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1\( <br /> �^f� � <br />�'R�', . � � �u . . <br />.�... . . . t Y�1' �,�Y� . � <br /> . . . . • ::'w1Y. '�SY . . <br /> � ��� , � . . � � . . . � . - . . . . . . . . � <br /> 7�'� ����AGOR FURTHEH ' COVENANTS ANA AGREES: � � � , � , <br /> I� � . . That the Svlgrtgagor will pay the indebtedness as � hereinbe:fore pravided. � � � � � <br /> � " .� That the Mortgagqr }s th2 `bwner of yaid property in fee �simple and has good 7ight and lawdul authority to srll and � <br /> wnvey the same and that the"saTne xs flree and. clear of any lien nr encumbrance; �and � that �Mortgagor will warranL and defend 2he � <br /> , �� � �. . title � to said premise�s againsG �the �ciairr's �C al� �persons whomsoever. � � � � ' � � <br /> : .. . . . . �,i . .,, , ,. . , . <br /> To pe�y' iminediat¢Sy �when; due'' end .payable• all general taxe:s, special tnxes,.� s{7+tcial axsesnmenls. charges, sewer serv. �. � <br /> , ice charses: an$ othez taxe���Hnd charges against said F>roperty, � nci s�ll l�xes levied� on the• c1e6t� secc�red hereby, and to � [urnish the . <br /> ; � �: Martgagee; upon.��.rcequest,.. wit:5 the���original ur �duplica#e ���remipEs. �� lk�erefoa �The Mort�agor agrees � that there shail he� a�ded , tn "-. <br /> , � �each montktly payment ce�uired hetr>under ur under the evidcnce c�f debt � sr..rured hrrrby �n . am�iuntestimaled .by the Mortgager . <br /> to be su(ficienL� ko enalale the �-Mp�tgagse to ��ay, ae they � b<•come. �due, a2l � taxes, assess�nents: and sitnilar ctiarges upon the prem- � � <br /> ; � � � i5es �cabji�cE' 'thereto; .any deficicncy lx�cause af � the insafCiciency of �urh addiLionat payments � sFialt Yre � f�irt}�H•itlt dvpusiied� by tNe '�� <br /> MoFtgagor H�itti � Lhe M�7rtgager � upon .. demand by qit �L�4ortQaRee. Any dcfault u �a�3er this parayra ��h� shall ta�i ele�rnrd a� default . in <br /> payment ' of Laxes, ��aGsess���ents nr� simila�r � chargias � .rcc7�Aired herr�unde�.� . . � . � . . . � � : . <br /> - f_ . � � . ' The M��rtgngor agre<�5 that there shatl ais� Ixa -added. io � r.ach rnvntFdy f�ayrsncnt of princeFSal. .ant! inlerest reyu �red here, . � . <br /> = �� under an� amount estimated� by the hlrrrtg�agee to bc< sufliciei�t to en:abic (he �.1<v6gagce to pay, � a, ii. becoraes due, the insorance � � <br /> ; � � � �premium orx anY insurancc . policY �1t'livE•red to thee h4ort�agee. Any dtfici.��ncy Irecause of lh�• insuft�ciencY of such :�dditis�nat � pay- � , �� <br /> �� inE.nts shall � be fot�thwith de�p<�;c� ted tay � lhr � Martgagor with t1iE� � Mortga�;i�e upcin �lerman<i t�Y the>�� Mc,rtgagc� � Any defautt vn�ler t1siG <br /> � � �. parugra{�h: eh�ll be d�aeined � a defnulC in t.he paymenl of ieixuranc� premiiims lf� t}ji: �prilicy or � p�iliiiea dep�sitvd� �arnsuch a5� hvrne- <br /> , owriers � or all rixk p<�liciF,rs, tand th� dep�isils are insuk�icien`. tu paV t.he entfrc^ }�rem� iuxn , the Mnrt �agee may apply the dep�sY tr.y <br /> , � � �� <br /> � � pay pmmiums on risks required to be insured by this mort.gage. . � <br /> � � � Payments made by I.F�r� ?�Zort.g3�;or unrler t.h�• above 1,iurat;rapFis may, al the optiun o: the Mr,�rtgagee, h�r held - by it and <br /> � � � cc�mmingled with other such turrds or ifs ati^n Fur�ds [or the payment of such iterns, Hnd until so a����lied , such paym�nts Hre hc rehy <br /> � pladfied as s�curity for the unpaid halanoe of the morti:age L��<3c;ttiteclness. . <br /> � � . 