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<br /> �.. ._. . . . . . . .. . . � . . . . �
<br /> ��
<br /> Form HUD'No.6238-Nab. �
<br /> � � � � . . .��'(Sec.312 Loaa)� . � � . . :.. � . . . . . .
<br /> . � .. .. {Reviscd Aug:1970)��. . � � . . . . � . . � � .. . . . � .
<br /> ` 14�OliT�G�4E
<br /> 77- U[)��340
<br /> ` � � This Mortgage made as of the� 27th � � day of �Ju.ly � . . � ,�19 77�,betwoca
<br /> JeYald W. & Msrlene R, Andersen� Ausband ,& Wife (hneinafter called, and if more tt�an one party joiody and
<br /> �everalty hereinafter callcd"'Motegagoi'), residiag at 202 East 9th StY'eet . H331 County,Nebraslu
<br /> : and�tho United States�of.Amuica�(hereinafter�cailed "Mortgagse"),�acting by and�through the DepartmmE of Housing aad Urbs6 �� '�
<br /> . � DevoSopcaent.having a Regional Office at 911�North Walnut Street, Kansas City � � . . ��.a�d�. .
<br /> Sate of Missouri
<br /> ��'WITNESSETH,�thd Yo secure the paymrnt of an indebtctilncss in�thr principat.amount�of FivE ThouSHnd�Fi�fty and .
<br /> � �'ri0�1���� � � Dollacs(= S��$�.�� � ), with interest thereon, which shall be payable in accotdsnce with a� -
<br /> �� .certain�notc bearing.evrn date httewitb, a ttue and correct copy of which, exclusivc�of the signature of the�Mottgagor, rnarked �� �
<br /> .. � . . "Scfiedule A" is aanexed hereto�and made�n part hereof,and •II other indcbtedness which the Mor[gagor is obliga.ted�to�paq to� .
<br /> . � �.the Mortgagee pursuwt to�thc provisiona of tbe Note and this Mortgage, the Mortgagor hereby grants.�conveys and moztgages � �
<br /> .. -� to �the�.�Mortgagce:� � . . . . . . � . �. � . . . ..
<br /> � ��� � � . The fotlowing described property situate in � Hall � � County,�Nebraska. � � �.
<br /> Lot Five (5) in Block One Hundred Forty One (141) in Union
<br /> Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition to Grand Island
<br /> .f
<br /> � � � TOGETHER, with'a❑ appurtenances thercto and tll tiie estate and rights of the Afortgagor in and to iuch ptoperty b[.in
<br /> . � �anywise appertaining t6ereto; a❑ buildiags �nd other sttuctures now or hueaftcr dicreon rrected or instdled, and all fizturea � � �
<br /> , � �and artictes of personal property now or hercafter attached to, or used in, or in the operations of, any such land, buildiags or �� . .
<br /> .. � : ��structures which are neces:ary to tbe complete nse and occupancy of such buildings or structures fot the putpose�for which they � � �� . �
<br /> � � . � a•ere.or��re to be crected or installed, induding, but�ot limited to all beating, plwnbing, bathroom, lighting, copking, laundry, � . ; ..
<br /> . , . �ventiltting, refrigersting, incinerating, and �air•conditioning equipment and Sxturrs anJ a❑ replacements Ihereof�and ad3itiont �
<br /> . � thereto,whether or not the same are or shatl be atiached to such Ia�d,buildings or structures in any manner, .�� . .
<br /> � � ���TOGETHER, with any aad a11 awards now or hercafter made for the mking of the property�mortgaged hereby, ot any �
<br /> � part�thereof (inciuding any easement), by tho exercise of the power of eminent domain, induding any award foe�chaage of � �
<br /> �grade�of�any stteot oc other roadway, which awards are heteby assigned to thr Dfortgagee and are deemed a part of the property � �
<br /> ' mortgaged hereby, pnd the Dfortgager is hereby authorized ro collect aod receive the procecds of such awards, to give proper � �
<br /> . .. �receipts and acquitta�cts thereEor,and to apply the same loward Ihe paymcnt of the indebtcdness secured by thie Mottgage, noF � �
<br /> . withstanding the fact that the amount owing thereon may not thcn be due and payablt; and the Mortgagot hcceby agrees, upon � � � � ��� �
<br /> requeet,.to make,execute.und deliver any and ill assignmrnte and other instrumrnts wfficient fot the purpost of assigning tath � ��
<br /> � � � �such awatd to.�the Mortgagee, Freq dear and dischatged of iny enrumbcances of any kind or nature wtta�taoever; and � �� . .�
<br /> � 1'OGETHER, wilh all right, title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to the land lying in the stree[a and roads in ftont of �, ��, .
