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<br /> �* �STATE OF DTE�RASKA, CountY of x��� fs. �.�,,...�,m„_,.,�
<br /> Filed for record and entered in N�erical Index � ��
<br /> � �
<br /> �', # �'"„
<br /> �^ r'��-
<br /> on at O'Clock M. '-�3 . ��'��
<br /> r and recorded in Deed Reoard . �ag� ic?+ � z,�
<br /> �. �� �� � �� �
<br /> County Clerk or by Deputy County Clerk or �-`°��'� �"T:�
<br /> ' Register of Dec:ds DeputY Ftegister of Dc.-�eds �� �� �
<br /> P �• ��
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<br /> ��m������ �,�.�. s--�-��.�,.,,,�`4
<br /> , ' F7e�RRANTY DF.ED Mcw9 tT{�,�,.
<br /> Robert D. Augustine &
<br /> in consideratian of $163.00, E.G. Augustine , herein call the grantar whether
<br /> one or more, received fr�n grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br /> Hall County
<br /> hErein called the qrantee w�ether one or nx�re, the followi.ng c�escribeci real prop�-ty in
<br /> A ` Ha11 County, Nebraska;
<br /> A tract of land c;aniprising a paxt of Ic,t Five (5) , Section 2taenty-�tao (22) , Twonship Ten
<br /> (10} North, Range Nine (9) west of the 6th P.M. Hall County, Nebras3ca, and more
<br /> particularly descril�d as follows:
<br /> Camr�ncing at a �int on the westerly line of. said IAt Five (5) , said point being
<br /> One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty (1850) feet north of. the Southwest (SW) corner of
<br /> said Section 'IWenty-Two (22?; thence deflecting right 90�00' and i.n a easterly
<br /> direction a distance of 7�'ifty One and Five Tenths (51.5) feet to the AC�7P,L point
<br /> of begiruzing; thence contiuning easterly pert�ndicular to the westerly line of said
<br /> I�t Fiv� (5) a dis�,=.^.� of Thirteesi and Five Tenths (13.5) feet; thence deflecting :
<br /> left 90 00" and in a northel.ry direction and parallel to the westerly line of �, '
<br /> said Lo� Five (5) a distance of S.ix Hundred Fifty-Three (653) f_eet; thence def:lecting
<br /> left 90 00' and in a westerly direction a distance of 7.taenty-Five (25) feet; thenoe
<br /> deflectinq right 90�00' and in a northerly direction parallel to the westerly line of ,�
<br /> said Ir�t Five (5) a distance of One Hundred Twenty-Eight and Seve.nteen fiundredths =
<br /> (128.177 feet to tre Centerline of the Paltte River Channel; thence deflecting left
<br /> 130°50' arr3 in a southwesterly direction along the Centerline of the Platte Itiver �
<br /> Channel a distance of Thirteen and Eighteen hundrecltl�s (13.18) feet; thence
<br /> deflectiny left 49�10' and in a southerly direction a distance of Seven Hundred ;
<br /> ' SPVPntv �and Eiaht�-Five hundredths (772.85) £eet to the I,CTtJAL point of beginning
<br /> ' + - __..._ _-- _ ---_.
<br /> and containirig 0.362 acres more or less. - -_-- __...---------
<br /> '<i
<br /> Zb have and to hold the above described pr�nises toget..her will all tenc�ients, hereditaments ;
<br /> and aprn�rtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. '
<br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assiqns :9
<br /> that grantor is lawfully seis�d of said premises; that they are free and enc�urbrance � `
<br /> that grantor has goocl right and lawful authority to convey the same; and t.`iat grantor warrants ; .
<br /> and will defend the title to sai.d premi.ses against the lawful claim.s of al� persons whoi*rscever.
<br /> Dated 7/11 �19'7'� �-_`�` ; /' ,�---,
<br /> _-/
<br /> i
<br /> r,
<br /> y,/ ,' �,:. /
<br /> SPATE OF NEBRASKA, County of__�Q p 1?
<br /> Before me, a notarty prublic qualifi�d fc�r said County, Personally came
<br /> lrncx'm to me to be the identical person or persons who signed the
<br /> foregoing instnm�nt and acl;nowledged the eacecution Yiereoi to }� hi.s,
<br /> her or their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal on � �; � �fT��' � °
<br /> G • ;"'t
<br /> NOtary Public - ;;.� ��-F
<br /> � t*t ,4
<br /> � - My Carmission FX�ires ��
<br /> 19�� . ��.
<br /> �::,��
<br /> � � � .�ENERALN67ARY•SteteofNebr. � . . . �
<br /> _ � " 4A�.(v g t.YNGH . .
<br /> � � �� 1Ay Comm.Eza�:�Julv 22.1979 � . .
<br /> � '.. . . . � � ..
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