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, •�: <br />� : �: <br />+�--.. � �F "'.� <br />� , . <br />�r . . ;.+. . . <br />�a.x� i+-..,__.... . � . � � � � . . <br /> � <br /> � MOR7GAGE-Savinqa and Loan�Fo�--{Dtrect Credit Pla��255-2 (Spedd) � � �� <br /> �� ,...V..... �...�... a <br /> �� MORTG GE � <br /> � : �7- �204238 :.�a.:4 — <br /> � 2Ii1S��INDENTURE.�! 26'1"h � ��day of .I LL��[ � � .�d betweea � : <br /> WI�LIAM L. GOODER AND JOYCE I. GOODER,, husband and wife, each in his and her <br /> ; nwn rig,tit, end as soouse ot the o-ther <br /> o� � � Ha� � County.Nebraalca,m mortgagory�d Home Federal Savings and Loaa Aasoeimion�of Grand Iil�d, . � <br /> a eorporaHon �ganized and a�datSng under tho laws oi Nebraska with ita prtadpal ottiee md place of bwinee�at Grand Iel�d, Nebtaslca, � . <br /> m mortgagee: . . . .. � � � � � � � <br /> .WI2NESSETH: Tk�at eatd mortgagor_S_.. lor.end in�coaridezation of eLo aum o!_ � . � � <br /> � '; THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100------------------al�Q�a �a 32. 150.00 ,, <br /> ��the zeceipt�ot�which ia�hereby aclrnowledged, do `" by theee preseate mortgage aad w�rvnt unto said mortgaqee, its suoceaeors aad � <br /> aeaigna, forever, all the followiag dexribed real estate, aituated in the county of_ Ha� �__. __T_ � �. � <br /> . . :�and�Slata of Nebraeka,to-wit: . � . . . . � . . . . . ... � . . <br /> THE SOUTH ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE AND FOUR TENTHS FEET ( 183.4' ) OF THE <br /> NORTH THREE HUNDRED SIXTY SIX AND E16HT-TENTHS (366.8) FEET OF LOT NINE <br /> (9) IN GEER SUBDIVISION BEING PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECT(ON <br /> �£ 9, TOWNSHlP II, NORTN, RANGE 9, WEST 6TH P.M., IN GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ;j Yogether with all heating, lighting. and plumbing equipment and listurea,induding�tokem vnd butnera,screeas, awninge, etormwandows ... � � . ��. �� � <br /> with e�xi�]..gT •••�v srbat3az-._th�_e.��,�.e.=,a. .—.�u . __Y� '______ —, - - <br /> � ? � and doora,and window ehades or bli»ds, unad on or in connecti�' _ _ ___ .....:-:,...,..�...,.. p open � <br /> �2 . or herealter placed thereon. � . <br /> i <br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TE� SAME, together with all and aingular the teaementa,hereditamenta and appurtenancea ihezeuuto belong . <br /> ing, or in anywiae appertainiaq,forever,and warrant the title to the eame. Said mortgagor_� hareby covenant � wSth eaid moriqaqee �� <br /> � that -�.he�!——arP , at the delivery hereot, the lawful owner S_ ol the preminea above waveyed and deaezibed,and are � <br /> # seized ot a good and indeteasible eatate o} Inhexi[ance therein, Sree and ciear of all encumbzaacee,and lhat�.�ea�_ will wairant �d � <br /> > defoad tht� title the:eto forever agaiast the claims a�nd dein¢nds of all persona wh.omaoevaz. � � <br /> PHOVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrumenl ia oxecuted and de6vered to secura the paymeat o!the aum of___ � . <br /> TH 1 RI'_L-I�I�T�iOUSAND ONE HUNDRED F I FTY AND N�I 00-------------- no��ais �g 32,I 50.00 � <br /> wiih inlereet lhereon, logolher with such charges and advancea as may 6e due cwd payable to said mortgngee undor the terwe cnd . � � � <br /> . .tondilions of the promiesory no[e o! evea date herewith and secured hereby,ezecuted by eaid morigagoi_�to said mortgagee,payable � � � � � <br /> ;� as e�cpressad ia said aote,aad ta aecure the perfo[mance o!all the terms and conditiona coatainad thexein. The terms o! said note are � � . <br /> hereby incozpornted herein by thin reference. � . . . . <br /> � I!is the intention and agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage shaU also eecure any futuie adv¢ncea taade to eaid . � �. <br /> � mortqago[_� by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtadneae in addiHon to the amount above ctated which said mortgagora, o: �y � .