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<br /> :� � i��
<br />�� _ � = �, �
<br /> ar . �` . ._ . . . . . .. . � � . .
<br /> � MORTGAGE vavinqa aad Loan Porm—(Mrsct Credit PI�} 2SS2 (Soeclal) � �� . . � ..���
<br /> i3i)����; �
<br /> � MORTCAGE
<br /> �xo ,�
<br /> r. TFI[S.INDSNTVAE;made +h�• 77th day ot �11�)/ . 39 77� by and between ..
<br /> RANDALL R. WING AND BARBHRA ia. WiiJ^v il'JS.~i3nd ar.d i�+ife e�r_.h in his and her �
<br /> 3 own riqht and as spouse of the other �
<br /> ot � Hd-�I � Couaty,Nabrcuka,as mortqaqorS.,unci=ia�eda:al Sev��oad Loan Aasociatioa of Grand Ial�d. �
<br /> � a corporatioa orgaWsed aad eriatinq under the lawe of Nebraaka w3th its prindpal oflice and place of buuaese at Grand Isl�d,Nebraaka,�
<br /> . as mortgagae: . . . . � . .
<br /> ". WITNESSETtF: Yhat said mortgagor_S, for and fa conatderation of the sum of �� . .
<br /> TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NO/I00---------------------r.,uara (S 23,200.00 �,
<br /> . ��the receipt�of which�la hereby acknowledged, do—Q.5 by t�oae pzeseats mortgaga aad wmrant unto cafd mortgagee. Ste su�ceseois aad 1} �
<br /> aasigas, forever, alt the tottowfnq deacribed reat ectate, situated in ihe county oi H a� I j
<br /> � and.State ot Nebraska, to-wiN � # �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � � Togethez with all heatlng, lightfng, and plumbing equtpment aad fixture�,iadudlnq stoken and burners,rereens, awaiaqa, �torm windowm . � �
<br /> � .SS and doora,and wiadow ehadee or blinda, used on or in conaection with sald property, whether the aame are now locatad oa eaid property
<br /> : �� or hozeaiter placed thereon_
<br /> 2 TO IiAVE AND TO HOLD TfiE SAME, toqether with alI and eiagular the tenements,heredit�enL�md appurten�cee thezeunto beloag- 1
<br /> � Z ��iag, or in anywiee appertain3ng,forever,mid warraat tne iiva io�".�a.�.�. GfA�^+^*+.an.gorS-.hAreby covenvnt�_ with said mortgaqee £ � .
<br /> , ' � that�Le_.�t_ ��P , at the dellvery hereof,the lawful owner—Sof the premieee above coaveyed and described,and a rP �
<br /> �
<br /> ■aised of a qood and indeleasiblo eatate of inheritance therein, tree and clear ot all encumb=aaeea,and that _�eY—will wanant mid
<br /> defead the title thereto forever agcdasi the claima and demands of all pereoas whomsoever.
<br /> �` � PROVIDED AEWAYS. and thia inatrumant is executed aad deIIvezed to aecure the paymeat ot the sum of � � � �� �
<br /> TW NTY THRF THOUSANn TWO HUNDRED ANC� NO/I00-------------------t�+Itars (x73,�nn-nn ),
<br /> � , wlth interest tLereon,together with euch chaxges and advanee� m may be due and papable to aaid martgaqee under the terms and � � .
<br /> eonditloas o[ the promissory note ot even date herewith aad eacured he[eby,ezecuted bp eaid mortqaqar_S_to eaid mortgagee,payable . . � �. �
<br /> �. �{ w ezpressed ia said note,and to Becure the performance of all the te=me mad eoadiuona eontaiaed thereia. The terma of eafd note are � � � � . �
<br /> . hereby lnwrporated Lerein by thte refereace. , . . .
<br /> It i� the fatentioa and aqreement of the parties herato that thfs mortqage sha11 alao eecure any future advaacee made to eaid . . � . . � .
<br /> � mortgagor�_ by a�d mortqagee, and any aad al! indebtedneea in addifloa to the maount above stated which aaid mortgagors, or aay � . . � .
