indebkednesa securecl by ttxis � �
<br /> � � � 94ortgagr�, and in comp�nies accepfable to She M�>rG;;etgru, wit.h lu::s pxYabla cta�,is�^ in t�r��ur o[ anci in torm �eceq�kabttr to the Mrirlga- . � �
<br /> � getP. Iri the e�•ent any pulicy xs nuL rrnuwr�d �,n qr h�� fur�• Ee,u da� s nf it.. «�Kpir� tion , the• ,'+.4�� rt�;arec rnay ��rs>c� re iosur�na��� on the .
<br /> � � � irn{�rovements, pay lhe yremiurn thocefor, and Heuh sixin .hall be�.:ume ir.�rn�•diate�y due �ncl paYak�Sce �with inlerest at the ruYe set ; . �
<br /> fortfi in :said note unli [ p;aid and shall be s�•cur�•d by thiz r:rr,rt,:;a�e. I'ailure or� t.he. Tiert o€ l.he b. ortgagor 1���� furn 'rsh such rene>wals . �
<br /> as are herein reyuired, ur (ailure tir pay xrxy surtis �irivanc��d herE•und�^r sh.ill , ai: Cbe t>t>tion of the Morty:�gee, cUrastitute � default . .
<br /> k-� � urtder the tertns o( Yhiw mortgage. Thr di,livyry �if s�ch pnlici.�s shall . in t.hc: event of de•faull. cnnsfitute an assigrtment. o£ tha� un- . . .
<br /> .� . � eurn�ci premium. . �.
<br /> . . Anv sums received hY � hc Murt�;eher trv r�_an�un uf 1!s5s ur da �nane' ioxura -t against �r,ay Lc r-elair�ed h;,� the A�lortra�e�e �. . � . �
<br /> . � � ttnd �[)plied Yr�ward tlie pay�nr, nt of tk��r dek>t ho�ref>y sucu, red, or, al thej oZ�do�� of the !�'furigafier, sur,h sum:; either m�hoily or in � � �
<br /> � � }�nrt maY be paid over Lu Lhe Morthagor to be usod tu repair sucti k,iuildingc or lo t>u[ Id � new lauildirsg-s in tFieir plaee or for any . � � � .
<br /> � . �. . . other purposc. or object aaiisF�clury in [h+• Mortgagee with��ut aiTrrtin� lhe lien nn the m <�rtgage for 4he full arnount securc+d here� . . .
<br /> . . k�y before suc}i paymer�t aver trx>k place. . �
<br /> � � � To promptly repair. restorc �.�r rebuild any buildings n r irnproaernt°nls now ur heccalt�:�•r on fhe pr�•�ni.es whicf� maY hc- � � .. . . . .
<br /> . . � come dan�iaK�"� c>r destroyec3 ; to kee��i aaid prvatnlses i�i gcx�d cond 'eY.ion and repair and (zer• fcom any mechanic's lian or otl�c t licrn or . �
<br /> � � elaim of lien not expressly suburdinaLer3 tu t.hi licn k�rreoC; nnt t�i suffrr or perrnit any unlawful use of or any nussrtnce to exist on � � �
<br /> � � � said property nor to �r� rmit wastFr o�� s:aid ��remi.ces, ni,r to dn ;�.any oiher act whereby the pro�ierty hareby em�v��yed sha11 t�eome � � .
<br /> � � � less valuable, nor to dirninish or impair iLs value by any act ur umi .sinn tu a��( ; tu comply with a11 rcqtsiremrnts uf luw with rr�spect �
<br /> � � to the morlgaged Premises and thr use thereoL . . .
<br /> x� �� � . That should tne Premiscs or any part t.hereof Fx� taken or damaged by reasun of any public irnprovemc-.nt or condemnation � .
<br /> � � � proceeding, or under Lhr: right of eminen4 domain, ur in any olher marmrr, the Dlortgagee shall � ba• c• ntitled to all compensaLions, .
<br /> � � awards, and any other paynient or relief thc-refur, and shail be. entitled , at its opt.inn , to � commcnce�, a�PPear �in and pn*cecute in ita � � � � _ � .
