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y <br />� . . . . , i .� }y� � �M� . <br />•}n� . . . [ � �[;�.y' . . � <br /> . . . . t �t'S . . . <br /> 3 I � <br /> . . . . . . . . . . l�p . . . <br /> �_:_ .. . . . . . .. , . . . � . . . . � .. <br /> . . . . . .. . � . <br /> 77. �1U � 4 '7 � _ � <br /> T.HE MORTGAGOR FUFtTHER COVENANTS , AND AGREE$d <br /> ' � . � . � Tliat the Nto;tgagor��will pay _the indebtedness as�rhereinbe(ore pravided. �� � .' � � � <br /> ' . . . . . :;; . � '„ • ' ':.� , . r: . �. .. _. ���.., . �. � . . ... ... . _ ' <br /> � � That the Mort�a6oi is the ,qtiyner of said � property in tee :'sirnF�ie and has goocl right and lawfu! authorit,y� �to sell and � � <br /> convey the same and that the�yumg �a &ee aq{7 clE�r of any lien or enj•umbrance; arid that � Mnrtgagor will warrant. wzd defend tl�e � � � <br /> u <br /> title to said �prem�ises . against the ala�ms of at1 persoits whoxnaoeve!'. � � <br /> � � � � To . psy }mme�.3ately w�en due` aiiar3 payal>le aLl greneial taxe�, speeial ��.taxes, s{�ecial a�essments, water c},arges, sewer �serv- . � <br /> icQ charges, �and •pther=taxes and charges� aga�nst� said property , and all taxes levi�ii on� thc rlebl seryred heretiy, and to fumish. the � � <br /> M2rtgaqec.'� � upon n.Tquest, naith�� khe ...�riginal o= duP�icata ieceipls, �t)u'retor..�' Th� ?�Qwtg�gar agrnes :. f.hat there �� shalt be: added fo �� . <br /> � �� each � m�nthly pnyment req�tjred }tereun�ler nr �nder Lhe eJidence of debt� secured h�.rei�y axi amot�nlcstimaterd �� hy the Mortgage� � <br /> -' - �� to li� suff'i,c3enL to etiabl¢ t}ie '�l�fqrt�a�eg to pag; � as they . became <lue, t�ll �k�xes, a�#sessments, xnd Eimilar chargns�:upon Che;preni • � �� ' <br /> {seti "subjeet ��ti�ett�to; any "deficf�nc•y` Fsec�nve ��I� the � insufi�ici¢nc,y ot�� such� additiona! iiaj�m�-nts � sh91[ � i�e fotthwikfi � �lepcxsitrd � ' 6y the <br /> � ��. Ivlok£gagor with :the �Mcirtga6E'� . up<�n � derntind i>y the Mortgagre. Any rdcfault under tbis paragraph shall ba drs�med �a � .defauit� in� � � <br /> zr � <br /> � ,payment n£�� :�taxes, a§sessments�;� nr similar charges � requirc<1 here.wider. � � � � � � � � � . � � � <br /> � Tt�e.�� MortKag�r agm�s� , tt��tt there shall alsn be �. a�l<lyd iq � each n�sorithly �aY:}�R'nt of princepnl � ancJ infrrect� required�. here- . <br /> under an` ami>unt rs'tiinated, by the �Mortga�ee �to !�e sufticir:nt �tn ernaFrle the Mnriqagea� ta� pay , �as it ilrcon:�s due, Yhe � iasurance <br /> � � ' premm�n . t�n �ny . insurance. j>o134,v deTivtpred to Yher lblcrrtgagee_ Any deficie=ne,y becaus�x of thc. inaufficiency ��F au<:Vi, a27ditic>txa!_ pay - <br /> meiit5 shalI ' bc flirthtviih def�6sited 5y �the � MorLgagor wilh the� Mortgagee u�xm �denianri by � ther Rlortgager Any ilefau7t urrifar .ihis � - � <br /> � � paragra�>h shall � tx deemed a deFaufY. in the paymr. nt of �i�3surancr prrmimns. � If t.k�e g�olicy evr I'�olicies <IeF�ositPd�' a�e such �as hume=. ` . � � � <br /> � . � bwners: or all risk policies, and � the dep�osits are insu�cient lo pay thr esitirr premii:m , thn Mart�;agee may apply Lhe c?eposii � to � <br /> � � pay premiunu on risks requirec3 to be insured Ly this morigEige. . <br /> Pt�ynie�nts �made by 6he MurtgaK�r urader t1�e . F�b�,>vo paragray>h5 rri8y. bt tluz nplian �:,f t.he� Modg,a�e� be hcld by it and � � � � <br /> . � cameninglec3. with other such fun�s �.� r its own fun�ts for fhe �>ayxnen! o( Such itrms , a.nd until so apF��lied , �iich 7��ym�rnts am hereby � <br /> � � � � �{zledg�ed as securi6y � lor the unF�aid bxalance o( tf�u rnurtgage. indobt+�dne�s . � <br /> � � � Ta, .deliver t�a, and maintairr for tkre benefit vf tha, Mort.