7"o pruavre, dr•liver to, an�i �nttinLain tor [ ht� ber�eliL of the i�tortg.a4:�'�' <iurin�; thet life of this murtgage ori �in;al po73c,iea and� <br /> � nenewels thereirf, delivered at. least te�n days before t.hc exP�r.itioii of any such poticics, insucinK adeinst. fire ar�d other i �isurabte � . <br /> � � haz�rds, casualties, and contingencies as the A'I�rtgagea: m�ay require, in � an amount ��qual � to -the secured by this <br /> � Mortgage, and in com�aanies to the Mortgage<-, � ilh t<��s Papable clausc� in fXror c�f sn�i in forn� arceP�A}?le lo the '�1ort�a- � <br /> � gee. In the evenC any Policy is not renmwed un or befrirF� ten de�ys ot it� ��xpiratiun , tiao Murtgagee may procure uisurance on the � <br /> �� improvements, pay ihe k�rc:mium tfieref<ir, and such �,um siiall bec�:rme iiramec2iakrly d ��<r and payable with interest at the r:e�t-e sul <br /> . � [orth in said n�l.s until paid and s}iall . tic secure•d by. . thi� rnortgag<'. k'ailure on 4her p:�r4 of i.hc M�rt.�agor #a (arnish such .rene.wals <br /> � � as are hercin reyuired or failurA> to pay any sums advarai� �-d hrre�tmde�r tih:ali �, at fhe optian of the MortkAgee, cunstifute a default � <br /> . . unde:r the terms of this moPtKeage. The J<�livc• ry of ,:ueh {�olicira shnll , in the rvent ot rl��fault, c<.�nstitute en �ssi �;nment af thK an- �. . <br /> ' . earned premium. � � � �� <br /> � � Any �sums � reca:ived by the MurtgaF',ce by . rea.sun o( lvss or damagr+ insiued agu6nst may be retained by Ihe Me,rtgagee . <br /> � arrd applied toward U}e ��ayment uf Chv r{�,bt. hecrby secured . nr, at the� opLion o[ Ihe Morigagee. such s �nns either H�holly or in <br /> ' . Eysrt may be� �eid ovcr to thi• R4c>rtg�ag�»� to hr, unr:d t+� rrpair hnch builctings or to buil<i ' new 6uildings iri the� ir place ur for an7- <br /> �other � purpose vr object satisfactory ta the Murtgagee withnut afFcctiri�; t,hc lien on the morigage [or the [uil arni�unt tiecureJ herr. - . <br /> �� by before such �payment ever took V�ace. � . � . �� <br /> To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any Iwildingc or im�uuveme�nts now ur hereafter on thr. premixs which may he- <br /> � come � dtunaged or destroyrd ; lo kecp said Firemises in g��d conclifion an<3 repair and free Rom any mechanic's lien or other lien or <br /> , `� � � � claitn oF lien riot expressly subordinated [o � the li�•n hcrcof': not to sufl'er c�r �if� rrnit. any urilawful use nf �x any nuisance to ezist on ' . � <br /> � said property nor Lo permit wtiste un aaid j>remises, nor to do any nther act. wherc�by the pruperty hereb�� conveyed shall become <br /> � � le�s.s valuabte, nor to diminish or imi�air its value by any act or oniission to act ; to crnn ,1�� �vith all requirements of law with respect � � <br /> � to the mortKaged. premises and the use thereoL � � � � <br /> � � � Thak should fhc premises or any part thereo[ L,�r t�akcn or damzaged hy re.asnn of any public improvement� �r condemnation <br /> z <br /> � � praceeding, or under the right af eminent� dvmaics , ur in any other manner, the bfurtgxgce shall be entitled to all cumpensations, <br /> � awards, and any other Vayment or reiief ther<rfor, and shall be entitled. at �ts oj�tian, to rommence, a�PPar � �in �� anrl prasecute�� in ita � <br /> � own name any netion or pruceeding, or tu make nny comproiiiise or settt<�ament in conn�:etion with such taking or d•amage. All such � � � � <br /> � �� compensation_ � awards, dameges, .right ' of action and �prflceecls� are hereby � assi�;ned to the Mortgagee, � who may; after deducting . � <br /> � � theretrom all� its expentres, release any moneys so received by it or � a{>ply � the san+e un uny indebtedne..xc secured hereby. The Mart- <br /> ;�� � gagor�� flgrees.