<br /> � of them, may owe to eaid mortgagee. however evideaced, whether by note,book account or othenvfse. Thie mortqaqe ehall remaia!n tull� � . .
<br /> � foree aad etlect between the parliea hereto aad their helzs, peraonal repreeeatativea, succeswrs and aseigna, uatil all amounta aecured . � � _
<br /> � hereundar,indudinq tuture advancea, �e paid ia full wlth iniereet. � � . .
<br /> �'. � The mortgagor.S_hexeby awigaS._to said mortgaqee all rente aad Sacome azisiag at aap and all timee trom eaid proparty aad � . .� � .
<br /> - hereby wthorize sa[d mortgagee or ite ageaL at ita option, upoa defauit,lo take chazga o!�afd properiy and eollect all renta and Sncome � �
<br /> ' there$om and app3y the eame to the paymeat of Snterest, pzindpal. lnaura¢ea premivaw, t�es, aaaesnmenta, repairs or improvemeats necee• � . � .
<br /> aary to keep said property la tenaatable coaditlon, or to other ch�gea oz paymnaL provlded for herein or in the aoie herebp eecurad. Thia � � � . . � � .
<br /> � rent asslgament shall coatiaue ia Sorca until the unpaid balance ot raid aote is fully pa3d The taking of posnesaloa hereuader aha11 in no � � �
<br /> � manaer prevent or retard aaid mortgagea fa the mllectlon oE eaid sume by forecloaure or otharwiae. . � . .
<br /> �� ?he faflure of tbe mortgagee to auon acy o£ SL rights hneunder at anp rime ahall not be eonstrued as a wmver o4 Sb rlght to aisert � �
<br /> Z the wma�at�aay�'later��Hme,��and b�lnai�t upon�d eaforce strict compliaace w3th all the terms and provisioae of eaid aote cmd o! tLis . .
<br /> � mort4aqe.._ . . . .., . ;. . .
<br /> It said aortgagoY'S ahall ccuse tc ba pa3d to eaSd mertgagee the entlre amovnt due H hezeunder,and under tha terms cmd prov[sions
<br /> . � o!wid note herebp eecured,includiag fuhue advancea,and anp�ertemioaa or reaewaL thazeof ia accordaace with the tezms aad pzovidona .
<br /> thereoL�d!f tcrid mortgagor_i_shall mmply with all the providons of aald note aad o4 thL mortqage.then these pre�eats�hall be void;
<br /> ' otberwiw to rama3n iv tull fotce aad eltect, and safd mortgagee�hall be ent[tled to ths poueufoa of all o! raid property, and map,at ib �
<br /> h
<br /> . �� op8on,declare tha whole ot w1d note md all iadebtedaeu rspre�sated thereby to be immadiatslp due and payable,aad may loreclose thL � � �
<br /> � monqage or take aay othar leqal acHoa to protect Sta riqht. �d lrom tl�s dats a1�uch detau]t all ltavu of lndabledaeaa secured Lezebp � e� ���^
<br /> . . ehall draw t¢tsrest at�4kp,pes muum. AppraLemeat waived. ' . *"t�. �
<br /> .-k ,
<br /> � � 2hia.mortgaqe �hall�be b9adfag upon aad shall eaurs to th� brnefit o! tlfe halr�. s:ecuton,admfnf�tralora �ueae�wrs and aasigns of � .�....�� � -.
<br /> the zwpserive partie�hareto. . . � :
<br /> ��
<br /> L IN WITNPS3 1VFgREOP. Wd Martgaqoz = �^�� hexsunto wt�'ho �and—,6_1Le day aad year first abova I � ;��,'
<br /> � vrrittsn. : � , ... . :. .
<br /> �r�.l.f/Lr..s%�cr%ffr �7-�i� ��Y��L',d.�a"'e�". /� �,,�,.y�.
<br /> FAadDALL ^n. WING [3ARGAF� A '�:ING ,; ,,
<br />� � ..,.......,� .....,.�,.... ,......-.,.. �
<br />.�
<br />