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� �; . , �. <: <br /> � J py� { Y A <br /> v�,� .. . . � �r`�'w4 � <br />:�Y� : . � ,� . <br />'as"��r�-"� � . . . . . � .. <br />�.� � _ �1 � <br /> - ��� UC) � 340 <br /> � � � � � � 9. Upon . any failure by the I�fortgagor to comply with or perform any oE tho te�me, covenants or mnditions of � this Mort- � : . . � � � � � <br /> � � � � gage requiriag ' the payment :�of any �amount of money � by the � Mortgagor, � othcr � than the prin<ipal . amount of the loan evidenced by � . � � . � <br /> .. � � �. �� � � the' Note,� iaterest � aad other�>� chatges, as provided � in ' thd Note,- thc Mortgagcc may � at its option make such paymrnt. Every � . � � �. � � <br /> . payment so � made �� by � �the � Mor[gagm � (including reasonable. atrorney's ftes incutred thereby), with � intuest thereon �� from the date � � � � . � � <br /> ' � . ��, ; of -�uth .paymmt, . at�. the rate� of six � percent�. (6 %a ). per annum, . except , any � . payment .for which a diffecent . rate of interc•;t is . � .. <br /> � � . specified �herein, ;hali �� . be pdyabie 6y�. the Mortgagor to tht.. Aioctgn.geo � on deman�l . and shall br stcuted� by . this � Mortgage. . This � � �. � <br /> � .� � � . Mortg�ge with resped. to any such amount. and . the interest thtrcon, . shalt constitute a tien � on the� .mortgaged � �property prior � to � � . � <br /> aay�. other lien attaching or accruing subsequrnt �to the lien of this Mortgaga . �. <br /> . � ..� ��10. T'fie �-;Mortg;8ee,. by aay> �.of its -agcnts � or � repraentatiyes, . shall have the right to � inspect �the �mortgaged �property. from time . � . � <br /> � . " to time at �any reasonable �houi of� tfie �day:�. Should. the mortgaged property, or � any�. � �part � thezeof; nt � any lime �.requite '� inspettipn, . . �. � . . <br /> '� ��- � � � • . �repnir, carc � nt attention o[ � any � kind � or .nature not provided �� by this �. Mortgagc .� as � determined f+y � tGe Mortgagee in its wle dir � � �� � � . � <br /> . �. � � �� cretion, the Mottgageq may, after- notice �to�. the �Mortgagor, �cnter� or � nuse � entry� � to �be made upon, the mortga,ged property,� and � � , � � � <br /> . � . . � �. inspect, �repaiz, protetC, care �for �or mainhin such . {+�roperty; ns the Aiortqagec may in � its sole Jiscretion � deem� netessary, , and may � . . . . . <br /> : ` . .. . . �� " Pay�. all � amounts oE ' money . the�ofor, �as the �Mortgagoe mry . in its sole�discre�ion deem �necessary. �. �. � � � . � � � � � . � . . � <br /> �. . � . '� . 11. The , ptincipal � amoynE owing on the Note together with � � interost thereon � and all other charges, � as � thvein ' peovided, � � � <br /> � and � aII :other amounts .�of �money owing. by� � thcMortgagorto the Mortgagee pursuant to � and secured or intended to be secured � � � � <br /> � � � � by ��thie Mortgage� . sba14 jmmediatdy become :due and payable without notice or demand upon the � appointmmt . af a receiver or ; . � <br /> �� � . � � - . � liquidatoq� �whether �� voluntary or involuntary, lor� the Mortgagor or xny of the proprrty oF thc Mortgagor, or upon thc Eiling of . �� � . . � � <br /> . a �,petition by or against the . Mortgagor undec the provisions oF any �State insolvency law, ar under the pcovisions of the Bank- � � � � - � � <br /> �� � � . tuptcy. Act � af � 7898, �as . amended,� or �upon the making by the Mortgagor of an assignment for the benefic of the Mo�tgagor's creditors. � �. . � � � . � <br /> � . � � :. Tbr. AlotlRaB�r ,is "suthorizer! to dedate, ' at itf option, � a!l .or any part oF wth indcbtrdness immediatrly due and payabfe upou the � � <br /> � . . . . � . � happening of any�. of the � foliowing events. � � � � � � . . � <br /> � � . � � � (a ) �Faitute , to pay the amount of any instailment of principal and interest, or other eharges payable on the Note, whith shall : � . � <br /> . � have � become due, . prios to the due date of the next such installmenq � : � � . � . � � <br /> � . . ( b) Noapufotmance by the Mortgagor of tiny covenant, agreemrnt, term or conJition nf this Mortgage, br of the Note . � . � � �. � . <br /> � � � � � (excePt as otherwise� provided in subdivision (a) hertof) or nf any othrr agrcemrnt hererofore, herewith or hereaftec made � � , � . . . � <br /> � � � � � � by � [he � Mottgagor with lhe Tfortgagee in connection with such indebtedness; . � � . . � �� � . � <br /> � . � � (e) Failure of � the Mortgagor to pt{form any � covrnant, agreement, � term or condiiion in any instrument creating a lien upon � � . . � � � � � <br /> � . . �. � � � . the mortgaged ptoporty, . or yny � part thereof, which .shall have priority ovcr the lien of thia Mottgage; � � . . � � � � <br /> � � . � � � (d) The Mortgagee's discovery• of the Mortgagor's failurc in any appiication � of the Mortgagor to the Moitgagee �to disclose � � .� � . � <br /> � � . � any .fact deomcJ by . thc Afortgagec to bc meterial, or of the makink� t6rrrin or in any of thr agrtements cnttred into � . � � � � � , <br /> � � � � - by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee ( incluJing, but rtot limited to, thr. Note � an� this Dfortgage) uf any misrtpresen- � : � � � <br /> . � tation by, on behalf of, �or for. the bene(it c.f, �he Afortgagor, � � � � � � � � � � <br /> � (e) � Tho . salq � lease or other transfer of uny kind or nature of the mortgaged property, or any part thereof, without tht ptior � � � � <br /> � � � � . � 'written � consent of the Mortgager, � � � � , � � � � . � . . � � . <br /> � � � � ( f) The enactment aftcr ��thc, date of this Tfortgage - of any law of die State of Neb�a.ka deducting from � the value of � � � . � . <br /> ( � � � the . �mottgaged� propeity � (Qr .. aay part . thereof) „ (or the purpose of taxation, any lieo Ihereon, oc changing ia any. way �. � . � � � . . : <br /> � . . . its laws for the taxation of mortgages ot debts secured by mortgagr for state or local purposes, or the manner of eollec- � � . � . � � � � � <br /> . . tic�n o( any such t�z, >o a3 to affect chis Mortgage, , and if aftrr such enactrnent or. change the holder of the Note and this � � . � � � <br /> �. � � � . � . � � � . Morigagr gives written nptice to fhe Diortgagor deciaring thr Note and all other ��indebtedness secured by this Mortgage � � � � � . . � � . <br /> � � � � . � to � he due and payable, brcause of any such enai�tment or change, immediatrly ❑pon the expiration of thirty � ( 30) days � � . � � . �. � �� � <br /> � � � after� such noticm � � � � � . � � � � � <br /> � The Mortgagee's failure to exercise any uf � its rights hereunder shall not constitute a waiver thereof. A❑ the events in this Pata• �. � � <br /> graph �enumrrated upon the happening �f any of which the Note ebxll become, or may be dectared to be, immediato�y due and � � ' � . - <br /> � � � qyable, are � in this Mortgagt catled "events of drfsult". � � � . � � � � � � � . . . � � <br /> i. - � . . . . . . , . . <br /> r . . � 12. The Mortgagee may from time � to time curc each default under any covenant or a�;ceement in any instrumrnt cceatiag a . � � � � � � �� � <br /> �...� � lien � upo� the mottgaged p[operty, oc any part thereof, which shall have priority over the litn �E this Mortgage, to such �. extent . � � . . �� <br /> � . � •s the Mortgagee may exdusively determine, and each amount paid ( if any ) by thc Mortgagee ro cure any such default sha(1 be � paid � � � . � � � � <br /> � . .. � by . the Mottgagor to thc Mortgsgce; and thc biortgagee shall also becomr suhro�ated to whatrvcr rights the holder of the prior . � � . � � � <br /> � . � lien might have� under such inshument. � � � . � � <br /> � � � � � 13. (a ) Aftet the happoning o[ any default hereundcr, the . Morlg.igor shall upon demand of the Mortgagee surrcndes poaaes- . � � � � � . � <br /> � � � � sion oF the. mortgaged property t� lhe Mortgagee, and lhe Mottgagee may entcr such property, and let the r.ime and collect all the � � � � � � <br /> . �� � rents thtrefrom which are dae or m Uecome due, and apply thc samq after payment of a11 charges and expensee, on account of � � <br /> . � � � the indobtedness hereby secuted, and all such rents and a❑ leases esisting at the time of such default . are herqby. assigned to the � . � <br /> � � Mortgagee �as further security Eor� the paymrnt of the indcbtedness socured hercby ; and thr Mortgagee may aleo dispossess, by the � . � . <br /> - usua! summary proceedings, any tenant drfaulting in the paymrnt �f any rent tn the DSOt[b'P$fP. � <br /> . . � �. (b) In the event that the � Moctgagot occupies �tho mortgaged property or any part thereof, the Mortgagor agrees to sucrmder � � � <br /> � . � possession of such property �to the Murtgagee immediately after any such defautt hrreunder, and if the Mnrtgagor remains in pos• � . <br /> � � � . sessios aEtcr such de(ault, such posscssion s6a11 be as a tcnant o( the Mortgagcc, and the Mortgagor shall pay in advance, upon � � . . <br /> . . � � . demand . by the Mortgageq as a reasonable monthly rmtal fnr thr premises ac�upied hy the Mortgagor, an amount af Icast equivalent � <br /> � to � ono-twelfth � �of the aggrogate of che twelve monthly instrllments payablr in the current calenJar year, plus the actual amount of � <br /> � � the � annual � �ground � rmt, .if any, . taxrs, assessmeats, water rates, othu 4overnmental churges snd insurance premiums � pay¢ble in . <br /> . � � � connection with the mortg�ged property during such year, and � upon the failure of Uia Mortgagor to pxy such monthly rrntal , . � � � <br /> . � the Mortgagor. may plso be � dispossessed by che usual summaiy pro�eedingx appli��ablr to tenants. This i�ovenant shall becnme � � <br /> , . effective immediately upon the happening of any such default, as determin�J in the sole discretion of the Mortgagre, who shaU .. � � � � <br /> � � � � give notice oF suth detecminatio� to the Mortgagor, and in � the case of foreclosuro and the appointment of a receiver of the rents, . <br /> . � . � � tho within covenant sfial! inure ro�. the benrfit of such receivea � � � . � . <br /> � � � � � ld. The � bfortgagee in any actio� .to foredose this Mortgage shal( be rntitled to thr appointmrnt o( a receiver without. notice, <br /> . . � . as ■ matter of � right and without reg�rd to the value of the morlFaged pruperly, ai� the solvenry nr insolvency of the Mortgagor � � <br /> �. � ot other party � liable . for the payment oF the Note. and other inde6teJnes, secured by this Mortgaga � � <br /> . � � 1R . The � Mortgagor, within ten ( 10) days upon request in � person oc within twrnty ( 20) days upod tequest by mail, wi❑ <br /> � � � � � furnish promptly a written statement � in form� setisfactoty ro the Dfo[tgager, siqneJ by tl�e Mnrtgngor and duly acknawledged, oF �� � <br /> � �. � tht : amount ' thcn �owing on thc � 3Vo[e �and �othet indebtedness � securrd by this Mortgage, and whether � any offsets or defeases � � � <br /> � exist � sgaias[ such indebtedness � or� any part thereoL � � - � �' � � " �y ^ <br /> � ld. The Mortgagor wifl give imroediate notice � bp regisfered or �ertified mail to the btortgagee of any . fire, damage ot other � � ��- m � <br /> � nsualtp affectiag the mortgaged �. property, or of any � conveyance,. � transfer or changc in owners6ip of � such property, �t any pu[ � <br /> Neroof. <br /> 17. Notice and demand 'or requost may be macle i� wr+ting and may be servcd in pe�son or by mail . <br /> . � . . � � � � � `�� 18. Ia . case of a � foreclosure �. sale � oE �the mortgngr.l property it � may be suld � in nnr F. rceL � - <br />� . . .. . �.� 19. The Mortgagor will n�t eesign. the renU, if�. nnY. in yvhofe or in . paz[, from tt�c murtg�gc.l prupe��y, .,r .csy p�rt U�ereof, . . . <br /> �. . without the prior writtea tonsent of the Mortgagea. � � � � � �� � � <br />� . .. . . . . .. . � <br /> - �..,m,., . . 1 � <br />�, : � � � : � . . . . ; . . . . . �— <br />� <br /> � � <br />