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�.�� � ��i ' <br />��� � � <br />� �` <br />,�'~� MORSGAGE—Savinq� aud Loaa Form—(Direct Credit Plmi) 255•2 (Spedal) � � ' � � . � <br /> � %7"� �'�'n���� MORTGAGE <br /> - �No <br /> ^` �� � THIS INBENTURE.,made thL . 3 f d � ��y. oL � � � AU Q U 5 t 79-�,by��d�between � � . <br /> STEVEN J. ALLEN AND CAROL J_ ALLEN, husband and wife, each in his and her own right <br /> 3and as spouse of'the other <br /> � � ot � f`�t7��1 Couaty, Nebraska,as�mortgagar_5...�d Home Federal Savings and Loan Aeaociatioa of Grand Island, <br /> .a mrporation orgaaized and eodating uader�tha lawe ot Nebraska with 3ts prtnclpal offiee and place.oi busineea at Gzan3Inlaad,Nebretka.. � <br /> � m mortqaqee: � � � . � .. . . . . .. <br /> �WITNESSETH: 1'bat�eaid�mortgaqor�., ior mid in coaefderalton of the aum of . . <br /> TH I RTY-N I NE THOUSAND SEVEN HLINDREn AND NO/I 00 ------------------ noua:a (3 39,?(lp__QO 7. <br /> ��the�recetpt�of-whieh 3e herebp acknowledqed, do�_ bp theee�pzeeents mortgaqe and warraat unto smld mortgagee, ite suecaeeore an,d� � <br /> . aasiqns, forevez, all tha followiaq deecribed real eetate, eituated Sn the county oL Ha� � � ��� <br /> �d Stata of Nebra�Ya,twwit: . . � � . � � . . . � ..� <br /> .. �':. � � . . � ... <br /> LOT T4JENTY NINE (29), IN CAPITA� HEIGHTS <br /> � SEVENTH SUBDIVISION, IN NW� OF SECTfON <br /> 2, TOWNSHIP II NORTH, RAN�E 10 WEST OF <br /> THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNl'Y, NEBRASKA <br /> $ Together wlth a7l heatinq, liqhting, and plumbing equipment and fixturea,iacludinq stokera aad burners,acreena, awainqe, etormwIndows <br /> and doors,and window shadee or bliads, uaed on or 3a connecfion with eaid property, whether the same are aow loeated on safd proparty� . <br /> or hereatter placed thereon. . � �. . � . � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all aad eingular ehe tenemeate,hereditaments and appurtea�.cea thereunto beloaq- � � � <br /> Lng,oz in anywiae appertainiag,forever,aad warraat the tifle to the eame. Said mortgaqor�_ hereby rnvenan � with said mortgaqee � "� � <br /> that�he�� �r'P , at the dellvery hereot, the lawtul owaez�oi the premieee above coaveyed aad deacribed,aad S�g � � � <br /> r <br /> �seized of a good and indefeasible eamte of inheritance therein,fzee and elear of all encumbrm�ces, and that�he �L_wi11 waaaat aad . <br /> � detead the title thereto lorever againat the claims and demandn of all peraone whomsoever. �. � � . <br /> p PROVIDED ALWAYS, �d thia inatrument is executed aad delivered to secure the paymeat of the eum of � . � � � � � <br /> THIRTY-NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO/100--------------- „�ll�, t$ �q,�nn_nn �, <br /> wilh interest thareon, together with euch chargee and advaneee as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terma aad . . ,. <br /> eoad5flons oE the promiaeory aote of even date he:ewith aad aecvred herebp,ezeeuted by said mortgagoz�_to sa3d mortgaqee,papable � � . . � � . � <br /> � as expresned in eald note, and to aecuze the performanoe of all the teims aad condidoae eoatained therein. The terms of satd aote are : . . � � � <br /> heraby inrnrpozated hereia by thie reference. . . . <br /> � It io the fatentioa aad agreemeat of the partiee hereto that thie mortgaqe ahall aleo secure any future advancee made to emd � � . . �. � . <br /> mortgaqor—S_ by eaid mortgaqee, and aay �d all iadebtednees in addlHon to the �ount above stated which said mortgaqor�,�or.