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� <br /> �=:,. , �F.. <br />�, ��Wu • <br /> ^.,: � >�,,»,.'`�y�- <br /> �, _ r � <br /> � � � MORTGAGE—Savinqa �d Loan Form--(D[rect Credit Plaa)�.255-2 (Spedd) � � � . � . <br /> -- _-�.-.,.�_.v.,..,...................� F <br /> � �7- U 0 4 2 5`5 MARTGQGE <br /> � ' `� <br /> . .� �xo � <br /> iHI3��IND£NTURE..:made thl� 271'h 'a�;• oL ,I��I K .191Z.bP�d.between � <br /> EDWARD A MEfN(NGER AND CARMEN A. MEININGER, husband and wife, each in his and her_ __ <br /> 3 own riaht and'as spouse of the other <br /> , ��� , �oL Na���� � � ��Couaty,Nebzaslca,as-moriqagrn_S_,aad Fiome Fedemt Savinqo and Loan Aasociation of Grand Islaad, <br /> .�a�corporation orqanfzed and e�datlnq mdec�the laws of Nebmaka with ita�prindpal oll[u and place of buaiaesa at Grand Islmid.Nabzasica, � � . : � . <br /> as mortqbgee: .. . . . . � . . � � . . .... � <br /> � � �WITNESSETH: That eatd�mortgagor_�..., !or and in eonaideration ot the sum of_ � � � <br /> � FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100-----------------------------------noilare (555 000.00 �, <br /> ��the reeeipt��af which�is hereby�acknowledged,�do1�5 by thece preeenu mortgage aad wmrant unto said mortqagee, ite eucceaeora and � . . <br /> . aaeiqna, forever, all the lotlowing�deecribed real eatata, eituated Sn the county oi—�1211.�—.—. � . . � <br /> �'and�State ot Nebraska, to-wih � � . .. . . . . � .. . . . . � � � . � . <br /> LOT TWENTY-ONE (21 ) IN R 8 B SUBDIVISION, IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> � <br /> � ' �� , t ' <br /> � �� ' <br /> � ' <br /> � � <br /> � :. -._ _ ,,_ _ <br /> ' 1 ether wiin ��' ' '�•°^^ cad�- i 1�4na..nauiomnnt_and fix[sues..-.iocludinfa s4okeis Smd,burnera,_,@cr�rens,awn3nge, etosmwindowa.. :�� . .... <br /> ; og a�� ue.,..ay. -.y......�. �' ._ . � ' " <br /> ' ` ?F and doors,and wlndow ehadee or blinda. used on or ia connectton with eaid property,wLether the eame aro now located on eald property � . ����� � �� --� <br /> S or hereat(er placed thereon. . � . <br /> .�� � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all aad einqular the teaements,hereditamenta and appurtenancea thereunto belonq- ? � � <br /> ing.or in anywise appeztaining,tozever,and warrant the title to the eame. Said mortgagor_.u.�hereby covencnt�_ with said mortgagee j <br /> � � that�:�e_��. at the delivery hereo[, tho lawfu7 owner�ot the premisea above conveyed and deecribed,and a�P �� � �� � . <br /> v <br /> S seized ot a good and iadefeasible eatate ot inhoritance therein, Izeo and deac of all encumbra¢cee,and that�he_aL will warrant �d , . . . <br /> j defand the title theceto iorever againat the elaime and demands ol ult persons whomsoever, <br /> � � PAOVIDED ALWAYS, und this instrument ia exewted and delivered!o socure the payment ot lhe num of � � � � <br /> � __FJ�Y-F I V� THOUSAND AND NO/I 00-----------------T_-_---- nonars (s 55 000.00 � <br /> with intereat the:oon, togolher with such charges and advances as may be duo und pQyable to said morigagee under the terau and jj <br /> conditions of the promiasory note ot even date herewith and secuxed hereby,executod by said mortgagoz_5__to said mortgagee,payable � <br /> j � as expressed in said note,and to aecure the pedormance of all the terma and coaditions coataiaed the:ein. The tenas o[ said note are � � . <br /> �heseby incorporated herein