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<br /> . �.
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<br /> '�d'1 not extend oi� postpone t13e due date �i th� monthtti irrsfnll�iients referred Co in psragraphs l and 2 hereof or
<br /> C"�Z change the amount of sucl� insGalGnents.
<br /> �'� ' 10. Bozrower Not Released. Lxtension of tlie tiri3e for iaaytncut or modificat;ion of amortization of the sums
<br /> � secured bq tliis �2oitgage grunted by Lender to, an,y successor in interest of Borrawer shall not .oper�te to release,
<br /> �'+ in any manner, tlie liability of tlie original I3orrowei• �nd Borrorver's successors in interest. Lender shail not be
<br /> � required to commence i�roceedings ngainst sucl� successor oi• refuse �o extend time for nayinent nr ettiierwise :::��if;;
<br /> " � ar,3�� ti�s�tiuz, �f ine sums secuTeci by tl�is \ fortga�e i�y reasoi� of ii��y demand �nade b3- the original Borro�ver and-
<br /> � [\ Borrower's succeasors in interest. ' - ' ' s
<br /> " ; 11. Forbearance `by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearsncc lay Lender in exereising any right or remedy
<br /> ; hereundeg, or otherwise afforded by applicable lan•, 51�a11 not be a �i�aiver of or preclude tl�e exercise of anv right �T' +`
<br /> d qr reinedy l;ereunder. Tlie procurement �f insurance m• i;lie !>ayment of taxes or otlier liens or charges by Lender '
<br /> � shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate tl�e inaturity of tl�e indebtedness secuied by this _Vlortgage.
<br /> s 12. Remedies Cumulative: All remedies provided ui tiiis \7ortgage are distinct und cumulaf,ive to any other
<br /> ' � right' or remedy under 't6is liortgage oS• `afforciecl I>y la�v vr enuit,y , and inay be exercised concixrrently, indepen�-
<br /> � ; entTy br successively. ' ' ,
<br /> � 13. Suceessors and Assigns Bound; Joint �d Several Liability; Captions. The co��enants and agreements "
<br /> �- herein contiAined shall bind , and the right.s l�ereunder ,halYinure to, Lhc respectivc successors aud assigns of Lender `
<br /> and Bw•rower, auUject to the pro��isions of �iaragf•apli l i Irereof. Atl co��enant.s und agreements of Borro�ver shall '
<br /> Uejoint and several. The captions snd headings of the paiagraplis of tliis \lortgage are fm• convenience only and
<br /> ; are not to be used f,o interpret or define tl�e provisions l�ereof: �' '
<br /> � 29. Notiee. Any noticc tv Borron�ei• proricted for in ttii� Ziortg�ge shnit be �iven iiy mxiling sucii notice, by r- :!
<br /> „ certified inail addressed to I3orrower at the Property� �lddres stated belq��� , except. tor any notice required under
<br /> ¢ I�aragrr�ph 18 hereof to be given tn BorroH�cr in the m� nner �� rescribed by applictible law. Any notice ;Provided
<br /> � for in this Vfortgage sl�aA t>e deen�ed to l�a�•c been gi��en to Borro���er a�hen gi�•en in tlie manner designated IieTein.
<br /> 15. U�iform II4oztgage; Gaverning Law; Severability. This form of mortg;�ge combines uniiortn covenants ,, i
<br /> ; for national use and non-uniform covenunts witli liivited variat.ious by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> � rity instrument covering real property. This \fortgagc shall be governed by the law of tl�e jurisdiction in which
<br /> ' the Property is located. In the event thut any provision or nluuse of this Mortgage or tlie Note conflicts with ; ;
<br /> r applicablelaw, such conf3ict shall not affect. otl�er provisions of this \lortgage or the Note whicli can be given
<br /> i effect without tlie confticting provision , and to this end il�e �nrovisions of the 3lortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> � 16. Borzowei s Copy. Borrower shall be furnisl�ed a conformed copy of this 1lortgage at the time of execu- �r '
<br /> ` tion or after recordation liereof.
