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��� C � � <br />��. � <br /> � <br /> � _ _ �,� � <br /> �� � � MORTGAGE—Savings.aad Loan Form--(Dtrect Credlt Pla� 255-2 (3pedaU . � . �. � �. �. <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> ?.�'. ����N����6 <br /> zo�xo <br /> THIS INllENTURE. made tht. I S'F � �.�..g of A��f3Lt5't � . . �� 19�.�.,by�and bahveea . t � <br /> " � CONRAD A. SCHNEIDER AND'CAROLYN W. SCHNE(DER" husband anci wifP Parh in his an.i ha� � <br /> ;� ��.nwn r�i��,ht a�hd ac q�nc�nf tha nthar .. . . . . <br /> �...of � . .��H�I 1 � . . Couaty.Neb=a�ka,as mortqagcr �.�d Home Federal Savlaqs and Loaa As�ociattoa ot Graad Islcmd, � .� <br /> a crorporatioa�organiaed and ezlsting�under the�laws of Nobraa7ca with!is prineipal offtce�d plaee.of buaineas at Graa3 Iel�d,Nebraska, �� <br /> �� as mortgagee: . . . . . . . � � . . � . <br /> WITNESSETH: That said morigagoz�...,for aad in conaidaration�ot the eum of_ � � <br /> ; r � S I XTY—F I U F TF-I(li ISJ�NLL�.VLLN.Q�I O.n--------------------------------- n^llars (S � .. . . � <br /> �`��tfia�receipf of���hereby ackaowledged, do_by�these preseate mortgaqa and w�raat unto �a[d mortqaqea, its sueeeawn m�d �� <br /> `l ��asaign�, fozever, al! the following dexrlbed roal eatate, eituated in the muaty ot Ha I I � <br /> ..::aad�9tate;of Nehraaka.�to-wlt: � . . . . . � � . ... � <br /> ;g � <br /> LOTS ONE (I ) AND TWO (2), WEST SPELTS-SCHULTZ ADDITION TO THE <br /> CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> j � <br /> � <br /> 4� � � F Together with all�heatiag, lighting, and plumbing equipment and lSxturea,including etoken�d bumera,acreens,awniaqa,atorm windows <br /> . �d doora,and wiadow ahades or blinde, used on or Sa coanection with smd propexty,whether the same�e now loeated on eaid properiy . <br /> � or horeaitar ptaced thereon. <br /> .� . . � ".TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE S11ME, together with all and singular the teaemeata,hezeditamenta and appurteaances thereuato beloag- <br /> . inq,or!n anywiee appartainiag,torever, aad warrant the tiUe to the c�e. Said mortgagor S hezebp eoveaant_S_with said morigaqae � <br /> � � thct_�tae�_ a�'P at the dallvery hereol, the lawful owner�of the premieea above conveyed �d deseribed,and �_ <br /> seized of a good and iadefeasible eetate of inheritance therein, tree and clear ot a21 encumbr�ces, aad that_$�e�� will waaant aad . <br /> defead tLe Htle thereto forever againet the clama �d demanda of all peraone whomeoevez. � <br /> � � PAOVIDED ALWAYS, aad this instzument ia ezecuted and delivered to eacure tha paymeat of the sum o� � . � <br /> _$I XTY—F I UF TWCII I$ANf1 ANn n�Q/I fln-------------------------------- n^]lars 6Sg�,^�P�.g9 � ). <br /> with Interesi thereon, together with euch charges and advaaeee�ae may be due aad payable to eaid mortgagee uadez the terms �d <br /> �'� eondiHoas of the promisaocy aote ot evea date herewith aad secured hereby,executed bp sa[d moriqagor_5_to said mortqagee,payable �� � � . <br /> .as ezpreaned ia wid aots,aad to secure tha pedozmaace of alt the terms aad condi8oni caatafned therein. The tezms o! smd note are ' .. �� <br /> hereby lneorpozated herein by tLis =aierenee. � � _ . . � <br /> � It is tha intealloa and aqraement of the partiee hereto that tlde mortgage ahall aleo seaue any luhue advances made