<br />`�;�. , x.
<br />'� t _.,:;� ,
<br /> .�� �
<br /> � .ry., �
<br /> - ,
<br /> tlot extend or ��ost.pouc ttie due clate oi t,lie �uontlily instrcllments c•eferz•ed to in par:sgraphs 1 and 2 I�ereof or
<br /> , change the ismount ' of such installments.
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. �xtensiai ot the tiuie foi pa��ment or modification of atnortizatinn nf tt�e sui�� ;�
<br /> ! '�j secured 'oy tfiis 14origa�c granied b}= I:ender to any successor in inteiesi of Borrower slis;l nvt operate to release; ;
<br /> Q i� sny ma�ne:, tli� :isl�ii':,y of fh� a.:ginut f3ai•rati;•cr ar.d T�lorra�; � r s succe.�ors, in ii,teresc: Lencier shali not be
<br /> C1'� requiracl to commence proceedings ugainst such successor oi• refusc; to exteiid time for payment or ot}zerwise modify
<br /> ' �� amortization of the sums secured by tl� is \fortgage I>y� reason pf any demand maGie by tlie originai Borrower and
<br /> � � Sor;ower's successors in interest. '
<br /> ,�,� ` 11 . Fozbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lendsr in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otlierwise afforded 6y ap}�licable latc•; shatl not ue' a ti��siver ot or preclucle the ,exercise of any right
<br /> r � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or' tl�e payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender F•
<br /> � shall not be,a waivei� of Lender's right` to accelerate the rnaturity of tl�e indebtedness secured by' this Mortgage.
<br /> 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remeclies provided in t.i�is \lortgage are 3istinet and cumulative to any other
<br /> � right or remedy undei, this �Ioi•tgage or afforde�l b,y la«� or er�uiiy, and �i�a}• be e�ercised concurTently;- independ-
<br /> � ently or successively.
<br /> 13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liabilitys Captions. Tlie covenants and agreements
<br /> `; herein contained sfisll'iiind , 3nd the' riglits hereunder �hnll ininr to , tl�c respective successors .ind assigns of Lender `
<br /> y � and $orrocver; subject to the provisions of panigrn��It 17 hereof: All covenant,s and .�greements of Borrower shail
<br /> � t�e, joint and sever�l. 'Phe captions and headings of tlie ��aiagraplis of ttiis \IorLguge are for convenience only and i
<br /> ; are not to be used to interpret or defirie tl�e provisions liei•eof.
<br /> 3 14. Notice. Any notiqe to I3orrower proti�ided Sor in tiiis llortgage sl�all be given by mailing such noiice by
<br /> certified mail addres�ed to Borro�ver at the Yropertv Addre�s st:ated belo���, eacept for any notice reyuired imder
<br /> paragraph 18 hereof to be given to 13orro��•ei• in t)ic � hanner prescribec3 by a�.>plicable law. .�ny tiotice Provided
<br /> j for in this 1-Sortqage _hall bc deerned to l�ave bec n given to I3orro�t•er �vl�en given in tl�c inanner designated lierein.
<br /> ` 15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. 'Chis form of mortg�ige combines uniforni covenants
<br /> � for national use a,nd non-uniform covenants �vitli limiteci varistions by jui•isdicCion to constitute u uniform secu- i
<br /> ,
<br /> ; rity instrument covering real property. This \foi•tgagc sh�ill be governe<t by the la�+� of the jurisdietion in which
<br /> " the Property is locnted: Iri the event fIiat any provisicn or clause of tl�is �Zortgage or t.he IQote conflicts with
<br /> 4 applicable lasv, sucli con(lict shull not affect. other provisions of tl�is \lortgage or the Note whicli can be given
<br /> x effect without the conflicting provision , and to this end the provisions ol' the 1lortg�ge und the Note are declared
<br /> ` to be severable: ;'
<br /> � � 16. Botrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisl�ed n confornled copy of this \lortgage aC tiie time of execu-
<br /> ? tion or after recordatimi ]�ereof.
<br /> u . 17. TransEer of the Property; Assumption. If all or any � �art. of the Property or an interest therein is soid '
<br /> ` or transferred by Borrowcr without Lender's prior �vritten consent. , excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum- ,;
<br /> ' brance subordinate to this t4ortgage, ( 1.� ) tl�e crention of a purchuse money security interest for household :�ppii-
<br /> '�' ances,;(c) a transfer by devise, descent or b,y operation ot l.i�i• upon the death of a joint tenant or (3 j the grani of
<br /> ' any leaseliold interest of three years or less not containi�ig a�i option to purcl�ase, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br /> ` � declare all the swns secured by this b4ortgage to be in3mediately duc and payable. Lender shal! liave �caived such
<br /> � �; option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale or transfer, Lender aud the person to whom t6e Property is to be sold or
<br /> ; transferred reach agreement in writing tliat t }ie credit of such �ierson is satisfactory to Lender and tl�at the interest
<br /> . �-'--:.: ���r .,..__- --- _,-.. _ . . .� : . , . .
