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<br /> ; ��' �.
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<br /> MORSGAGE—Saving� and Loan Form—(DI[eet Credil Pla��2552 (SpesiaD � � . � � � . � . .
<br /> � ��.. #.)f?�4�4 MORTC/o►GE
<br /> _�
<br /> �xo
<br /> � � THIS iNDEN7URE.��made thin � I S t�� �d,�y,.o't �� A��g i i a t. .. . . . . � �19ZZ..bp�d betwesa �
<br /> JAMES 'C. LANTIS AND SHARON K. LANTIS. husband and wite. each in his and her own
<br /> right and as spouse of the other
<br /> ol_ Ha� � Couaty.Tlabra�ka.as.�mottqagor x aad Home Fedetal Sav3aqs aad Loaa Aaaociatlon-ot Grand Isl�d� .
<br /> a eorporctioa orqtrnized�d ezLti¢g undei the laws ot Nebraska w�ith ite principal otlfce and plaee ot bmiaess at Grand lelaad Nebraaka,� �
<br /> � aa�mortga4ee: � . . � � . � .� . � . . � � � .
<br /> � WIINESSETfi: Tha� �aid mortgagor�z`—, lor and!n crons[daration ot tha sum ot � .
<br /> . :.; Fl1RTY_TW(1 THni ISANII sEv� yun�naE��r.va�n/i on-------------------- nov�s (SG12�70L1-�9�. �.� .
<br /> the.receip! ol�which ie hereby acknowledged do�'S by thesa presents mortgaqe aad w�rant uato said�mortqagee,�ib suece�eors �d��
<br /> � a:aiqiu, forever, al( tLe followiaq deecribed real estate, aituated Sn the counly of!��r� , �
<br /> . .�and�State ef Nebra�ka.�lo-wiU � � . . . . � . . . . .
<br /> Part of the Norfiheast Quarter WE�> of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11 )
<br /> North, Rang� Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hal I County, Nebraska, described as
<br /> follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said NEu, said point being three
<br /> hundred fifteen (315) feet west of the northeast corner of said NEy, thence running
<br /> � westerly along the North line of said NE,'. a distance of 562 feet; thence deflecting
<br /> £ Ieft 90° 22� and running southeasterly a distance of 497.0 feet; thence deflecting
<br /> Ieft 89° 38' a�d running easterly a distance of 535.8 feet, thence deflecting left
<br /> 87° 20� 30" and running northeasterly a distance of 497.53 feet to the point ot
<br /> beginning and containing 6.263 acres more or less of which 0.425 acres more or less
<br /> is occupied by County Road right of Way.
<br /> � ;
<br /> 7ogether with csll heating, IIqhtiug, mid plambing equtpmeat �d listurea,indudinq�token m�d burnaxe,ecreeaa,awainqe,storm windovn
<br /> ;� and dooss, and wiadow ahades or bliade,usad oa or!v maaeelion w3th aaid proparty,whether the aam�e are now locuted oa eaid property ��
<br /> or horeattez placed thereoa.
<br /> SO HAVE AND TO AOLD THE SAME,together with all and siuqular the tenamenta,hereditamenta and appurlen�ces thereuato beloag• � �.
<br /> � inq,or in anywiee appertainiag,torever,and wairant the title to the same. Said mortqaqor_�hereby eovenant„_with said mortgagee � �
<br /> � that_#r�e�._ apg , at the delivery hereot, the lawiul owners ot the premisea above coaveyed and dexzfbed,and d�'2 � � �
<br /> � $ ceized of a good and indefeaaible entate o!inLezitance therein, free and clear of all encumbraacee,and that _.$he�r_will werr�t �d �
<br /> t detead the tiHe therato lorever agaiasi�he elaima �d demaada of all persona who+nnoevez.
<br /> . PROVIDED ALWAYS, nnd this inetrument is executed and delivered to aecure the paymeat of the sum of � ' .
<br /> ' FORTY—TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO/100-------------------- ,�„l�are �y 42,700.00 �
<br /> with inte[est lheroon, together with such charges and advaaces as may be due and payable to eaid mortgagee uader the fernts and � ..
<br /> condittons oi the promisaory aote o! evea date herewith and sacured hereby,ezeeuted by eaid mortgagor'' to said morlqaqee,payable � �, .
<br /> � � ae espremed in said note, and to secu.re tha pedoTmance o!all tLe terme and condilions aoatained thezein. The terma ot said note are . .� � � . .
