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��: ' �� <br />,�..: � ��:i.* r <br /> � .�..:.� <br /> � - r-- � <br /> �� - MORTGAGE—Savinga and Loaa Yornu—{Dkact C»dit Ptma 2552 (Spadd) � � <br /> ' � MORTGAGE <br /> 77- C�04��9 <br /> I �xo ' <br /> TfifS INDEN?URE.�made �tic• �Q+h day o} . lu 1}[. :: . . 19� aad bet�veea. � . <br /> - 3 own riqht and es spouse of the other <br /> .�oL Ha�1 �Couaty.Nebradw,�moriqagorS.�d FIome Fedezal 3avinqa and Loan Aanoc3atloa ot Graad Ialaad,� <br /> -�a�corporutioa ozgantaed and eastlnq wsder !he laws oI Nebraska with!ts pr(ndpal oEfice and place o!bwtaeas at Grand Iel�d Nebraska,. <br /> � as mort4cqee: . . . � . .. . � . . . <br /> � �WiTNESSETA: �That aald mortgagor 5 !or �d ia waddaration ot tha sum oI � .� .. . .. . . <br /> , `:..� ��. �N(lJF`�TH(lf I4ANn =� H11NIlRFf1 �Nf1 N(l�I fl(1 --------------------------- n^llars (S��.�fl_11f1 � L � . <br /> . �We��receipt ot �which is hereby acknowledged, do—g�by thex presente mo�gage and warrant unto aafd mortgaqee,�ite �uccasnon�m�d�. <br /> aasiqne, forevez, all the lollowiag deecrIbed real eatate, �ituated fn tha couaty of �d� I , �� . <br /> ��� .' �d�Btate�of Nebraaka.taw1L• � � � � � � � � � � . <br /> LOT TWELVE (12) IN ED ROSS SUBDIVISION NO. 3, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> , � <br /> � ., <br /> ! �e � $ Rogethvr with qll heating, Iiqhtlng, and plum6(ng equ[pment Qad fixturea, includiag�tolcers�d buraera,eaeeas, uwninge,storm windosve . <br /> aad doors,csnd window ehadas qr blinda, uead on oz 3a comectfon with said propexty,whether the eama are now lxated oa said property <br /> c }� .,� or horeafter piaced thezeon. � � . <br /> � <br /> " r� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Tf� SAME, together wi�h all aad siagular the tenemeata,Lereditamenb and appurtanaaees thereunto belong•� � <br /> � iaq,or in anywiee appertainiag, lorever, nnd warsant @�e tifle to the same. Said mortqaqor.S_hezeby coven¢at-5�with saSd mortgegee � <br /> + <br /> ' j thal�he..j�._. �I'@ at the dalivery hereof, the lawful owner_— ot the pramiees above rnnveyed and described,and a� � <br /> � � <br /> aeisad o[ a good and indeieasible eatate of inheritance thorein, tree and clear of all encumbzaaces, and that �—�t.will�mair�t mid �� .. <br /> . delond�the titie tlwreto forever agaiaet the claima and demanda o! all persona whamnoavar. � � � <br /> ;( <br /> � � PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thia inatzument ie executed and detivered to secure the paymeat of the sum ot . . <br /> ? —N.l#�-1'FlDLJ� G1II---------------------------aouars ts�,,�L10 nn 1 <br /> i with�intezest thereon, together with such charges aad advancea as may be due and p¢ynble to aeid mortgagea undor the terma and � <br /> wnditlona of tLe promtssory note ot evea date herewith aad aecurad hereby,ezecuted by said mor�gaqor_5._to sa[d mortgagae,payable � � <br /> ,� as expresaed ia said aote, and to aecure the pertormaace of all the tarms and coaditiona coataiaed� thexein. �The terme ot said aote �e � � <br /> �hereby incorpozated hereia by this :eferenca. � . . � <br /> It is the inteatio¢aad agreemeat oi the partiea hereto that this mortqaqe shall atso sacure any futuze advances made to eaid �� � � <br /> ' � � mortgaqor_� by said