<br /> � ; 17. Transfer of ihe Property; Assumption. If :�ll or an,y part of tlie Property or an interest therein is sold <
<br /> � or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior ti+�ritten consent, excluding (a ) the creatiai of a lien or encum-
<br /> ? brance suUordinate to t:iiis �lortguge, ( b ) the creation of a ��urcliuse inoney security interest for household ' appli- f ;
<br /> 7 ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation oi ]�t��� upon the deatli of a joint tenant or (d ) the, grant of,
<br /> x any leasehold interest of three years or less not contuining :�n option tu purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option, '
<br /> Mdeclare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be iinmediately due aud {»yable. I.ender shall have �vaived such
<br /> q option to accelerate if, }�rior to tl�e sale or t.r�tnsfer, Lender ntid tlie �>erson to whom the Property is to be sold or � '
<br /> ,� transferred reach agreement in writing tl�at tl�e credit. oS sucli peison is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br /> � payable on ti�e sums secured by this ' bTortgagc sl�all be at such rate as Lender shall request. If Lender has waived
<br /> � the option to aeeelerate provided in this pa:agr:.pl� 17 nnd if 73ori �:�.aer's successor in interest l�as executed a writ- x '
<br /> ten assu�nption �greement accepted in writing by Lender, I,e��.9er shall release Borrower from all obligations under
<br /> ;' this Morteage a.nd t,he Nnt�_ � '
<br /> ; If Lender exercises sucl� option to accelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> k �vith paragraph 14 hereof. Sucli notice sl�all provide a period of not less tliati 30 i3ays from the date the notice is
<br /> � mailed within wtiich Borrower mxy pay the surus declared due If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> ; - ex�iration of such period , Lender inay , ��-itliout further notice ur de�nund on B'orro�ver, invoke any reinedies per-
<br /> . mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. � :
<br /> � ,
<br /> '� � , �'ox-UxiBoa.Hr LovFxa.r��. }3ori•o�ve�� and Lerider furti�er coveiiant and a�i•ee �s folloti�-s :
<br /> ; 18. Acceleration; Remedies. Ezcept us pro�'ided in � >ali.ngrii ��li 17 l�creof, u��on Borrower's breach of uny
<br /> Ycovenant or agreement of Borrow-er in tl�is \tort �ngc, including t6c covenants to pay ti;�l�en duc at�p sums secured
<br /> � by tlais :�lortgage, Lender prior to uccclei•ntian �hull uuiil noticd to 13orro�j�cr a. ��i•oti•ii9ed iii �>aragrapl� 14 l�ereof ;, �
<br /> specifying : ( 1 ) the breach ; (21 the �iction rcyuired to cure such brench ; 13 ) a date , not less than thirty ciays
<br /> � from the date the noticc is msiled to 13orro�ver, L�� �1 hich sucli b�r.ich must be cw•ed ; ancl (41 tlrut failure to cure
<br /> r �uch lireach on or beiore the dat,e specified in the noticc Inay result' in acceleratii�n of the sum� secured by this
<br /> �lortga�;e and sale of the Yroperty. If the breucl� is not cured or: or before tl�e date specified in t.l�e notice, Lender
<br /> at I.ender's option may declarc all of ttie swns secured I�y thi: �lortgage to be irn�nediately due and ��2yabie
<br /> ; without further deit�and and may fm•eclose thi� ��Iortg;�ge by judicial proceeding. Lender sliall he ent.itleci to collect
<br /> � in such proceeding all expenses of foreclasurc, including, but not limited iq, costs oP documentary evidence,
<br /> � abstracts and iitle reports:
<br /> { , 19. Borrowais Right to Reinstate. tiot���itli�tanding Lender's ucceleration of t:he smn� secured t>y this
<br /> y Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to ha�•e any proceedings begun by Lendcr to enforce this �lortgage dis-
<br /> � continued at sny time prior to entry of a judgcnent enfoTcing this '� lorhgage if ; ( ul Borrower pays Lender all
<br /> sums which would be then due under this \Ionguge, tLe Note atind notes securing Futurc: Advances, if' any , hnd no
<br /> ' acceleration occurred ; ( b) Borrower cures all i�reaches of any other ro�•enants or agrcements of Borrower con-
<br /> ? tained in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower pay�s alf reasotia}.�Ic t:xpeii,e� incurred by Lender in enforcing the covenunis
<br /> aud agreeanenis of Borrower conc.ained in thi, \iortgsge :and in eniorcing Len�ier's re�nedies as provided in para-
<br /> ; graph 18 hereof, including; but not ] imited tu, reasonliblc: at.iorney 'r iees ; and id ) Borrower takes such aciion as
<br /> 5 Lender may ressonab7y require tv assure t:liat the lien of this �turt�age; I.ender's interest in the Property und ,
<br /> $orrower's ok�ligation to pay the sums secured by thi: Llort.gage shalYcontinue unirupaireci. Upon �uch payment
<br /> � and, cure by Borrower, this Mortgage und the ot�li�stions secured hereb�� sli�ll remain in full force and effect us if `� `
<br /> ? no acceleration had occurred: ' , + � � . ,� ' �
<br /> . .
<br /> � , � � � � � . �� ,
<br /> � . 2Q. Assfigisa�eat o! _Reats; Appoiatsagnt of $eceiver, Lender in Possession. As addition�l cecurit_r' here- �x "" � � � , ' ,
<br /> u�der, Borrower hereby'aseigns to Lender tl�e rents ot ttie Property. I�roti�ide�i that Borrower shall, prior to scceler- yE�� �,
<br /> � ation under paragr'aph 18 hereof or abandonment of tlie Property, ha��c the ri�ht to collect and retain such rents ' ;`,�`,�, °y
<br /> as they;beoome due and payable. ; �'� 'w
<br /> Upon acceleration under i�aragrapii i$ hereof or abandonment of tl�e Yropertv . Lender. in person , }sy �gen# " Y^ "
<br /> or by judicially sppointed receiver shali fie ez�titled .to enter upon , take ��osse�sion of and mariaee the. Property
<br /> r and to collect the rent& of the 1'roperty, including ;those I�ast due. AI3 rents collected hy Lender or tlie receiver �'°
<br /> shall be applied first to payment o# the eosts of management of thc Proi�erty und collection of rents , including, but:
<br /> ` not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on rnceiver's bqnci� and rensoniible uttorncy's fees, r�nd then to the sums
<br /> &ecured by this SSortga�;e. Lcnsea• au1 ll�a: reueiver a1is11 !>4r iiable ro accotmt on1�- ior those i•ents actually received .
<br /> � , �,_ �
<br />