�,agce durina tlie lifF nf ihie rnortg�a�e vriginal �x�licies and <br /> � : . renewals thercwf, delivc� red nt ] rast teii day-s kx�fore the expira.tiun o! any sueh p�>liries, insuring aF;�inst fire and other insurable � � <br /> Exz�zarde; : etteualtiey, and � contingencir:s as the � Mortgb�i�� may �r�.quire, in an amoun! c>.qual� Lo the indebtedness nec�red b,y thiv. � � <br /> ��. � Mortgage, and in Cornpanies acccptabli3 to the MortgFA�ee, with los:� ���ayal�le clause in favm• �S ai'id in form aace}� f3��e. Mortga- � � <br /> . gec. In � the event any� PolicY is noC re.newr�d un ur befnre tcn days uf its; expiration, tlir ?�1or(gagce may prorurr insurancr un the � .. � <br /> � � improveznants, pay the prernimn tl���refoq and sucb vurn ahvll brcovu> imn-�e�diatcly dxie and payahte with intrresC. a4. [I�e ratc set . <br /> � forLh in said notxt � uaLil paid anrl shall bc• �ecurcii f,�y this m<� ri �;age. [�"ailure nn the part rt�f !l��e ?��Toztgngqr to furnish such reneu�als . <br /> as are herein rc�;uired ur failure t�i pay any s�� ms ad��anec•d hereunder >hall , at tb�r c�ption nf the 1lortgagec, cunstitulc- .� ile•(ault <br /> . � under tha � t<rrms of. this innrtgage. "I`he dr•livery of suc}�� policie.ti shall , i ❑ [he event. of dt-faiill , mas�titule an essi�nment of the an� - . . <br /> t <br /> � . earned prernium. . � . . <br /> � � � � � � Any sums received by the Morl�agee by rexsou uf luss c� r damage insurec3 against may h��o rct.ained by 4.he Mortgagee . � . �. <br /> � . ax�d applied toward the payme.nt uf' the rlobt hercby secured . o .r, at tl��r. optiun t7f the ,'vlortgngee, such sum� either w•hol(y cir in . . . � � <br /> � , � part �may be paid over Lo the Mortg�agor ta F.e us�rd to repair such buildin{;s or t� tzuild ' new� buitdings i« thkir T�,�lace or for any . ' <br /> � � other purE'�c>se or object .vtisfactury to lhe Mucf,gagee without affecting the lien oai the mortgage fnr the full arnount. .;�•cured here- � � . . <br /> � by. before such paymrni uver �t<�vk ptace. � <br /> � � ' . To {�romp[Ly repuir, restore� or rv>build any building� nr improvernenls now on c� renftc>r nn the pren�iises which may he- . - <br /> � come cl,nmaged or destraycd ; tu keep snid Prerniss�s in gooc3 cone3itian and repair and tree fr<rm any rncchanids lien or uther lien c�r � � <br /> � clnim u[ lien not expre�sly su6ordinafed to the lien hereof; not t.o sulTer or pertnit any unlaw:�l usc: of or any riuis�ance to t•xist nn � � � � � <br /> . � xaid� property nor to� {��errnit waste �n ssid, nor Lo do any uther ect wheretry the propi�aty herti•by oonveye<I shall be*came � . � <br /> � less :vvluable, nor to diminir�h or impair its value by any act or i�rnission to act.�, to rnmi�� Y with all r<�quiri��ments of lnw with resricM ' � � � � � <br /> � to the� mortgaged premises and the use thereuf. . � � � � <br /> � � That should the prenaises or any part thereof tn+ taken ur damaged 6y reason uf any public improvrn�ent or condenviati.on <br /> � � �� �pruceeding, or � under the right of emincnt domain, ur in any oLher mannFr, lhe Murtgaga�c shall b<� enti �led to ali co�npensaLiun_s, � � � � <br /> � awerds, and any other payment or retiet t.herc,for, and shaiF he enti[led, at its opt.iure, � to commence , appear� in and pri�ecute i❑ itg � � � <br /> � � � own name any � action or proceeding, ur ta make any r,omPrcrmise or scttlemc.nt in cnnnectinn with soch kaking ur damaKe� All such . r . . <br /> � � compensation, :� award�. � damagi�, �right of actian � and proc:ee3s ' are hcreby assigned to the Mr,rtgaqec, .who� may. � after . � � <br /> there�from all its expense8, 'rele2se � any moneys so teceived by it or apply the same un any indebtednehs �.secured� herehy. Tiie Mort- . � � �� <br /> � � � � �gagor �.agrees . W: execute� such furt,her assignments at any comy�rnsatiun , awards, damages, and rights