<br /> � own name any action ur proceedinb. �>r to make any cumprumi.e or seetAemc� nt in ccmne•ction with such taking or .d-emage. All such � � . . �. .
<br /> � � compensation, award4, clamagrs, right ot action and prticeecls arc+ hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, who may, after � deducting � . � �
<br /> � Lherafrom all � its� expensea, � rel¢ase any muneys so received by it or xpply fhe same un any indebtr:daeas secured hcreby. The MorE . . . .
<br /> ' gagor ���agrees � to execute such furthc+r assignments of any compensation, aws�r�3s, �iumay,ea, and rights of xction an�l nrax-eeds as the e � - � � � � � �
<br /> � �� Mortgager, - may require. . . � � . . � . . . � � . . . � . .
<br /> � ' That in case of failure ta ��ierform any nt the covenants herein, the Mortgagee may clo oii th<. � Mortgagor's behalf everything � _ � � �� ��.
<br /> � � �o covenunted; t.hat thc Mort�ngee nxxy :also du any acl i4 may drrm �icce�wry Lu prulec[ thr lien thereol; that ttae Mor[gagor will . � . ,
<br /> , repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the MortE:a�F•e fc�r any of the above purpc�es, and siich moneys togetfier with �, �� � � � � � � . .
<br /> '� . interest �thereon et the rate provided �in said � nete shall bc.come so much additionat inc3e}>teciness hereby secured��� and mey � F>e in- � . � : .
<br /> cluded in any .decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out o ( the rents or proceeds of vate of �said '�iremises if not otherwise' . . � . . . .
<br /> � � paid ; Chat it shall not be obiigatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into thc validity oP any tien. encumbrances, or daim in ad- � � . � � �
<br /> � vancing �moneys ' as above aulhorized, but nothing herein contained shall � Fu� cc�nslrued as requiring tke � Mortgagee .tq advance any � . . �
<br /> � � moneya for any such purpose nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any� Personal .linbility hecau:�:e qf� any- : � � . � �
<br /> � � thing it may. do or omit tu du hereunder. . . . � . � . � . � . � � . . . . �� � ��
<br /> �� In the event of� the default. by � D4ortgugor. in thi+ yaymen t of any installment , as reyuired by the Note sc>cured he. reby, or ' � �
<br /> � � � in the pertormance of thr obligation in lhis mortgr�ge or in t.h� note secured thereby, the P�Qc�rtFaKee shall bc rntitied to dFr,lare t.Y�e . � .� .
<br /> � debt secured hereby due . aud �a5'a62e �1�ifhuut nvtice, and the� 4qo: tgagee shalt F�e entiti�d rzi its opt.inn, withnui n.�t �ce, rither by iL�lf � - � �
<br /> pr bY a recerver tu be a��puinceci uy the couri ii�errof. ami with�ut rryarl io iil.�� ad.� � :v" u.` an� stcu ' . f.�r Y4 n�!rF�!rri . c•us �� .. .
<br /> . curecl hereby. fo ��enter u��on and � take possession of the mortgaged premises, aad to collrct an�l rAceive th� rent�. isxues and profits � � �
<br /> � � � � ther¢of, � and apply the� Kame, 7ess r.cuts of operation and - collection, u{wm the � indebtednese � securPd' fi.v �this mortgage; . said rents;� . . . . . : ;
<br /> . � � . issues a�d profitv being hereby� asaigned to the Mortgagee� as further xecurity foc the paymen£ of all indebtedness securrd�� here�by�.. �� � �
<br /> � � � � The Mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may dc�;ire tor the purp�e o! rerrairing eaid . prem• �
<br /> � ises; renting the saa�e;� .wllecting lhe rents, revenues an{l inceme, . snd it may p2y out of said inrome nil expense•ti innirrecl in rent- � "`""'t4 ' ' rn""' ��,
<br /> � � � ing and managing thr� name and of� wUecfing � t}ie� rentals therefrom. The batance remaining, if any , shall be applied toward the � � �;""";:,, �
<br /> � diec7�arge of the morigage iodebtedness. This assig�vncnt is to termina[e and 6ecome nuli and void upon release ot this mortgage. � +
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