�� to � ezecute such� further assignments of any compensation, awatds, damages, and � rights of aCtiun end .� gracea-ds as.. the . " - . � <br /> � . � Mortgagee� . maY� !�e4uire.. . , . � . . . . � . . . . . . . . . <br /> � � That in case oi failure to perfonn any of the covenuntw herein, the !�9ortgaRee may 80 on the h4ortgagor's behal( everything � � " � . <br /> � � so covenanted ; thut the D?ortgagee rnay also �lo any ac4 it may dee:m nccessary lo proteM the li��n Ihereof; that thF M�rtgagnr will � <br /> . repay upon demgnd any moneys paid � or disbursed by the TQortgagee for any n[ tbe ahove purposes, und such moneys�� toget6er with � � <br /> . . interest thereon� et � the rate � provided in �said nate shu❑ become so much additional� indebtrdnese hereby .ecured and � may �he . 'rn•. . � <br /> � cluded in an.Y decree foreclosing this mortgage and be C�aid <�uL of the rents or proceeds of sale of said premises it naL � otherwise � � <br /> paid; Lhat it shalt not be obligat.ory upon the Mortgagee to inqttire intn the. vaiidity of any li�n, encumbrancrs, or claim in ad- �� : � � � <br /> , � vsncing money� 'as above .authorized, but nothing herein contained shall k�e construed as requiring the M�rtgagee to advance any . . . . <br /> moneys Sor any �such purpOse nor . to �do any � act hereunder,. and that Mortgagee shall not incur any personat liability because of any•. � � . . <br /> thing it.may.. do or �mit to dq bereundec . . . . . . . . � � � � � � � . . . � � <br /> � � � In Lhe event of the default try Mortgasor in. the payment of � any installment, as require<i by the � Nole secured hereby. or� � . � . <br /> � � i.n the per[ormance of the obligation in this mortgage or in lhc nutr s..rureu 4�ereby , thE Dlortgagee shaJ! he e•ntillcd to �� declare the � : : � <br /> � . � � - debt :secured .liexeby due .and paya62e without notiee. and ,the Mortgagee shazl be ent�tieci ai its upiion, .cith�ui nuuc�, ei�hrr. �>y: itor.l: <br /> � : , or by a [eceiver to� :be appointed by: the court therevf, and withou t regaccl tc� the ad��uacy^ of any �secutity for the indebtednees ce- � : <br /> ca�red hereby, to enler � n�n�.and � take � �osSessibn ai� the mortgaged � premises, and to collect. and receive��the rents. �ssues� and Wrofits �� � <br /> -, � �thereof,� and �. appiy..the � satne; ]esa cot�ts � of . o(xraGori and culleciiun, upun thc inrlebtedness �ecurc:d hy this ,m�rlgage: said rents; ` <br /> ��: . (ysues aad�profilw .being � hereby agsigned iv the A3t�rtgagee 'as further � secority for the payment �of all indebtednrss ,serured �herebY . � � ' <br /> ' � � � 'I'he Morlgagee shatl have the power W aypoint any agent or agents it may desire [or the Yurpose of � repairing said pmm- � . °"'x� � ' ��d "' '. � � <br /> . � : . ises;. renting the, same; c�IleCting . Lh? tants., reyenues and income. and it may pay ouf of said income all expensPs , incurred in rent- � " � . :�. ", ; <br /> � .. �ing and �managing the same aad of coAectinq ,the rentais therefrom. The balance remaining, if any, shali be �applied toward the . � 4 � i; <br /> discharge� ot the mortgage indebtedness. This �assignment is to terminate and become null and voic! upon mlease of this mortgage. ;: , , <br /> i'< <br /> . . . . . . . . ?...�"..;::. <br /> , , <br /> ; . . . .. . , . ' -0^ ' <br />� : . ���. � . . . , � <br />� ' <br /> � , <br />