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<br /> � � 2.1—WARRANTY OEED Feiton L Woff Company, Lincoln,Nebr. � �
<br /> ii- [1 l�r 5� vVAi{iz��li'r uE�v �
<br /> Fred ?�. Je�isch s.nd Donr.a :�:. Ja:i�ch, ii:lStJa.IId & Ttiri�a
<br />�. ' �
<br /> , herein ealled the grantor tivhether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of $�+�+,000.00 (Forty four thousand and no/"100---------Dollars)
<br /> received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, concey and confirin uuto
<br /> Security Storage Systems of Grand Island, Ltd.
<br /> herein called the �,�rantee whet}ier one or more, ttie fullo�vin� desci7bed real property in
<br /> ...........Hall.................................... Couuty, Nebraska:
<br /> Lot Two (2) , in Janisch Subdivisiori, an addition to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, Comprising all of Lot Two (2) , Fonner Subdivision,
<br /> and addition to the City o£ Grand Island, excepting therefrom the
<br /> West �+.5 feet of the South 6.0 feet, located in part of the West
<br /> fIalf of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty—Two (22), Township
<br /> Eleven (1'I ) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska.
<br /> �NE kArKA "L�OC�h^'�N7ts.:?Y
<br /> �l'!:",1(' �rAX
<br /> '1 ''1K� ���`- �� �`'�7�
<br /> ���� � ��
<br /> �` �w�:����--a'r �.�
<br /> To have and to hold the above described preinises together with all tenements, hereditaanents
<br /> sud appurtenances tt�ereto belongiug unto the grtintce and to grantee's heirs and assi{;ns forever.
<br /> f And the �rantor does hereUy covenant with the �rantee and witlx �rnntee's heirs axi� assiene _. _
<br /> — — _....._. _..__ ___ _.._. - --
<br /> that grantor is Iawfully seised of said premises; that they are fre;e from encumbrance
<br /> except easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that gr�ntor hsss good rigLt aud lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br /> defend the title to said preiuises against the law$11 elauns of aIl persons whomsoever.
<br /> Dated August '19 1976
<br /> ................................................... ...�. ....:/..1...<.......i��'??4?G!1r.'•'-'.•.. ........
<br /> ................................. ;
<br /> .................................................................................... ................................................................_...................
<br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASI�A, County of..........Hall
<br /> Before me, a notary publlc qnalified for s�id county, j�er>oualiy� came
<br /> Fred M. Janisch and Donna M. Janisch, each in his and her own
<br /> right and as spouse of each other
<br /> �.
<br /> �V�1' StpL "4'r '
<br /> ��v��,p be the identieal person or persons who signsd the f'ore�;oing inetrnment and neknowledged � '
<br /> � r,�f C�Yie exe � ereof to be his, her or their volnniary ac:: und deed
<br /> �T "�r`,
<br /> g � NOtARY , � �� � , � , �
<br /> ' �� CpMM}�X�� �'a 'mv hand and notarial seal on .._........,�,�.................A3?Pu„�-�,..k9.......... �s..76. :
<br /> fxn�rrt : ` ,.'_."�. . .�., '' 7T'- /'/J
<br /> d'f9-.�ti�l9,�'�r9+"•`�,'R. ', ......... . �:�<-� ...�.:�?`zz`C:s�: .... Notary Publie. m
<br /> , ,. ......
<br /> •.....•• `— ' �+
<br />• r�OF IlF.�4� My c�mmission expires .... �.._..,. .«:.'�` � c} ]97.�...
<br /> ....,1.........f•..........
<br />� �.M-�. � r / � _
<br />`�.
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