�p � � � � � <br /> oi them, map owe to eaid mortgagea, however evideaced whether by note,book accouat or otkerwlsa. Tlila mortqage ahall zemaln in tull �. . � � . <br /> force and.etlect betweea tha parriea herato aad their heirs, peraoaal repreeantatives, aucceeaora and aasiqas, unHl all amouate�eacured , � � . � <br /> hereunder,laeludiag fuhue advancea, are p�rid in full with interes� � � � � <br /> � � �The mortqagor�_hereby.asaiga.c�_to an3d mortqaqee all reate and iacome ar3eiaq at �y �d all timen from eaid property aad . . � . <br /> � hereby authorize scad mortgagee or its aqent. at ita optioa, upon defaulQ to take cLarge o!aaid property mid croRect all reate aad Sacome � � �. <br /> � thezelrom and apply the eame lo the payment o!intereeL principal,Sasurance premiuma, tazes, aaeeeemeata, repair� or improvemeats necen- � . <br /> eary to keep said pxoperty in tenantab7e eoadfUon, or to other charqea or paymeata provided}or hezeta or ffi the note hereby secuied. This � � <br /> rent aaaiqnmeat ehall �ontiaue in iorca until the unpaid balaace of eaid note is tully paid. The takiaq of poaeeaaioa hereunder shall in ao � <br /> manner prevent or zetaid eafd morigagee ia the wllectioa of eaid sume by loracloauxe or otherwiea. � � <br /> ; The failure o! thet3�bsiqi5ge,�t �d aese;E�ay.y oi;ik siqhts hereunder at�p time ahall aot be coantrued w a waiver of its right to aaeeri � <br /> the same at�y latez ytifff4,'tat'$'(8 la�u�t,.upqa �dY;,griforce �trict compliauce with all the texms and provietona of eaid note �d ot this <br /> mortgaqe. a �,+� _ . � <br /> � I! wSd mortgagor `` ahall�cauee^to�be pa3d to said moztgaqee the enHre amounY due it hezeunder,and under the tezms aad proviaiona � <br /> ' ot aaid note haieby eacuie3,indu3ing tuture advances,aa3 any extenslane ar renawa:s Lhereot in accordance with L`ie terms �d prosislora <br /> � tLesoof, and if emd mortqagor�_sl�all compiy w3th all the proviaiona of said aote aad of thia mortgaqe,then the�e preaents ehall be void; <br /> S otherwise to remain 9a.full force aad.ettoct..aad.e�d mortqagee ahall ba entitled to tha posseaeion o!all ot said property, aad may, at ita <br /> opHon, deelara the�whola of�said aote and aU lndebtedneu�repraseated tLerebp to be immediately due and papable,aad may lorealoae thia �� <br /> mortgage or take�.�y�other leqat acdoa to protoct Sta�riqht, and irom the dats�ot sueh detault a31 items.of iadebtedne�s �ecured Lerebp <br /> ehall draw fnterset at 8%�er anaum. �AppraLasaent maivsd. � . �-�-ti,,�..� <br /> . ��p . . :� a�."":. <br /> Th3s mortgage eha � binding.upoa �d ahall onuza to tlu�b�nsttt o! the hetn, ezecutor�.adminis�atozn. auceesaors cmd aeatgns o1 � M-,, . <br /> iha rs�pectivs reto. . � .. . � � � �� <br /> .�' � WI� Moztgaqor G h^VP h�reunto.wt tha i r t+vad__�_the day aad year fiut abova J � <br /> � . ItNa� . . . . � � � , /, . <br /> , / /., n <br /> L�2�.��-C � ��t'9"( -e�<F�_ <br /> . A�LE - -- ------- --CA RO L J . A L LB?� � <br /> �� <br />� <br />� � � � <br />� <br /> � <br />