<br /> . . .. . and �adjoining the above described�land (all tbe above desrribed land, buildings, other stractures, fixtuzes, artidts of pezsonai � .
<br /> , . � proputy,awards end othet rights and interests being htreinaftrr colledively called the "mottgaged property"). � �. � .
<br /> � � � �: � �TO HAVE�AI�'D TO HOLD the mortgaged property and evety part thereof unro the Mortgagee, ite succtswra and asfigas . �
<br /> � � (orever fot the purpoua. •nd uses herein set forth. . - �
<br /> � � AND ehe Mortgagor [urther covenants and agrees w•i�h the Moctgagtq as follows: � . � � � � �
<br /> � 1. Thr A(urtgagor will ptompUy pay the principal of and i�terest on tLr indebtedness evidenced by the Note, and all athet � � ��� � �
<br /> � �� chargas`and indcbtednesn provided therein and in this Mortgagq at thc times and in the manntr providtd in thc Note and i� �� � � ��
<br /> �. this�Moztgagc.�. . . . . . � ' � ..
<br /> � � � � .2.�The�Afortgagot will pay w�hen due, as hereinaftu provided, a❑ �;round rrnfs, if any, and a(1 taxes, assessments, water � � � � �
<br /> � . � ratos aod other governmenial chargcs, finee �nd impositione, of every kind and nature whatsoever, now oi hetcafter imposcd on � � ��� � � � �
<br /> ; � . . the ma.rtgaged pzoperty, or any part thereoE, ano wiH pay wfien due every aenount of iadebtcdnev secured by any lien to which . . � �
<br /> . . lhe iicn of tl�is Mortgage is expressly wbject. . . . . . . . �
<br /> - . � 3. This Mottgage and the Note were ezecuted and delivered to secure m�neys advanced, or to be advsnced, by the Mortg�gee �
<br /> . � . as:�vr.on.atcount.of t loan.evidenced by the Notq Eor the purpose of rnwking the improvements described or referred to in � � f�
<br /> the Specification and bid sheet daced February 22 , �9�� , to or oo ehe �-�,� '.�.�^; '
<br /> , � �mottgaged�proputy, and:for-such�other pufpoaq�if any, dactibed or�rcferred to thnein,which improvemmta are heroafter mllec- � � ��-y � �; �.
<br /> � tivtly,ealled�"improvemrnEs." The Morigagor sha❑ make or cause to be made atl the [mprnvements. If the construnion or y�� '�'-
<br /> instatlation of�the improvements��shall oot be�c�rried out with rrasonable diligence, or eh��i be�disco�tinved�at any time for �.
<br /> iF 'z
<br /> ���.; an.y�naaoq, ot}�er tban�sirikes, lockouts, act! oL��God, fires, floods�or othei� similar catastrophies, riota, war or�insurreccion, the . � . �
<br /> Mortgagee after dae ootice 2o�the Mottgagor it hereby authorized�(aj��to rnter upon the mortgaged property and emptoy any watch- � .� . '�^•� �
<br /> menr��.to ptateet.�tbe-Improvrmrnb from��depredstiom or injury and�to pracrve and proten such pro{�erty, (b) to carry out �ny �
<br /> �ot all�tlten existing cantracts betwern �the Morkgagot aad other parties for� the purpose oE making any of the Improvements, .
<br /> � . �.(c) to ma{ce aad enter.inco additional eoatr�ctc and.incur ablig�tions for the r„rr�s�$ nf completing the Improvemtnts putsuant � :��� �`
<br /> ' . !o the��obli+alions oF U�e:�ufiurigagur.lu;eunder,aitl�er�in tpe oame of the Mortgagee or�rhe Mortgagor,and (d)to pay and dischargt "�""�
<br />� � . . . . . . � � . �
<br />