by thie reterence. � . ,.. <br /> p � It ia the inteation and agreement ot the parties hereto �hat this mortgage ehall alao socuro any future advaacea made to aaid . � � <br /> r � � <br /> � said mortgagee, and any aad all indebtedneea in ¢ddition to [Le amoant above atated which said mortgaqois; or anp <br /> of them, may owe to said mortgagea,howeve: evidenced whether by aote,book account or other�vise. This mortgage ehal] remafn in iull <br /> forca.aad eflect betweea the parttes hereto and their heira, persoaal repcesentaGvea, xuccesaozn.aad asaigns, until all amouats aecured <br /> .. hereunder,induding future advances,are paid in full witL iatereat. <br /> � The moztgagor� herebp assiqnS—to eaid moztgaqee all reats and lacome ariaing at any and all timea fzom said propezty and S � � � <br /> hereby autho:ize aaid mortqagee oc ite agent, at itn option, upon detault, to take charge ot said property and collect oll renta and ineome S � <br /> theretrom and apply the samo to the payment of interesq prindpal,ineuraace premiume, tazen, aeseasments, repaire or improvemente necee- � � <br /> � �� sary 10 koep eaid prop¢rly in teuantoble condition, or to other ehurqes or paymentn p�ovidr.d tor herein or in iha ncte hereby aeeured. Th3a � � <br /> � � zent aseignmeat ahall conlinue in tozce until the unpaid balance o! eaid note Is fully paid. The taking of poeaeasion hureunder ehqll in ao � . <br /> � manner preveat or retard eaid mortgagee in tha collecHoa of eaid suma by toreclosure oz otherwisa. � <br /> ? " <br /> ; The failure of the xxx���ppp ' ��'e"`fC 8�^of��its zaghts hereundar at aay Ume ehalt aot be constcued ae a waiver ot ite riqbt to asneN <br /> , � the same at cxny later �e t �,,�r u it, q�niorCe'etrict compllanee with a12 tFe terms and prv�iaions o! said note and ot thia � <br /> 4 9 -^�":k�'� ��k: �" <br /> mort a e. .�a�'��'(i�;9 s,rt <br /> Z It aoid mortgaqoz�—ehall cause to�a pmc��"��""�SH1'd"mortgaqee the eatire amouat due it hereunde*,urid under the torms and providon� <br /> $ ot said note herebyeeevzad,iaduding luture advancee.and any extaoatons or reaewals t6ereo! tn accordance with the tx:ma �d proviniom <br /> � thareot,and il said mnrtqagor�_ahall eomply with all the providona of wid aote aad o[th�a morlgaqo, thou theee prenents ehall be�oid: <br /> 5 othenvise to:emaia�.ia�futl torce aad�elleet, aad said mortqaqse ehall be eawtled to the po�aese�on ot all oi said property, and may, at it� <br /> +� opvon, de�iare the whoIe oi e�d note and all indebtedne�� repre�anted theraby ro�i immecilateIy dua and payabte,and may forecloee thia "�,"f,�`�' <br /> �. <br /> � � � moztqage���or�take anp other legal action to proteet !ta riqhA and�lrom ths dats of such delault alt items of indebtedneas �ecured Lezeby ' -� �"„,� ' � ` '�' <br /> ehall draw�iateraet aL+C3Qk gp,e:aanum. Appraisemeat waived. � � '� <br /> L Thie mortgage�ha��Yie bipoing upon and�haU enuzs to t6a b�neflt d the hsira, ezecutan, adminintrorora. �uxeeaor� and aaeiyns o! � � <br /> fhe reapective pazfle�hereto. � "3 <br /> � IN WtTNE&S�.WfIER£OF. �dd Mortqagor�.�S ha vF? hereuaw ��t th2_y„�, � �..�z._haad,__5_.the day and year firet above .: Qr�.';. <br /> wzfimn. � / I . . <br /> . <br /> s <br /> . .� <br /> S / / <br />� � -c__.�'�=�,,,��.-�'_ • � ,��.�;; .,. . ,�, . � .� <br /> EDWARD A. MEININGE RMEN A. MEININ ER "���— <br />�. � �.. � � <br /> � <br />