� � <br /> ���. of them, map owe to eaid mortqaqee, however evideaced, whether by account oc otherwise. This mortgnge ahall remaia in tull �. � �� . . . <br /> ' force-and eflect betweoa the partiea hereto and their heira, peraonal zepzeaentativea, aucceasois and aseigns, uatil all amounts a�cured � � � � <br /> � hereunder,lncluding future udvancea,aie pmd in full with intaranL . . . � � <br /> The mortgagor S_�herabp aasig�.to aaid moztyaqee a11 reats and income arisiay at eny ani all timee trom eaid property and � . � � <br /> . hereby authorize amd mortgagee or its agent, at 1ta option, upoa detault,to teke charge ot said propexty and eoilect oll ronts and Sncome # � � � � . <br /> therefrom and apply the eame to the payment o1, priacipal,ineurance premiuma, tazee, asaeeamenta, repaira or improvements necee- � � � � � � . <br /> anry to kaep eaid proporly in tenmtable coadition, or fo ofher eharqes or paymenis provided tor horein or in the note heraby eenued. This � � � � <br /> reat aeaSgnment ahall cantinue in lorce uatil the unpcad bel¢nee of said aote is tully pafd. The talcing of posaexsion he:eunder ahnll In ao . . � <br /> manner prevent oz retard eaid mortqegee in the mlleetlon of enid suxns by lorecloauxe or otherwisa � .� � .� <br /> ; 27�e . �,,�j q{�p,��qny of lta riyhts hneunder at eny timu ahall act be construed as a waiver ot ita right to aseert � � � <br /> � �� tLe same� ��{'!�t e�[L@►o ln�ltt(npaa and ealorce atrict compliance wSth aA the termK vnd provieions ot said note and of this � <br /> moztgage� .. . �� „ .s r �,, <br /> If ea � ������� Q � � ��.1e�.b�'pWd to amd mortgagee the eatire amount due it hereundar,and under the tezma and pzovisions <br /> � ot eeid aote hereby�ecurad,iacludiaq futwe advancee,�d aay extensioa� or :enewala the�reot in accordance wi�h the torms �d proviaiona � � � � <br /> ihereof,�and i!eaid mortqagorS—�hall comply with all the provisione of said note and of this mort9aq6,then theee prenents ehal!be vo[d; 4 <br /> . S .olheiwi�e fo :emaia fn Sull loree�end eS/acL �d emd mortqaq�s s6aU be eaLtled to the posxe�aian of all ot taid property. �d.may,at ita � <br /> � � �� opliun,dectaze tLe whole ot aaid note aad all indebtsdnea�repressnted thoraby to be lnunedlately due and payable,and may foreclwe this � <br /> mortqege or take �y other lagal acHoa to protact its.ztqht, aad lrom We date of rucL defcult all items ot indebtednem secured Lacebp "� � <br /> nhali drmw iaterest a47��r aaaum. ApprCiaement w�otved. �"Vi.`. <br /> a <br /> ahall be.bindtnq upoa and �hall�anuze b t}u 2»aellt�af fhe�haln. ezeeutora,adminietratore, �ueceaeois and aasiqw at , <br /> ��. �lhe rw�pective parUe�Leteto..� . � . � .. . . . . . . . . J +� <br /> � �TN WITNFS$,.WHEA£OF.. �aid Moriqagoz. �,�a vF'.b�remto.�et. thP i r _..__.�:aatL.�...!ha day and year first above � � �°`���: <br /> .. .S� wrinen. � � �� � �> . � . <br />� � � �1��!✓�� G ,.•���_ ��� j.�� r„. � �- ���,�� � .-�/i n ! ... <br /> WiLUAM L. GOODER :t'OYC ` 1 . GOODER <br />� � � � <br /> _� � <br />