<br /> — ,3 - �,� ��� yc.ya�uac vii e.ic ouiaaa ne�uieu U,y bi115 tv10TG�,'£lg0 St1H11 U0 fit SllCll 1'8[C :1S Lender sl�all request. If I�CIICICl' k185 W&1V0C� �
<br /> r the option to uccelerate provi3ed in this paragraph 17 und it E3orrower's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> " ten assumption agreen�ent sccepted in writing by I.ender, Lender sliall release Borro�ver (rom all obligations �nder
<br /> � this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> %' If Lender exercises sucli option to accelcrate, Lender shall �uail I3orrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> �° �vith paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice sl�all pro�-ide u period of not less than 30 days from il�e date the notice is
<br /> t mailed within �vhich Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period, Lender may , �vithout Yurt.her notice or deruanci on B�orm�aer, invoke uny remedies per-
<br /> : mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> ,r
<br /> = IvTox-LTxiFoxaz CovFrw�Ts. I3oi•i•ower and Lendei• Pui•ther coveiiant a�id ag•i•ee ati follows :
<br /> ;
<br /> � 18. Acceleration: Remedies. �xcept a� proi�ided in � �.eragra�ili ] 7 hereof, upon I3orrower's breach oF any
<br /> i covenant or agreement of Borrower in tl�is \-iort�nge , incluiiing tlic covcnanc. to �ia;: ��•lien duc� any sums secured
<br /> ' n by this Dlortgage, Lender ��rior to aceclerut.ion �liull nuiil notice to Iiorro«-cr ��s � n•ucided in paragraph 14 I�ereof
<br /> ' specifying : ( 1 ) tlie breach ; (2 ) tLe action required tp cure sucl� breucL ; l3 } a dstc, not. less tlian thirty days
<br /> � froui tl�e date the notice is �nailed t� 13orrower, I ,�� ��-hicl� .ucl � brectcli iuust be cw•ec9; and (4 ) that failu�r, to cure
<br /> ` such breach on or before the date specified in tl�c noticc rn:�y result in uceeleration of tlie sums secured by this
<br /> :VIortgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is not cured on or before the date specified iv tl�e notice, Lender
<br /> ;� � � �t I,ender's� option � may declare 1ti11 of thc swne seew�ed bv this \-lortgtige to be iuimediately due �nd payable � �
<br /> � � without� further decnand and may foreclose tl�is �1'ortg�gir by .i ��dicial pi•oceeding. I,ender shall be entitleci t�o collect �
<br /> �" � � in �� .suoh 'proceeding all � expenses of forectosui•c, including, but �not limited to, costs of docuuientary �vidence, � �
<br /> � abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. Notwitlistanding I.ender's acceleration of the sum; secured by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have thc right to have an,y proceedings begun t��• I,ender t,o enforce tliis ltortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfoxcing this 1lortgage if : (ni Borrower pays Lender all
<br /> sums which-would be then due under tl�is \imtguge, thc :�Tote ;ind nqtes securing l�'uture Advance�, if any; hac9 no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; (6 ) Borrower cure� all breaches of anp other co�•enant� or agreements of Borrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage; (c ) Borrower pays all rea�onablc ex �x�nse� incunrd h�* Lender in cnforcing thc covenants
<br /> and agreements of Borro«•cr cer.taine� in this �1ort�a;;c und iei cr�foi :�in�; 7,cr.dcr's rctnedics a. proti-:dec3 in para-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including; but not ]imited to, reasonable attorne�� '� fec� ; and ! <i ) I3orroc;�er takes such action as
<br /> � Lender may reasonably require Eo ussure tl�at the lien of tt�i, 1lort�agc , Lender's interest in the Property and
<br /> � Borrower's obligation to pay t.}ie sums secured by this �Iortgage shaill conti�iue imimpaired . Upun sucki payment '
<br /> , , and oure by Borrower, this 1�4ortgage and the obligation: secured liercU}• shall remain in fulf force vnd effect as if „ •• ; - �-
<br /> ; no acceleration had occurred. � . - ' ` �
<br /> 20. Assi � �1 .�,,« :,
<br /> gaatent of Reats; Appointment of Receiver: Lender in Possession. :�s addition�l securit,y here- ,� . �
<br /> under; Borrower l�ereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Propert}•, pro�-ide<i t33at Borro�l•er shall , prior t.o acceler-
<br /> L,,,� ativn under paragraph 1$ hereof or abandonment 'of the Property, hnve the riglrt to collect and reGain such rents ' "'.
<br /> as they become due and payable: "�� '
<br /> Uppn ace,eleration undex �iaragraph, 18 hereof oi• abundonment of the Yroper•ty , Lender, in person , b}� agent
<br /> or by judicially appuiz�Led receiver atiail bc enii[le�] �o enier u}ioii , iKke pove�aion oi aud inacrage zl�c Yropercy
<br /> andta callecL ,the renta of tha,Property, iucludirag. tLo�e 1�a�t �lue. �Ii reuis culle�•Ce.i L.- L�n�3er oi- ih� receiver -' :�
<br /> shall be apptied first to paymentof the caeta of 3nanagement of tlie Property an<3 collection of rents , indudin�, hut
<br /> not limited to; receiver'F fees, premiums on rceeiver's bon�3� and reasonaUle attorney'� fee� . and tkien to the sums
<br /> Fe�ure�i hy thie Mortg�tge. T ,ender nnd the receirer �hall he Ii:thte to acrnnnt oniti� for th ��c rcnt� 3Ctll:t�I1' I'Cceired.
<br />� - � _ _ ,..._ -1
<br />,.
<br />