to eaid . � . � <br /> � . mortqagors— by eaid�mortqagee, and any and all indebtedaeee in addiNoa to the amount above stated which said moriqagors, os.aay �� � � � . �. <br /> �. � of them, may owe to scud mortgagee, however evidenced whether by aote,book account or otherwtee- Thie mortgage ehall remaln in tull � � � . �� <br /> � Soree m�d etfeet batweea tha partlee]xereto and their hetrs, pezsoaal zepreceataHves, succeesors aad assiqas, until all amouats �eeured � � <br /> � �hereuader,Sncludiaq futuze advtmeee,are pand in full with intereat. � �� . <br /> . � The mortqagor�_hacebp aeair��_ to said mortgagee all rents aad lacoma catsiaq at any and all Hmee from said property mtd � . � � <br /> heraby authozize eaid mortgagee or tt6 agent,�at ib�optlon, upo¢ delault,�to ttske ch�ge of said propertp�d crollect all renfs and faeome � � <br /> therefrom aad apply the e�e to the payment of fntereat,prlaeipal, insuraaee premiume, tazao,aeaeaemeab, repmn or improvements�aeces- � . � � � � <br /> � �sary to kaep wid property in tenantable coaditton, or to other ch�qw or paymeats providod!or herein or ia the note hereby sacured Th3a . � � � � <br /> rent asntqnmeat ahnll eonNnua in torce uatil the unpaid balanee of aaid aote Ss fully pai3 The taklag o}poeaesa[oa hexeuader shall�Sa no � � � � � � � <br /> � �� ma�ar prevent or retard satd mortgaqee in tLe coltection of emd cums by loraciosure or ntLerwisa. • �: � � . � � � <br /> � <br /> , 3 . Tde��failure of th�p �` t�1 a�aei! qup of�it��riqhts hezeundez at aay time eLcll aot be construed as a waiver ot ite zight to asse�t � � <br /> the eame at aay late����"ho 1nq3at'�a4pqae �d'enlotce stxict compliaaca with a1! ihe teime aad provfsions of eaid note �d ot th3s . <br /> � mortgage. � y w,.,_.r .. :. _�, � � . . � � � . .. �. <br /> ��-� .'..... . ,.. ,...�,... -'. . YH....e. ., . <br /> � � ll wid mortgaqor—�ehall eauia to be paid to sald mortgagae the eatlre amount due it hereuader,aad undar the terme amd provisionr � � � � � <br /> � � � of aaid note herebv aeaired,lncluding tumre advaneea:and anp ezteneion� or renewaia thereo[ fa accro:daaca with tha te�a and provisiosu � � � � � <br /> thereof„aad#eald moztqaqor S shall rnmply with all tha pzovldoas of�aid note aad of th3s mortgaqs,then theae piesenb ehall be void: � � � � � � <br /> � � remala�.in lull iorce�d.e8ect, aad aaid mortgaqw �hall be eaHtled to ehe poaseedoa of d3 of said pzoperty, and map, at its �. � � � � � <br /> �op8on,'deelare the�wrLols of eatd�note aad�all Iadebtodaew reprae�atad thereby to t»�immediately due and payabte,aad may ioreclose thia � � . <br /> moriqaga��or take.��p other leqal� pcotect.fta slqh4 cmd from the date af such default all ttems ot indebtedaew eecured hereby . <br /> .�ehaEl druw.tatereet apc��9k gp,.e r Qaaum.�AppraLement wWved. . . � ..�� y�. <br /> � ' Th[s mortqaga�aha11�Ha�hLidtnq upon aad���hall snuro�to�th� b�netlt ot ths hein, executon.�admiat�tratore, �uccasaors aad asaigns of � '�" �,� y <br /> the xe�pxHos pa[hs��hereto. . . � . � . . �" <br /> � ., ��. IN WITNESS WFIEAEOF. wid Mortgagor hersuato �st.�'h�'�"' . h the day aad year f'u�t abovs *'"` �� ; <br /> . S r►rittaa. � , " /� �i/ r" <br /> � C�'���,,�: -�c�-� �.� �: <br /> _ ,� 2. -z-Gt' <br />� GUNF2 U A, SCHNE I UER CAROLYN W(%SCHNE I UEF�t # <br />� �. <br />� � � <br /> L— <br />;_� <br />,� , <br />