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<br /> , ?7_ Q��3'7� xr•�u, rs�zr.: rlr�i�c.�a,
<br /> KNO[� ALL ME.�7 T3Y THCSE PPSS1:i�T1'S:
<br /> � That []ES'1'�RN AG S���I,ES GO., II�iC., a corporaticn or�anized and �cisting uncicx
<br /> and'by virtue of the laws of th� StaCe n.f Tc-�;as, in consideration of th� sum
<br /> of TF.tV DOI7�1I2S ($10.00) in h;anci paid, does herel�y SI:;�, and CQNV�Y unto
<br /> GIF�OiZll-HLLL & COMI'ANY, INC., a Texas corporation ot Da1.1as Ccunty, T��as,
<br /> the prc�ni.ses situated in `�� Cotmty, and State of Nebraslca,
<br /> described on:L�rl-i-ibil: A attached hereto andiihade a p3rt hereof for all purposes.
<br /> , The in��zt:i.on beirr,� to convey hereby an absolute title in fee surple.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prc�nises al�ove ciescribed, with all the
<br /> appurten.ances thereunto belor�irtg unto the said GIPFORD-HILL b COPfiC'APIY, INC.
<br /> and'to its succLssors and assigns forever, pYovided alurays, and th�se presents
<br /> are u�re the ex2�ress condition that if the said WESTL•'RN AG SltI1:S C0., IDiC.
<br /> its successors or assigns sh�I1 pay or cause to be paid to the said
<br /> GIFFORD-HILL & CO;�?FANI', 7i`C., its successors or assigns, i:hat certain
<br /> Promissory Note o� evm ciate hercwith issued by W.ES'ItiEZN AG St1LES C0., IrdC.,
<br /> to GII'F'ORD-HILL £� COi�AIvY, IIVC., in the ori�;ina1 principal azibunt of
<br /> FUUR f�JNDRED THC)USAND IX?Id1�FLS ($400,000), with :interest on ungai_d �rincigal
<br /> from the date thereof at the rate of eigl.lt percent (8%) per :uuua�i until
<br /> maturity, principal azid interest bein�� payable in one hti.mdred t�aenty (120)
<br /> r�rethly i�zstallmcmts, the first insYa.11ment beinp due and payabl.e on the
<br /> 15th day of Septc-��ber, 1976, and a like s�n bein; due und payaUle on Cre
<br /> 15th day of each inonth 9_n e.�c.h year therea£ter imYi_l the 15th day of-
<br /> Au�;ust, I986, ori which date the entire balance of principal and intexest
<br /> then unpaid th�reon ^ha11 be c.�ue and payabZe, all the provisic�ns oF whicli
<br /> ? Fromissory Note a�e hereby incor.porated herein by relerc�nce for ail_
<br /> pertin?nt �urposes ar_d f-u11y perforni, co:nply wi.th and carry c�ut the otner
<br /> ' t:�rms, :>i:ipulatiozt� z�nd con�ii::ions hc.r_�o1', t_h�n tlx�se prese^�.s Lo be vc�:ici,
<br /> otherU�a.se to i�e lrid re�n.ain in Cull forc:e.
<br /> IT IS AC,R�ED that if deflult �kzaLl occur. under the �'iY?�nis�ox-y �cr�.e
<br /> :'.'� t�o..�? Y:C..._...^.:,�cyC�c, t.y^ ^u':�r dCc::� cf t�4 p..,. :'i�w-'
<br /> .,, ,-..;, .- , � ^�i.yuyca� .- ..r.i.y yy�:.;.���,
<br /> C:o1lat�ral Assic�nerit of l��es, o.r ArtielEs VIII(a)+�or (lc1 oi� thc� Ihir.d�!a�e :
<br /> 5
<br /> Agre��ent beL-weezi tile par_t:ies her.eto of ev�n date l�ere�•�i.�i, c�r i.,. thr: s#�ai•�:.�:�nt,
<br /> ; �."Y'fornianc� or er:Jser�aYice of any oi t-l�e terrns, concii.:_:i_or,a, repscsentations c�r
<br /> agrecments contained th<sein or se� far(17 in Exlli.bit B dttacYic�d hc>.r.et-A, t',ie sar�
<br /> ', ' sha11 cause the whole s�n of x�ney herein sec.�ured to ��cacrk. <i::e ar�d oo]1��c�t�.ible
<br /> at orsce at the option of the mart.gage� and foreclosure and sa7.e ts3 be had iiereunder
<br /> r
<br /> in accos�nce with the lavas of the State of N�l:�raska.
<br /> ,3,__ . .. _.:. , � � =
<br /> �. ..... . ...... .._. ... .. ....... ... . . . .... .. . . . . . . ... . .. � � � .� ,
<br /> ; To the extent permitted by the laws uf Lhis State, the provisions conkained in '
<br /> Exhibit B attached hereto az-e hereby incorpat•ated herein and made a part he�-eof as
<br /> if fully set forth herein. The terms "Deed of Trust", "Grantors", "T'rustee" and
<br /> "Noteholder" contained in said Exhibit B refer, respectively, to "Mortgabe",
<br /> "Western AG Sales Co., Inc.","Gifford-Hill & Gompany, Inc." and "Gifford-Hill & �
<br /> ' ? Company, Inc." contained herein. _
<br /> IN WITN�SS WkII.'RFAF, the said T�,7:STIasv'� AG S���:ES C0. , If3C.
<br /> ; has her.ezt,mto cau its .corpor�te seal to, e affi_xe:d and the;,> p.rescmts r_o be
<br /> ` ` si�ned by its S` :{�. - this
<br /> , ��� ,�_('��dsy of �— t1.D. 1970.
<br /> Signed, sealed and cic�livered in prese,nce af � -
<br /> I�FsST.�_Ri�l AG �11L.cS C(3. , li?C.
<br /> y r�, ,,
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