moztgagee, and any and all indebtedneas Sn addifion to tba amoant above stated which said mo:tgaqora, or �y .. ' � <br /> oi them, may owe to oaid mortgagee, however evidenced, whetber by account or atherwiae. ?his mortgage ahnA remain ia luli � , � .. <br /> force and eftect betwaen the pertiee hereto and their hein, peraonal repxementativea, nuceeeaore end aaeigna, uatil aq amounte eecured . <br /> hereunder,ineluding futu�e advaneea,me paid tn full witki interest. � . . . � <br /> The mortgagor�_�hereby.ase[qn_�to eaid mortgagee all rente vnd Income arisiag at any.and all times Srom.eaid propertp aad � �� <br /> � hereby auihoriza eaid mortgagee or ite agent, at ita option, upoa datault,to take charqe of said propertp and wllect all rents and ineome , . � � <br /> � therefrom and apply the same to the payment ot iatere�st, pdactpal, insuraaoe p�miuma, tm�ea, aesesameata, repuira oz improvameate necee•� - �� . <br /> aary fo keep aaid p[operty ia tenantable coadiifon, or to other chaxges or payments p:ovided tor herein or in the aote k�ereby seeured .This � � � <br /> rent ase[gnment shall coniinue in lorce uncil the unpaid bnianee of eaid note is fully paid. The takiag of possesaion hereunder ahall ia ao � , <br /> ?, manner preveat or retard eaid morigagee in the collection of aaid �uroa by torecloauze w otherwiae. � � � <br /> � ' �.The leilure of the mortgagee to a�sert cmy of its rights heraunder at any timo ehall not be coaatzued aa a waiver ot ita riqht to aeeert � <br /> = the same at aag�oY�Y'"tiMC"aitd`toiaafst^Upon and enSorce rtrie! compliaaee wlth ol! the larms and prcvisiona o2 xaid aote and ot this � � <br /> mo»gage. r•. . � , .. <br /> , +;:. . .. , C . . . . <br /> I[ wid moFtqqgo{'_5_thali cauae to 'bi paid to aaid mortgagee the entire axnouat du�it heraundar,and under the torma and prowiona � . � � � . <br /> � �� o!eafd aote.hareby eecurud,Lneludinq fuluie°&dvmcea.and aay ezten�ioa��or renawala theraof in�accordaace with the tecma and proviaions � � . .. <br /> a i <br /> � ��� lhereol,aad�i!aaid mortqagor_.5_ahall comply with all the proviatoaa of acdd note aad oi tWs moregaga,thea thesa preaents ehall ba�oid: � � . � <br /> oWerwisa to zemma fn full lores aad eftae4 and�d moregaq�e �hall be sadtled to the poasewoa o!all of said pxopezty, �d ib <br /> h <br /> . + oytion, declare the whola o! said aote aad all indabtedaees xeyreseated Ihezebq ta be Immedlately dua and payabla,and may torecloee this j .��, �; k <br /> . �morlqaqe or�lalce�my other leqal aetiou m proteet lb��righL �d trom the date of such defauit all itema ot indebtadneu �ocured bareby. � , �;` � �j<< <br /> . . ehall dzaw Intezeat atl.9,�per anaum. Appraleemeat wa3ved. . , �'; ; <br /> 1�+ s�' <br /> i .:Thte mortqaqe.��hall��be binding upon and o6all enurs to tL� b�neflt at the hein. ezacuton, a3minLtratoxa, succesaora amd aasigns ot � � . <br /> the reapectivs partias hereto. � . . . . . . . . . <br /> � IN W1TN£SS Wf�AEOF..�ald Mortqaqor .y...6a�t,� hereunto.�et�'ti��.�—.�—h�d--,5—.the day and ycar firet above � <br /> wdttan ' . . .. . <br /> � l�'""-�F-�(�._� J�.s�+,7...-,,t�2�Gr..�.._ .—,��/ r� �T .�:�l, �\I ,, , .�.��?� i <br /> ROBERT M. MUMISTON, SR. VlRGI IA M_ HUMISTON `" <br /> � <br />�P `�, � � <br />�. <br />� <br />� <br /> � <br />