u( actiwi and T>roceedF as the . �. � . . <br /> . � , 1VlortguBee � maY sequire. ;:� . � . . . � . �. . .. . � , . . � . . � � . . �. . . . . Y� � � � . . <br /> � . That in casc of failure to per(orm any of the covenants herein, thF A4ortgagee may da �on the � Mortgagor's behHl( � everythinq � � � <br /> � � so covenanterl; that the Mortgagee may also d.o any act it may deem neceswry to �ratect. the lien ihereof: that the Mortgagur will � � ' � � � � � � <br /> Y : � �' repay upon demand � any �moneys paid � or c2isbursed by the Mortgagee for any of the above p�rposes, and such moneys � togetfier with � � ; � � . �, . . �. � . � <br /> : : ��� .. � � inferest � thereon at �the rate� 'F�rovided �in �iaid note shall becomr so �r�uch ndditional � � iiidebtednes8 hereby secured � and may k�v in- . � . _ <br /> � . � �� � �cluded in arry decree foreclosing this mortgage and t�e paid out of the rents or proceeds of sale � of � scaid�� -premises it not � otherwise �rv� � � � . � . � <br /> . . � . � . paidC � that it shall � not he obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of anY lien, encumbrances, or claim in ad- � �' � � � . . <br /> . :vancing��moneys'�as� above authorized, but nothing herein . contained shall be :construed �as reyairing � the �MortKage• e � to advance any •- � � � � <br /> � moneys��for �� any �such..purpose nor to��do. any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall� not incur any persunat liability hecauxe nf any- � - �:. � � <br /> �thing ik may, do or omiY tp �u hereunder. . . . . . � . . . � � . . � <br /> � � In the event of ihe default hy Mqrtgabor in the . yuyment o( any instaliment, as rcquirrd 6y . the 1Vot.e secured hfrr�ehy. or �' . � � . . � <br /> � � � in � the� performence of the o6ligation� in this mortgaRe or in � the note secu�ed tha:re6y, the Mo�t�agec: shall be enlifled k� � declare the � � � � � . � <br /> .�:� � . . debL secur�d hereby. .Vne .and .payable without noticc, ana . the n4ortgagee shall bc entitled, at its optian, without notice, eilher hy it_velt . �� � : <br /> � � � � or �by a� re.ceiver to� be 'appointeci by the court thereof. �and withnut regard to the �adequacy of any security for Ihe indebteclness se - � . . <br /> ' . � cured hereby, to � enter upon and `take � pos�ession- of the �mortgaged premises, and to callect and recei�e ihe rents. issues and profits . . � � <br /> tfiereo[, artd�� apply Che same,: �.iess costs of �operation� �and collection, � upon � the indebtc:�lness secured by this mortgage; said rents, � � � , <br /> �. iasues'and pro61s being hereby� asrsignei��� to t,he Nlartgagee'as f� rther security (or the payment af a71 indebtedness secured hereby. � � � � � � � <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . � . �.� . � � �� . . � . . . : <br /> �� 7'he bZortgagee s�hall have the Power to appqint any agent or agents it. may desim for ttre purper,r ,of rrpairing said prem- � � � � <br /> ises; renting � the same; coilecking the � rents,. revenues and� income,. and it rnay. pay out ot said income all , ex�enses. incurred in rent- � � '� �'� � +` `� <br /> ing . and � managing the same and of colter.ting the rentals therefrom. The halance remaining, ef any, shalt he appl�ed � ttiwarll the � ,�.^��.�. y <br /> � . iliacharge �.of the mottgage indebtedner,s. This . assignment is to terminat� and kaecomc nult and void up�n r�l�rase ot this mortgaKe. . %'Y � + � <br /> .. � � .. . ._ �. .,, -- :. �. _. � . � . . . � . ." : . . ".. . -�, ; <br /> h <br /> y <br /> : � � "i•3 <br /> i .. . � <br /> .., y . ..�.+wu�wm..r.uexw�.._....�_»...._.............._....,.......... �w.�»......... . .. <br /> �.�•.�«...r��wno-wv.�n.w�^' �wiy, ' L <br />� ji__ _ .....�.-.�_s..�.�.,_....«.....+�,. . . � . <br /> � <br /> 3 � � � � � � � <br />