<br /> .he:eby incoryorated herein by Hti� reference. � �
<br /> It i� ehe Sntentioa aad agreement o!the parties hereto tbat this mortgage shall also aecure any luture advancee made to said . . � � � �
<br /> mortqaqor_�_by emd mortgagee, aad any and al] indebtedness 1n nddition to the amount above staYed which eaid mozlgagoza, or �y . , � � . . .
<br /> of them, map owe to said mortgaqee, however evidenced, whetLar by aote,book account or otherwiae. Ti�is morigage shall remain in Eull � . . � � �
<br /> force and etted betwean the parties hereto and thair he'se, pecsoaal repreeentativea, aucceeaors and aseigna, until all amounta eecured �� � � �
<br /> hereuader,induding future advmcee, are paid in full with inlerest. , � � � . � .
<br /> The mortgagor�_hezeby ceeign_�to eaid mortgagee all reatn �d Snrnme arieinq at any and all timee tzom eaid propetty omd � � � .� . �
<br /> hereby authorize.aaid moztgaqee or ib agea4 at iu optioa, upon default,to taka eha:qe ot said property and collect alI rents and income � . . � � �
<br /> t6eref:om and apply the same to the payment of interest,prindpal,iaauraace pzemiuma, tazee, aeaeesmenta,repaiis oz improvementa aecea• . � � � . �� '
<br /> sary to keep eaid�p[operty {n tenaat¢bla coadition, or to other charqea or payments providad lor herein or ia the note hereby seeuzed. Thia � �
<br /> rent assignmeat sha12 coatiaue in toree uat{I the unpmd balance of aaid aote is fully paid. The takieg of possaseion hereunder ahall 3a ao � � � � �
<br /> . manner preveat or ratazd eaid mortgagee in the mllectlon of oaid suma by[orecloaure or othecwlee. � � � � � � . , ��.
<br /> a
<br /> � � �� The tailure of the mortqagee to�aaceH any of iU righte Lezeunder at aay tima shall aot be eoastrued as a waiver ol its riqht b�aseeri � �
<br /> ��3 tlie aame at any later time.aad to�tnaint upon aud eaforce atrid eompliance with o11 the terms and provieions ol soid aote aad of thia
<br /> mortgage. � � � � �
<br /> If snid morlgayor.i—uSn1f cous� lo f+ pnid W�nuid mortgag.3a tha anttcu uinuunt 3ue it hereuadea�, un1 uncier the tucros and proviaiotu .
<br /> ot eaid note herebp eeeuzed,[ncludinq tuture advaacea,and aay eutanatona or zenewals�t6ereof Sn accordance with the te� �d proviitona � � �� � � �� � �
<br /> �thereof,,and II�cid.moztqaqor �S aha11 eomply�cith all the providoae ot wld nota �d oE thia mongago. tfien thees preceata ahall be void: . �� .
<br /> ��S otherwiu�to remcin Ia lull torca and�e2lact and caid mortqaqoe �hall be antltlad ta ths poeaeaaion of ali of aald proparty, and may, at iL � � �
<br /> option,deciare the whole o! aaid aota and all fadebtedneu repre�sated tLsreby to be immediately due aad payable.and may fo+ecloae this . �
<br /> morlqage-or.take��p athec legal uetson-�fo.pzotect ib righL �d lrom the dute of such detault�ali ltem�of indebledaeee eecured hereby � � � „
<br /> ehall draw ineerest at 919fE r annum. Apprafnament walved. � �" F� �
<br /> ��.7Lie moreqaqe eLeill���bladiaq upon�aad �hall�oaura to Ihs b�aellt of ths hsin, e:snator�.adminulraton, eueee�sors�d ass3qn�of �. � �'f
<br /> tha re�psctive.parHe��Lereta ��. � �. �. . . ..�. . . . . .. � . � . . .. . � . � 9e :.�,
<br /> �R
<br /> ���Ti WITNES4 WH£HEOF./�wyid—M—ocl�qaqos y_hc�/.� h�cwato��et. +ho�r �_.����the dap and year firnt abovs
<br /> , writtea. . ��. /'� � �-Y � � . . . . � � v�" / /� �-�-- � ����� .
<br />� � � �� � (.�-i,1L2„� l._:, . . /�' i�)_�% -`✓r�Gr-e-r-� �/ �j�_�,�,/(.4,,,� . .
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